
American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

[[[Hello Guys I am your fellow reader ,as for this fic it is not my work the real author is "You Mu Burn Rope" I am just posting here so that my fellow readers can also enjoy this wonderful piece of Art . I Swear as experience reader this fic will not disappoint you . I am telling you You would have never seen anything like this.Just give it a try and you won't regret it.]]] Once crossing through, Schiller became Batman’s teacher, a professor of psychology at Gotham University. On the first day, Bruce Wayne entered the psychiatric clinic. Schiller had to open the Universal chat system and posted the first post: Batman asked me the meaning of life, how should I answer? It’s a hurry to wait online. Thanos: It is recommended to kill directly. Professor X: Don’t listen to the upstairs, I’ll use my mind-reading skills… Schiller Andel Rodriguez, a world-class master of criminal psychology, the most famous psychology professor at Gotham University, his students are both superheroes and super criminals, but he does not belong to any of them, bat "Batman" likes to call him “Professor”, Joker calls him “the coolest lunatic”, Scarecrow calls him “Arkham slipper”, and Nick Fury thinks he’s a “Money Grabber.” Be Batman’s teacher, Spider’s godfather, Iron Man’s psychiatrist, Schiller’s journey to American comics, starting with Batman at the beginning. Comprehensive comics (including the movie universe), DC Marvel and other comics, do not abuse the main character, and the supporting roles do not lose their wisdom.

DaoistdABDPd · Movies
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Chapter 42 New Job Offer

In a small bar on the edge of the wealthy southern part of Gotham City, Schiller squeezed a bit of lemon juice into the gin, and he took the glass and said to Gordon: "Congratulations, Detective, now at least You can do what you want."

Bruce, who was across from the round table, also raised his glass, and after Harvey lifted the glass, he said, "It's time to celebrate, you are the most honest policeman I've ever seen."

The four touched the glasses. Gordon took a sip of wine, his face was a little red. He didn't know whether it was due to excitement or the effect of alcohol. He said, "The more I progress , the more I know that I'm still too far away."

"It's always good to have progress," Bruce said.

Schiller smiled. He covered his mouth with a glass of wine, and said, "Really? It seems that our recent innocent boy has made great progress?"

Bruce put down his glass, and he said, "I remember you once said, professor, that you don't have any advice on my personal love life."

"But I also reminded you that it's better to be careful with your kidneys. I mean to protect your kidneys, but it's not just that you don't let it get knifed. The scenery of Trick Street is really good, and the neon lights there are all over the east coast and very famous..."

Gordon's eyes moved back and forth between the two of them, then he raised his eyebrows and said, "What are you playing with?"

"It's nothing, but I advise you not to mind your own business in the future. Some people are very confident in their kidney function."

Gordon understood this. He said, "It seems that Bruce's love life has been very rich recently."

Schiller put down the glass and said with a smile, "On the contrary."

Harvey knew something. He touched Bruce with his arm and said, "It seems that you and the girl you mentioned are progressing very quickly, how is it? You have already established a relationship?"

Gordon immediately pricked up his ears, Bruce touched his temple, looked at the eyes of the three who were watching the fun and said, "Don't be like this, what does it matter? That's my private business, The theme of our party today is to celebrate Gordon's promotion."

"I don't think the job of the Gotham Police Department's team leader is as worthy of celebration as our richest man in the world having a new girlfriend," Gordon said.

"That's a bit of an exaggeration, after all, the world's richest man has too many girlfriends," Schiller said.

"But the team leader of the police station is just like ordinary police, and it's useless." Gordon laughed at himself.

Bruce, frustrated by them, said, "Well, I admit, yes, I fell in love with a girl... no, not that kind, not because of her pretty face and body... oh, of course she Pretty and in great shape, but not…"

Gordon and Harvey both look like you don't need to explain, Harvey also said: "At your age, I liked any girl, not because of their appearance, but I know now that this is a bullshit.

Gordon tugged on his tie and said, "Is it possible that there is a girl who really made Bruce move? Then I really want to see how special she is."

Bruce said: "She's not really special, she's just a girl from the slums. Like all ordinary girls, she likes shiny gems and jewelry, and her dream is to have a castle full of gems."

"Do you prefer German or French castles?" Schiller asked. "I think Neuschwanstein Castle is pretty good. How about buying it?"

Bruce flicked his glass reluctantly and said, "I'm not soaking her! I'm serious, don't look at me like that, I admit that I used to be a little... well, not a little... but I really intend to marry her..."

"You're not facing her now, you don't have to say these pretty words."

Schiller quickly interrupted Bruce, can anyone say this?

But it doesn't really matter. Anyway, Batman is the protagonist, so it shouldn't be a big problem for the protagonist to say this.

Bruce took a sip of wine, and he seemed a little excited. He said, "We have indeed established a relationship, and we have been dating for several nights in a row. She gave me a very beautiful gem."

"What about you? Didn't you give her anything?" Harvey asked.

Bruce said, "I'm thinking."

