

Iyasere_Fedora · Teen
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12 Chs



I had only slept for a couple of hours when mom came to wake me. It was her morning routine to get us all out of bed before doing anything else. Probably because we were extremely sluggish in the mornings.

My name is Amiya Reays, I am 16 years old and this is my story.

Mom was an exceptional woman, quite commendable. A single parent of 5 children and yes, I was the eldest.

I had 4 half siblings..we were all from different dads.

My immedieate younger sister; Melissa was a complete white and had the softest blonde hair I knew and was just 6 years old. She was also the most spoilt kid. She went to a better school and had the best of everything, Her dad was rich but he didn't want anything to do with her. She wasn't bothered much since she had the latest toys and attended a fancy school. Sometimes I wished I had her life.

Tomika was 7, she was a sweet kid, honestly. she had a short brunette hair and beautiful coffee eyes. She was mostly quiet and by herself, she didnt attend a fancy school like lisa because her dad was in jail. Mom took her to visit him during the weekends and she would spend the rest of the weekend at his family house with his family.

Temaine was just 5, He was just as sweet as he could be. He too was a brunette and i used to think he shared a dad with mika but as he grew, his blue eyes told the difference. He loved basketball as much as a baby loved candy and every saturday mom drove him to practice.

And then Kobby, he just turned 2. His dad was the most available; probably because he was still a baby. He visited more often than any of our dads and got something for the rest of us too. We bonded well too and made me want him....I couldn't tell what i wanted him as.

But definitely not as a dad...He was young and dreamy, he had sea blue eyes and a charming smile. Mom couldn't stand him but I wished he lived with us.

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