
A World to be Explored

Micheal and the wolf looked back at each other. Micheal could not believe what he was seeing. These types of ferocious wolves that were threats to humans had been already been exterminated long before his era, and it was the first time he had seen a live specimen before.

The outrageously foul smell that was coming from the wolf's saliva, the low growl that was emitted... he had truly been brought to another place! There was no way this could be a hologram, since even the most realistic one could not induce the feeling of fear in him.

The first thing he had to do, was to get rid of the wolf. Currently, the situation was too hard for him to get out unscathed of, and so he had to find a solution to kill the wolf. The problem was, how could he ever kill this wolf? He did not have any tools to deal with the wolf, and with his weak teenage physique right now, it would be impossible to overpower the wolf with pure brute strength.

Just as he was racking his brains on how to deal with the wolf that was hungrily eyeing him, Micheal could hear a fairly loud beeping sound. It was similar to when he had booted up his modified robotic chip for the first time!

"Could it be...?" Micheal questioned the probability of his robotic chip also travelling along with him into this new place. There was no scientific explanation for this, but then his reincarnation also had no explanation too.

He had nothing to lose anyway. Micheal willed for the chip to power his left arm, and at the moment, his arm underwent a significant change. The weak teenage arm of his started to develop artificial muscles, and he could feel a ticklish sensation in the process.

Micheal could not believe it. His robotic chip really came along with him to this new world! With this chip, every obstacle that this world had would pose no difficulty to him any longer. Anything could be crushed under the power of his robotic chip!

The wolf lunged at Micheal with its claws outstretched in an attempt to kill him in one pounce. Unfortunately for the wolf, Micheal had already been prepared for the wolf's advances, and delivered a punch to the wolf's face.

The wolf's natural instincts warned it to retreat, but it was too late. As the wolf met Micheal's brutal punch, his arm went straight through the wolf, leaving a hole inside it.

As Micheal retreated his arm, he could see the shattered ribs and the gory insides of the wolf resting on his arm. He quickly wiped it off using the grass on the ground as his arm turned back to normal.

Now that the wolf was gone, he could now see the surroundings of his location. Bright sunlight shone on him at the foot of a small hill. Micheal assumed that his current body had probably been resting there before his consciousness had directly taken control of the body. Not only that, he now held the teenager's memories and name to blend into this new environment.

The teenager's name was Liam Pot. His parents had died in a great famine, and he lived within the Sapphire Empire, although it was in the smallest, unnamed substate. Following that, he lived within an average sized village inside that substate. He also had a little sister called Maylin that he was fond of, Tarkhan the village elder who took care of him, and had a crush on the village's belle, Lisa.

The dreams and emotions of the youth before him did not matter the slightest to him. In this strange and foreign world, he did not have much knowledge about it, even if he had absorbed the memories of a native. It was not like the native was an important person, who would certainly know much more.

Luckily, Liam had possessed the ability to speak and write in the local language, and knew about some practical things in this world. For example, he knew that the wolf's pelt could sell for 5 bronze Delta, the local currency in this area.

"First, to skin the wolf, we need a sharp object. The broken ribs of the wolf could be fashioned into a makeshift knife." Micheal said out loud to reinforce his goals. However, he was a bit taken aback when his voice broke. It had been a very long time since it happened.

Not only that, he also might have a teenager's hormones. Readjusting to a teenager's body may be harder than he thought. His emotions and irrational thoughts may pose some danger to him.

Still, he still had a massive stroke of luck, getting to reincarnate and have a second chance in a different world. There was simply so much he could discover and explore in this new world.

This time, he would not let anyone control him so easily. Only when he took control of his own fate, will he be truly safe. Becoming a pawn of others? He had already experienced that, and the only true purpose of a pawn was to be expendable. He needed to become a player to keep his life secure. The only true way to be a player, was to become strong.

No matter how smart one is, no matter how important they were, all of this was built off an unstable foundation. Micheal had been a prodigy in the previous world, but he would have been devoured by the wolf if he did not have the strength provided by the robotic chip.

The most important thing to Micheal right now, was to become stronger to safeguard his life. The first thing to become stronger, was to obtain knowledge and materials.

He powered his arm with the robotic chip, and took out the ribs of the wolf from its corpse, before breaking it in half with a snapping sound. The bone marrow of the bones was exposed to Micheal, who sucked on it for a few seconds to sate his thirst, before taking the bones to a large rock for grinding.