
An Alpha and His Beauty

[MATURE 18+] After being sold off to be charming yet menacing Alpha Rhy's human mate, Melanie finds herself in a new strange land away from her home and from other humans, Melanie learns that being the alpha's fated mate comes with intimate situations that Melanie could not not phantom. One of them being at the whims of Alpha Rhy's who to make her his and only his in the land of the beasts. Determined, to reunite with her sister back home, Melanie needs to find a way to escape the land of beasts and return home, but that won't be easy for her because Alpha Rhy's has his eyes on her at all times. Glinting with desire for his fated beauty.

RoseDuarte · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

Night of Kisses

"Are you feeling cold, my beauty?"

I blink my sleepy eyes open from the Alpha's voice resonating in my ear. I feel his arms bringing my body closer to his warmth. I'm too tired to push him off my body. Instead, I melt into his warmth vibrating throughout his body.

The hairs in my arms shoot upward from feeling the alpha's warm lips tracing lines all over my body. He doesn't let go of my body, my body twitching to his touch pressing all over my body.

When I least expect it, Rhys sinks his canine into my neck. Nibbling at the loose sink. I don't know what overcame me, I shift closer to the alpha planting deep kisses on my neck all the way down to my own lips. The surface of my lips has the same tingling feeling. Rhys grabs on to my waist kissing me more passionately.

Lip-smacking sounds of their wet lips constantly sucking on each my fill the cool room. Rhys draws me so close to his body that time has no space let in between them. I placed my hands on his chest feeling up the muscles on his chest. I release a soft moan from Rhys's lips on my neck, kissing my on all the sweets spots of my face and neck. The friction between our bodies made my nipples prick from feeling so turned on by Rhys and his kisses.

Rhys dips his head low, focusing on placing kisses on my chest. I bite my lips, having Rhys prop me up on his lap so he can place kisses down throughout my chest. I dug my hands into his hair each time his lips graced the corners of my breasts. I hitched my breath having his warm hands grope my breast after teasing me with kisses for a moment. I kiss him on the lips again as Rhys slides his hands on my lap.

Goosebumps pop out throughout the body of my arms and legs, having Rhys raise the hemp of the tank top past my butt and move his hands into my thighs.

I clenched my thigh having Rhys maneuver his hands on the length of my inner thigh, his finger skimming on my exposed skin. He stops kissing me, taking the time to look at me. His eyes skim down my exposed thigh looking deep at one of my thighs. my bad thigh. I shift in my spot, uncomfortable that Rhys is looking at the scar on my thigh.

His hands graze my thigh. He begins to slip my underwear off. My lips are met with his again. I moans again, this time even louder when Rhys starts rubbing my nub with the pads of his thumb. I jolt each time pleasure erupts my body, furthering my arousal, hardening my nipples as he continues playing with my sensitive nub. Rhys lays my down on the bed, continuing kissing my as he still rubs down on my lady bits. I clenched my legs around him, one hand on his hair and my on his shoulder as I savored in pure pleasure.

A tingling sensation skimming over my thigh made my leg twitch from the constant rubbing along my leg. Rhys stops kissing my along with massaging my nub and looks at my with only lust and love burning in his eyes. I glances below him seeing his fully grown tent formed under his towel. Well... a surprise. I bite the bottom on my lips and pull him in for an anatomy needy kiss, pulling his hands in between my thighs for more of his pleasure.

"I've got something better," Rhys grins, pulling away from me.

I feel cold not having his body against mine. I watch him, anticipating every movement of Rhys as he slips down his towel, exposing his fully grown member for me to see. my chest heaves when he is near me, his eyes deep in lust staring at while he grabs my waist. He pulls me close to him while he kneels on the bed, spreading my legs wide open for him to see me as well. Melanie gulps, heart rate beating so fast in my chest that I sound like I am running a marathon.

Rhys places wet kisses on my lips, his hands trying to rip off the oversized tank top from my body. I place my hand on his hand while they kiss like me is no tomorrow. My waist is held in place while Rhys preps before slowly entering my.