"That's a bit rude," Harvey said. "Don't you look down on her ghetto origin? With all due respect, not everyone is as lucky as you are, and I don't think class can stop love, at least for you. …"

"Of course I don't think so."

"The problem is, if you don't hurry up and give her a gift that proves your heart, then she might think so," Schiller said. "Any slum girl who falls in love with the world's richest man will probably not be very confident."

"Okay." Bruce said, "what do you think I should get her? I can't think of it for a long time."

Harvey doesn't know Catwoman's true face, because he doesn't know that Bruce is Batman, let alone the story between them.

But Schiller was clear about this.

Schiller said, "How about a necklace of pearls?"

Bruce clenched his hand on the wine glass. He took a sip and said, "I have to admit, I don't like pearl necklaces very much, but if she likes it, I will definitely give her the best one."





After the party, Schiller went back to his apartment to clean up, except for the smell of alcohol.

It is not without reason for Schiller to shuttle between DC and Marvel. After coming to DC, on the one hand, he wanted to wait for Marvel's plot to move on by itself, and on the other hand, he wanted to finish the matter on time.

He is a fairly prudent person. He hopes that everything will have a beginning and an end. Although it was a little surprising that the old principal didn't go to prison, his original purpose of coming back was to clean up the end of the last Jonathan case.

The old principal has now become Batman's target. Schiller does not intend to intervene for the time being, but there is still one person, the missing Chief Victor.

Schiller knew that it was Sal Maroney who had kidnapped him. Even so, Maroney might not have killed him. A former police chief could come up with a lot of useful information. With such a huge loss, he won't let Victor die so easily unless he can get his money back.

But Schiller had to kill Victor.

In the early days of Jonathan's case, his ability was not enough. When stealing the fear gas, he only used the simplest method, that is, burglary, but at that time he couldn't do it completely without traces, although he removed 99% of the traces, but He still wants to kill the remaining 1% of the possibility of being discovered.

In order to reverse the case for Jonathan, Victor entered the evidence room more than once. This old policeman was the only person who could expose Schiller's theft of fear gas.

You know, after Jonathan entered the lunatic asylum, the most traditional version of the Fear Gas Concentrate was out of print, but due to Maroney's huge loss, many people in the gang are eyeing this weapon, once someone reveals who has stolen the fear gas, the gang will swarm like sharks that smelled blood.

Schiller had planned to visit Maroney, but before that, an unexpected person approached him.

Schiller followed a man in black into the car, and a man in a suit sitting in front said, "Professor Schiller, you don't have to be afraid. The godfather asked you to come over just because he needs your help."

The extended luxury car quickly arrived at a manor not far from the southern district. Schiller walked in with the guide. The decoration of the manor was very old-fashioned. After he entered, he went up to the third floor, and the guide knocked on the door. , a deep voice came from inside: "Please come in."

Schiller walked in, and he saw a tall man, or an old man, with silver-gray hair, dressed in a decent suit, with a bow tie, and a red poppy pinned to his breast pocket. An air of indifference.

He groped for the ring on his hand and said to Schiller, "Professor Rodriguez, I take the liberty to disturb you. I asked you to come because I need your help."

"I am honored to serve you, under the Falco cabinet."

Schiller walked over and was separated by a table distance from Falcone. Behind him was a floor-to-ceiling window, with two bodyguards in black standing on either side ,Falcone didn't say anything. When he nodded, and then said directly: out of his own requirements: "I have a son, he is not young anymore, he is supposed to inherit family and businesses ,I hope you can be his tutor for this reason."

Without waiting for Schiller to ask a question, Falcone said, "His former tutor was shot three times in the chest and he didn't come back. I heard people say that you can even get Bruce Wayne to turn in his homework on time, so I thought you'd be a good teacher candidate."

"Of course, I'm not threatening you. I know you caused some trouble in the metropolis. Some people found it here by the smell, but they should all be in the gutter by now."

"This is my sincerity, what about you?"

Schiller looked at Falcone, who was more like the gang leader who was portrayed by DC Comics in the early days. Falcone was inspired by Corleone in the Godfather, the character created by Marlon Brando.

Now it seems that the old man is indeed more like the godfather of the family ruling Gotham's huge gangster than the image of Falcone wearing a jacket and eccentric sunglasses in movies and TV shows.

"Yes, but I have one more request."

"The former police chief is missing..." Schiller said.

"You want to find him?"

"No, I want to kill him."

Falcone sat down, he took a cigar that was handed to him by the person next to him, took a puff, exhaled the smoke, and said slowly, "Victor... I know him, a little clever old liar, you have a relationship with him. What hatred?"

"I think, in Gotham, you don't have to have hatred to kill someone."

Falcone smiled with a cigar, and he said, "It seems that you will indeed be a good teacher."


So ,I will make this clear, unlike other fic where MC kills the gangster families or just treat them like nobody, here it would not happen like that .

These gangster families, specially Falcone family will play a huge role in upcoming time, and they will be contributing to development of Gotham.

Give me power stone:-And leave comment to tell your intake on story so far.