
Amaryllis: Broken Strings and Sharpened Needles

Timothy_Hogan · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 1

Silence choked the very room of any noise as Lucas stared at the situation he tried to grasp. His eyes blinked twice at the scene in front of him felt more of a fever dream.

"It's mom..." He told himself as he looked at his mother. She was wearing his dad's favorite Queen's shirt and pajama pants with her long white hair resting against the back of the island. "And..And..her."

His eyes slowly shifted to the lengthy woman that stood two-feet-taller then his mom. Standing naked with her long brown hair covering most of her chest and her arms covered in a mixture of a black exoskeleton and fur covering her private. Her face hung low as said brown hair covered her face with the exception of her right eye and smaller eye poking out from a split. She didn't seem to focus on the situation in front of her but mostly in a separate area all together.

Taking a visible step back, memories of what she did played in his mind as he couldn't believe she was standing next to his mom. A low ring would start to feel his ears as his breathing started to increase as his heart began to pump more and more.

"Should I run? Should I attack? I have to protect Amay. But what if she attacks us again? Can I fight back? What if she attacks me again? What if she plans to finish what she started? Can mom protect me? What if she kills mom and Martha? What if she kills us all? What if she kills all of them and just leaves me? I have to do something. Why isn't my body moving? Why is she just standing there? Is she waiting for the right moment?I can't take her own.I need to attack or should I runawayCanIoutrunher?whatifshecatchesmewhyisithardtobreathwhyismybodynotmoving..."

As his mind started to race, Lucas body stood perfectly still as his body started to detach from the situation at hand. His hands began to shake a blush aura started to leak from his body.

"What the hell is the meaning of this?!" Amay asked enraged at the sight as she took a step forward. The whites of her eyes became black, while her iris dilated to massive red spheres with a barely visible black slits for pupils. Her clawed fingers opened as she began to point a finger at Ida

However, Amay stopped as she felt her hair stand up and pull towards Lucas as sparks of electricity nipped at her. She then noticed a bright blue light emitting off of Lucas as his aura continued to grow.

A wheezing sound came from nearly every light fixture around them before they start to pop one by one from the ones closest to Lucas. His aura started to become erratic as streams of electricity danced up and down his body. The wood floor began to creak and hiss as it felt the electricity burn and claw into it. Smoke began to life a small fire began to burn from where he stood.

"Oh no." Amay let out as she was forced to take a step back from the growing danger. She tried to take a step forward but the electricity zapped at her. She couldn't help but sqent her eyes as she felt the heat and brightness mess with her eyes.

Even Ida was forced to look at the display that was going on.

"WhatifsheattacksthemWhatifsheattacksmeWhatifshekillsAmayagainWhatifshekillsallof themImnotstrongenough Imnotstrongenough HowcanIsavethemifi'mnotstrongenoughtodoanything?"

As his mind continued to spiral into a dark pit, Lucas felt a warm light start to engulf his body.

"Lulu," The light spoke in a soft anglic voice filled with compassion. "It's okay. I need you to relax for me."

The raging storm in his mind soon started to slowly ease. All the worry and negative thoughts started to drain from his body as he soon walked towards the warm light that called for him.

"It's okay, Lulu. Just follow my voice for the moment." The light told him as the electricity soon faded away.

Lucas felt the warm voice press against his body, as all his thoughts and worries started to melt away and felt himself become more grounded. He slowly wrapped his arms around what he assumed to be the waist of the light and burden his head on their shoulder. He felt the warm light touch his hair as it gently caressed him back.

"Lulu?" The voice called to him. "On the count of 3, I need you to open your eyes and take a deep breath for me."

"..Okay.." He said in a meek voice.

"1....2....3" The voice counted down slowly and patiently. They were trying their best not to rush him. "Go ahead and open your eyes dear."

Following the light on its command, Lucas opened his eyes to his face bured in his mom's shirt. He looked up to the situation at hand to realize the kitchen was a mess and the smell of a fire had happened somewhere.

"Wha..what happened?" Lucas asked trying to figure out what happened in the last few minutes just now. He remembered walking in the kitchen to see his mom and Ida but everything else had spaced out.

"That's not important at the moment," Elizabeth had assured her son as she did not want to send him into another episode. "At the moment, I just need you to go upstairs with Amay and I will be up there to explain everything to you."

"Oh..okay?" Lucas asked a little surprised as he took a step back. He jumped a little when he felt Amay grab his hand.

"It's okay, Lucas." Amay reassured him as she gave him a soft smile. She then looked back at Elizabeth who had some burn marks in clothes from the electricity and small fire. With a little pull, she pulled Lucas out of the kitchen doorway to follow her. "Come on."

"Oh, okay," He replied as he followed her back up the stairs passing Martha in the hallway.

As they left, a long sigh of relief left Elizabeth mouth. She placed her right hand on her head covering her eyes and she took a moment to mumble to herself. With her left hand she lifted up her index finger and did a little counter clockwise twist. On que the entire room began to almost rewind the damage that happened in the last few moments. The pieces of glass that broke from the light bulbs picked themselves up and rebuild the light bulbs that burst. The wood creaked and groaned as it refixed and polished its. Even the burn marks faded as if it never happened to begin with.

"Why didn't I see this happening like it did?" Elizabeth asked herself as she groaned at her own ignorance for doing such a idiotic move. "You don't throw things like that on a person and expect it to not blow up in your face."

With another sigh, she removed her right hand and placed it to your side. Her attention then turned to Ida that still stood in her same spot without daring to move a muscle.

"Is the bath ready for her?" She asked Martha as she stepped into the door way with a big and small towels in her hand.

"Yes ma'am," Martha answered in a monotoned voice as her blank face looked at her mom and then the naked woman.

"Excellent. " Elizabeth said as she walked towards Ida. She then stopped as she look the girl in her black eyes as she could hear her shaking. "Follow Martha to the bathroom and take a nice hot bath. There's razors and other things in the bathroom you can use."

Elizabeth told the girl in a calm and relaxed voice. She then looked down at her built and size for a moment and noticed Ida flinch slightly.

"Try on some of Martha or my clothes for the moment, and some time tonight and tomorrow I will order you some." She told Ida as she took a step back and folded her arms. "I also know that Spiderkin like to walk around naked. You know I can't allow that with my son around, so you need to be at least covered to some degree. I don't care what you wear, but don't push it. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes," Ida answered in a low weak voice almost like a whisper.

"You will also be rooming with Martha for the next few days. So as soon as you are done and dress, you will go to her room." Elizabeth told her as she stepped to the side. "After I'm done talking with them, I will be in the room to discuss your terms and rules for being in my house."

"Okay," The words leaked from Ida's mouth like an automatic response.

"Good," Elizabeth said before nodding to Martha. "Go ahead and go. You're starting to smell."

Without questioning or responding, Ida began to speed walk towards Martha to hurry and get away from Elizabeth.

Letting out a finally sigh, Elizabeth followed behind them as she need to talk to Lucas and Amay now.

first chapter to kick things off. It definitely feels good to get things going again. Let me know what you all think.

Timothy_Hogancreators' thoughts