
Amon, The Legendary Overlord

Amon's life changed forever at the young age of 5 when he unlocked his unique genetic ability - the "Fury". This power caused his behavior to take a drastic turn, making him a force to be reckoned with. Despite his wild tendencies, Amon managed to live a relatively stable life with his grandparents for 11 years, learning to keep his Fury in check. But when his grandparents suddenly faked their deaths, Amon was forced to face a new challenge: living with his mother, stepfather, and twin sisters who were not related to him by blood. Now, not only did Amon have to navigate the complex dynamics of a blended family, but he also had to attend a new school and keep his Fury under control. With so many obstacles in his way, Amon was about to embark on the biggest adventure of his life. ------ Discord: discord.gg/rK69edsWyt

Lruska · Fantasy
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343 Chs

Chapter 39: Don't mess with the quiet.

"Danger!" Ariel yelled, raising both of her hands up. Soon the helicopter starts to shake, losing control and headed towards the car that was right in front of it.


"One of them has psychic power!" This alarmed the group of people surrounding Amon and the girls.


"Too late to figure this out." Ariel's eyes were cold, she laughed out loud malevolently.

'This…' Julia took her smartphone and started filming. She had a camera that was connected via Bluetooth to her smartphone; placing it in her hair, she films everything that was happening.

Amon created lightning in both his hands and feet. Slanted slightly, that face of his was calm and bold.

Suddenly he was gone, leaving afterimages in his place. Soon he appeared in front of the men in black.

A storm of punches and kicks was launched symmetrically, hitting their vital points, sending them flying.