
American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

[[[Hello Guys I am your fellow reader ,as for this fic it is not my work the real author is "You Mu Burn Rope" I am just posting here so that my fellow readers can also enjoy this wonderful piece of Art . I Swear as experience reader this fic will not disappoint you . I am telling you You would have never seen anything like this.Just give it a try and you won't regret it.]]] Once crossing through, Schiller became Batman’s teacher, a professor of psychology at Gotham University. On the first day, Bruce Wayne entered the psychiatric clinic. Schiller had to open the Universal chat system and posted the first post: Batman asked me the meaning of life, how should I answer? It’s a hurry to wait online. Thanos: It is recommended to kill directly. Professor X: Don’t listen to the upstairs, I’ll use my mind-reading skills… Schiller Andel Rodriguez, a world-class master of criminal psychology, the most famous psychology professor at Gotham University, his students are both superheroes and super criminals, but he does not belong to any of them, bat "Batman" likes to call him “Professor”, Joker calls him “the coolest lunatic”, Scarecrow calls him “Arkham slipper”, and Nick Fury thinks he’s a “Money Grabber.” Be Batman’s teacher, Spider’s godfather, Iron Man’s psychiatrist, Schiller’s journey to American comics, starting with Batman at the beginning. Comprehensive comics (including the movie universe), DC Marvel and other comics, do not abuse the main character, and the supporting roles do not lose their wisdom.

DaoistdABDPd · Movies
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Chapter 44 Unlucky Seldon

The next day, Schiller finished his class and collected his homework on time as usual, but today he found that the class had 32 homework assignments, which were handed in neatly, and from the perspective of thickness, it seemed that they had written enough words.

He felt little strange. Usually, although he rushes homework very hard, there are always one or two people who do not submit it. Among the many people who have submitted it, there are also many people who are fooled. Stack up blank paper, or simply copy some articles and hand them in.

But this time, he stood on the podium, flipped through it roughly, and found that everyone actually wrote the papers seriously, although some of them were not very good, at first glance, they had never written a paper, but at least they tried their best to focus on the topic, although the wording was like a desperate illiterate, but at least they tried their best not to stray from the topic.

The students didn't dare to let out the air when they saw him flipping through the homework. In the past, when this time came, the get out of class was about to end. The students were all packing up, but now no one is moving, and they all stay in their seats honestly. , waiting for Schiller to speak.

The reason for this is very simple. Just last night, the whole class knew that Schiller went directly to Falcone, the underground king of Gotham, in order to chase after Evans for homework.

In the era of no Batman, let's call this era the "pre-Batman era". In this era, Falcone and the twelve gangster families under his rule have the greatest voice in Gotham.

How powerful are these gangster families? The leader of the Eastern District, Sal Maroney, is just a running dog of the Lauren family, and the Lauren family ranks last among the twelve gangster families.

( T/N :- This is like Chinese Cultivation Bullshit)

The first is the Falcone family, and the old godfather Falcone has the right to speak to the twelve families.

In this day and age, you don't have to know who the mayor of Gotham is, or even Bruce Wayne, but you have to know the last names of Falcone and a dozen other gangster families, or you can't live in Gotham at all.

Ever since they all knew that Schiller had followed up with Gotham's godfather, all the students' work-up process last night was quite thrilling.

Schiller was very happy, so he said: "The situation of this assignment looks very optimistic, it seems that everyone has finished writing it more seriously, and then after I have marked these assignments, I will add extra to everyone. If you don't want to go to graduate school, you can come to my office to talk about recommendation letters..."

As a result, the classroom suddenly burst into warm applause, and I don't know if it was for Schiller's reward, or for the rest of their lives.

And all of this was seen by the headmaster Seldon.

As for Seldon, if it sounds good, it is called persistence, and if it sounds bad, it is a shaft. He will definitely try to mess with whoever he is targeting. Although Schiller's tough attitude makes him unable to strike immediately, he has always Looking for opportunities.

The principal can mobilize the surveillance cameras in all Gotham classrooms and observe the teachers' lectures. This function has become the best way for Seldon to monitor Schiller.

In the next few days, in Schiller's class, all the students were as quiet as chickens, and Evans automatically assumed the position of the monitor, collecting homework, handing in homework, handing out homework every day, organizing classroom discipline, and the whole teaching situation was in order. Orderly, no one can pick out what's wrong.

This gave Seldon an illusion.

Originally, when he was working in the Academic Affairs Office of Princeton, most of the students were basically at this level. After coming to Gotham University, he was too busy to establish himself and did not take the initiative to understand the level of the students. In his opinion , Homework is a student's vocation. Although Gotham University is not ranked as Princeton, it seems that the quality of the students is not too bad.

At least in Schiller's class.

Seldon only focused on observing Schiller's class, and in Schiller's class, all the students were quiet and completed their learning tasks well, which made Schiller's teaching arrangements go smoothly.

