
Chapter 8

Someone's kissing my shoulder. I moan softly and feel the bed move. Turning around, I open my eyes and see his naked back turned to me. He's pulling a shirt over his head and I watch as his muscles ripple in each movement. A beast is drawn on the left side of his back. It's beautiful. It defines him. A beautiful beast.

He rolls his shoulders back, stretching out his arms. He stands up and walks towards the bathroom. I wait for a while until I hear the shower running. Stretching out my tired arms, I sit up from the bed and look around the room. Standing up, I walk quietly towards the large double doors and take a deep breath. Hopefully, this is my chance to escape. Although, deep down, I have the feeling he'll find me no matter where I end up. He's like a curse. A spell I can't escape from. It terrifies me.

Just before I can turn the knob, I hear a low growl behind me, "Where do you think you're going?"

Turning around, I gaze at him and gulp nervously. Staring intently at me are his eyes, dark and dilated. I can see his remained calmness over the angry beast inside him, begging to be unleashed. His hands are fisted tightly by his sides and I can't help but notice his muscles beneath his white shirt. Teardrops of water slowly run down his hair.

I take a few steps back as he strides towards me. "You're not trying to escape, are you?" he demands, his voice promising punishment.

Bumping against the wall, I shake my head. "N-No."

He slams a hand on the wall beside my head. "Liar," he bites out, his eyes burning holes through my face.

Before I can say anything, he leans down and grabs my waist, easily throwing me over his shoulder. He opens the door and walks out of his room. He keeps a firm grip around my waist so I don't fall. As soon as I hear another set of doors opening, he puts me down on the stool and I face the kitchen.

"Stay," he orders seriously, looking at me straight in the eye.

"Whatever," I say, not having the energy to argue. He steps towards the stove and starts doing things. Bored, I place my arms on the table and lean my chin on my hands. I watch him silently, his back turned to me. I watch as his muscles bulge in each movement.

His tattoo on the left side of his back and down his arm resembles a beautiful beast, a large wolf. It seems so alive, reminds me of yesterday. He turns around suddenly and catches me staring at him. I blush and look away. I smell something delicious and he places a plate of omelette in front of me.

"You need to eat," he states, his tone not accepting any answer from me.

I look warily at him and start to eat the food since I'm desperately hungry. At first bite, my eyes widen. It tastes delicious. He's really good at this. I don't know whether to be jealous or thankful. I can never be good at this. My father has always been the cook in my family. When my mother was still alive, she used to teach me how to bake and since then, I've always been good at baking but never at cooking.

He takes a glass of juice from the fridge and brings it to me. I can't help but feel like he's babysitting me. Although, at the same time, I feel cared for. Does he sincerely care for me?

He sits in front of me and watches me until I finish my food. After I finish my juice, he stands up and takes me off my seat, dragging me out of the kitchen. He has my hand in a firm grip and I dig in my heels on the floor. He stops and turns to me, his brows furrowed in question.

"I'm not going anywhere with you," I say. I want to have a say in this. He can't just drag me anywhere around and expect me to follow. He took me away for heaven's sake. I should be loathing him. This is not how you treat a girl right.

"Don't test my patience," he warns darkly. "You're coming with me whether you like it or not."

"No," I say firmly.

His jaw clenches and his eyes darken. I match his own intense stare. He doesn't let anything register my mind as he quickly sweeps me off my feet and carries me in his arms. I start to protest but he keeps ignoring me, acting as if he can't hear me. I give up.

He takes me towards a room and I hear noise and men talking. Then, silence. I turn my head to look around but he covers my head with his large hand and keeps my face hidden and nuzzled into his neck. I smell his scent. He smells just as good as he smelled last night.

My hair covers my face so I don't see anything. I feel him walking then he stops. He sets me down on a high table so that I'm sitting and my feet are left dangling above the floor. I blow away strands of hair out of my face as he stands between my legs and cups my face, forcing me to look up at him.

"Stay," he commands yet again, and the fact that it makes me feel like a child is nauseating.

"Yes, Daddy," I mock, defeated.

I watch him look down at me with burning eyes. Then he gazes down at my lips, his thumb softly rubbing the bottom. "Watch your words, baby doll. You don't know what you're doing."

I didn't know what he was trying to say until I felt it. I gasp softly, feeling his little friend hardening against me. I feel my cheeks heating up as he smirks at me. It doesn't help that the way he's looking at me right now is somehow hot in my perspective. Butterflies erupt in my stomach. He really is beautiful when he smiles. Well, a beautiful beast. I look down shyly. He kisses the tip of my nose.

"Alpha Leo," someone calls behind him, interrupting our silence.

He presses my face against his chest, wrapping his strong arms around me in a defense manner, and looks back at the man. "What?" he demands impolitely.

"We have a problem."