I jolt when the tip of his member sends a wave or coldness to my entrance. Rhys coos at my placing a kiss on my neck as he carefully pushes into me.

"Don't clench," he whispers. "Just relax. I'll take care of you."

Rhys kisses my forehead before burying a kiss on my neck. I yelp when Rhys begins thrusting slowly in and out of my hole.

I bite his shoulder, gripping on to his back as Rhys thrusts slowly and deep into me who moans louder and louder from each thrust of his member. I crossed my legs together on his lower back each time a shock of pleasure erupts my body along with the sounds of my moaning reacting to his thrusts that is so painfully pleasurable from how slow and deep he enters into my core–

My eyes shoot right open. I slowly awaken, the gentle warmth of sunlight streaming through the windows caressing my face. As I stir, a sense of disorientation washes over me, lingering from the dream I had just experienced. It was intense, vivid, and undeniably erotic.

My body feels both warm and moist, a residual effect of the dream that lingers in my mind. I can still sense the electric sensations, the anticipation that enveloped me as I imagined myself entangled with Alpha Rhys. I can't help but wonder, why on earth did I dream about him in such an intimate manner?

The dream, with its passionate and forbidden nature, leaves me perplexed. I've always found Alpha Rhys attractive, his commanding presence and enigmatic aura drawing me in. But to dream about him in such a provocative scenario feels both thrilling and unsettling.

I let out a frustrated sigh, running a hand through my tousled hair. Dreams can be strange, often influenced by subconscious desires and thoughts. Perhaps it was simply my mind processing the undeniable chemistry between us, the undeniable tension that lingers beneath the surface.

I catch a glimpse of a man in front of the bed getting dressed for the day. The Alpha puts on his shirt. Today, he is wearing light armor strapped to his chest. His blue eyes glowing like the sun meets my sleepy gaze.

"Good morning my beauty. Sleep well?"

An inaudible sound came out of my lips.

"I was going to wake you but I saw you were having an intense dream."

"It wawa intense."

"What was that about?"


"Are you sure it was nothing? You were making a lot of strange noises. Music to my ears if I say." He smiles wide.

I pause watching that mischief flashing the image of the lewes dream I had. "You touched me didn't you?"

"Though you looked really good last night, I kept my hands to my side of the bed."

I only glare around him. He's not telling the truth. I know he touched me. My dream was too real for it not to be real. I look at the bed that is completely wrinkled, but not wrinkled like we were having sex. My underwear is still on but the material is a little moist.

A metal clanks in the room. It was from a drinking container that dropped on the floor. Alpha Rhy picks it up and places it in his belt buckle. "All set," he says.

"Where are you even going?"

"I'm going on a hunting game with the pack members. We do it all the time we come here to Huntsville."

"Hunting you say? Can I join?"

"No, sorry. It's just me and the boys."

"But I also hunt."

"I know, my sunshine. Perhaps another time, me and you can go for a picnic in the woods."

My hands grip onto the bedding staring at the Alpha approaching the door. He waves at me and I just shoot him a small glare in return. How can he tell me that I cannot follow him hunting when I am one of the best hunters in the town.

I rise from the bed, my mind still lingering on the remnants of the dream that invaded my sleep. Determined to shake off the remnants of the tantalizing visions, I move towards the window, hoping to shift my focus to the world outside. As I approach the window, I catch sight of Alpha Rhys engaged in conversation with an older woman. Their expressions are serious, their voices hushed. The woman's gaze flickers towards the cottage, and I can't help but feel a twinge of apprehension. It's as if she knows something, as if her eyes hold a secret that concerns me.

Sensing an intrusion on my privacy, I quickly draw the curtains closed, shutting out the outside world. I need a moment to myself, a respite from the tangled web of emotions and uncertainties that surround me. I make my way to the bathroom, craving solitude and the comforting embrace of warm water. The tiled floor feels cool against my feet as I step into the room, a sanctuary where I can temporarily escape the complexities of my thoughts.

I turn on the faucet, adjusting the temperature until the water cascades down in a soothing stream. The sound of rushing water fills the air, drowning out the noise from outside and creating a cocoon of tranquility around me.