Then Seldon had another idea.

As we all know, the campus alcohol prohibition he implemented was stuck in a position where he couldn't go down.

At present, most of the people who are willing to follow this plan have also handed over their alcohol, but those who are unwilling are all diehards. These people would rather resist with guns than let the school interfere with their right to drink.

Students can resist with guns, but Seldon, the principal, can't force students not to drink with guns. He is not a native of Gotham, and his thinking is still in a civilized society, so this plan is stuck in a Quite embarrassing position, and there is no way to move forward.

When he found out that they didn't eat the fine drink, Seldon wanted to come to toast again.

Seldon, who was also a professor before taking on administrative work, graduated from Oxford University with a degree in Modern Literature and has taught at both the University of California and the Metropolitan University.

Seldon felt that to control Gotham University, he had to get along with the students, and it was a good route to be welcomed by everyone like Harvey.

So he wanted to teach a class himself.

As it happens, Gotham University has almost no literature department. There is only one teacher who teaches basic courses. Literature and philosophy majors have not recruited students for many years. After all, this damned place has no soil for literature and philosophy.

Reinvigorate the literature department and take the lead in reviving the literature major. If he can recruit a group of liberal arts students taught by himself, then he will have his own direct line in this school. This is what Seldon planned.

And it seems that Schiller's class is very comfortable, and the teaching goals are implemented well. In general, Seldon thinks he can do it again.

Although he is a university professor, the process of class is not much different from teaching elementary school. Seldon is like a cloud player watching video, watching Schiller in class from the monitoring side, and he feels relaxed.

The process of Schiller's class is just to walk into the class, wait for the students to sit down, then take out the textbook and start the lecture. There will be one or two discussion sessions in the middle. After the discussion, either Schiller asks questions, or the group sends people to spea. After that, Schiller conducted a round of summaries, and then talked about other content. The homework was collected when the class was about to end. At the beginning of the next class, there would be a part of commenting on the homework.

The 20th century university classroom is like this. There are no fancy slides. Most teachers follow the script. This is especially true for subjects such as psychology that require a lot of memorization. If you don't explain the book thoroughly, then don't think about learning anything to understand.

This process is really not difficult to watch in the video of the class. If the students cooperate, they can even finish the teaching goal in advance, and when it is about to end, they can chat for a while.

After the students became very obedient, Schiller was also willing to chat with them about the crazy murderers he had seen. Although Schiller could not remember many details because of amnesia, his legendary experience still made these boys and girls to listen it with great interest, they found that this particularly strict professor did have his specialties.

When announcing the establishment of the Faculty of Letters, Seldon fired the teacher who taught the basics of the literature course, and then went into battle and started teaching on his own.

Just like most cloud players of game videos, when watching the video, I feel that I can play on myself, and point and point crazily from the perspective of God, but when I actually enter the game, I am basically killed and lost, and I quit and delete the game. Refunds in one go.

Seldon was no exception.

After he actually started the class, he found that Schiller's class was completely an illusion. There was no obedient student here. The basic literature course and the basic psychology course were somewhat similar, that is, they required a lot of recitation and writing paper.

The first time students handed in my homework, the entire class had dozens of homework assignments, but only two were handed in, and one of them only had half the number of words written.

Seldon showed his tough politician style and denounced this behavior of not handing in homework in class, so when he turned in the homework for the second time, he didn't turn in one.

For example, in science courses such as mathematics and physics, some people are naturally more interested, but Gotham University students will listen to the tedious basic literature class well.

The students do everything in class. Sleeping is considered a good hobby, such as eating, chatting loudly, squeezing gamepads, and even flying leaves in public.

No matter how Seldon shouted, no one paid him any attention. Even if he slammed out of the door in anger, it was just that the class turned into the same chaotic self-study.

Seldon also doesn't know Gotham. If he does, he will know that the students are good enough, and the quality of people who can go to college in this city is really high enough.

In this city, there are no threats to classmates with guns, no physical bombing of schools, and no kidnapping of teachers and professors. The students of Gotham can already be called the pacesetters of civilization in this city.

But Seldon was still almost mad at them.

Especially when a lot of students knew that the **** prohibition was made by Seldon, so they started to protest in Seldon's class, someone took a whole case of champagne, uncorked it in the front row, and yelled at Seldon. Spray, doused him with alcohol, and even organized a drinking party in class.

Seldon shouted about deducting credits and expelling them, the gang didn't care, Seldon expelled two students, and the rest of the students were even more crazy, and it turned out that one dark night, Seldon was walking around the school , was smashed by two wine bottles thrown out by someone unknown in the grass, and was admitted to the hospital.

He couldn't understand why the quail-like students in Schiller's class turn into extremist the moment he arrives in class.

Maybe it's just that he hasn't heard Schiller say a word: here, only criminals can deal with criminals.