

Amana is a beautiful poor girl she is in need of money because her mothers illness get worse day by day she don’t know what to do One day as she was walking lost in her deep thought she was captured by a masked man who she don’t know but he knows everything about her. He asked her to work for him in return he will be paying her a huge amount of money What will Amana do? Will she agree to the job because of her mother’s condition or will she let her mom die Will love bloom as these two main Leads spend more time together or will it not Come let’s find out together Please if you like the first chapter let me know so that I will keep updating frequently when am less busy. I need your support to continue this story ❤️

Ramlatan · Urban
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3 Chs

The masked man

As I was walking I was in deep thoughts thinking about what I should do next

Then all of a sudden I felt someones arms tight around my mouth I try to see who it might be but I couldn't my body was stiffen

Now I was Seeing everything two two

Like the world around me was rotating

Then I fainted

I woke up to see myself chained up to a bed in a small basement like I did something wrong,like I was a criminal or a slave

That didn't bother me at all, all that matters to me right now is my mother

I keep questioning myself

will she be okay ? What is she doing now ?

Then I Hurd someone open the door

There stood a tall man in a black suite he looks well built

I can't lie his body looks sexy especially with the suit that lays flat on his muscular body

I couldn't see his face because he was wearing a mask but I could tell he is handsome because the mask fit perfectly and you could see his long ass eyelashes and his deep blue eyes like the ocean.

He sat down on the chair with his legs crossed

He kept observing me up and down up and Down then he finally said

Damm you a real beauty"

His deep voice gave me chills

there is something about This man's voice that made me feel warm and forgot my worries.

I stared at him and said

Who are you