

Amana is a beautiful poor girl she is in need of money because her mothers illness get worse day by day she don’t know what to do One day as she was walking lost in her deep thought she was captured by a masked man who she don’t know but he knows everything about her. He asked her to work for him in return he will be paying her a huge amount of money What will Amana do? Will she agree to the job because of her mother’s condition or will she let her mom die Will love bloom as these two main Leads spend more time together or will it not Come let’s find out together Please if you like the first chapter let me know so that I will keep updating frequently when am less busy. I need your support to continue this story ❤️

Ramlatan · Urban
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3 Chs

My life

I came into our room and I saw mother laying down the bed i could tell her illness came back and she was very much in pain.

I hate seeing her like that,mother was the only one I had left And I can't risk loosing her

We are very poor it got to the point that we barely get enough food The day father was the one we depend on but he died of heat attacked last year.

Sometime I wonder if my dad is really my dad because he always treats me coldly for some reason that I don't even know, but I know that mom loves him so much you can tell by the way she looks at him

Mom's illness gets worse as days goes by we don't have enough money to pay for her hospital bills

I went around my neighborhood to ask if they can help me with anything they got but they beat me call me Names and threw me out like am not a human even Animals don't deserve this kind of treatment

I keep confronting myself that one day everything will be over

Don’t be

Ramlatancreators' thoughts