I don't have anithing from Potterverse unless my OC. Blame JKR about this. My MC is a smart and cold person who like live in liberty and situations under control.
Time passed quickly and Hermione and I studied the first year material extensively. Every line of text was memorized and every spell and potions tried out. We had time for it after all, but even all our hard work only lasted 3 months as the material was completely mastered. After that we went out and bought materials for the second year in the diagonal alley, including potion ingredients and some materials to train offensive spells.
Hermione always complained that we needed to train physically but she couldn't go more than 3 days without exercising properly. A good thing in my opinion, but incredibly irritating in hers. Well I wouldn't apologize. We went through the second year materials and mastered it properly in June 2001. Another 3 months and the school year would begin. I was excited for my first prank in the wizarding world.
Ah, maybe I forgot to mention it but my heritage was exposed to the wizarding community 5 months after our diagonal bank ride. The Goblins sent me messages warning of the cut in finances of a certain blond Death Eater who wanted information on the new Lord Black. Knowing I was Bellatrix's offspring sure scared him enough if what my manager said was any indication, but of course I prepared properly. The same day that Malfoy Senior got the news I instruct the Goblins to send the same information to Rita Skeeter. I could only laugh imagining the man's reaction to learning that his spending money had been so high.
I also made a point of asking the Goblins for protective services for my family. You see, most of the witch wards are created in such a way that the main objective is to drive away Muggles. What I asked the Goblins was the opposite. My parents were muggles after all, they needed security and not a security where their memories were erased. I wanted real security. So our mansion has been properly protected against any and all people, creatures or monsters that have magic. Only wizards whose magic frequency was registered in the wards would be allowed to enter.
The Goblins were quite impressed by my application of the spell and began offering this service to Muggleborns rich enough to pay. After all, family safety is never a bad investment. I also sent a letter to Andromeda Tonks and was currently expecting a visit from her. I needed her and her husband not to get lost in the nuances and loopholes of wizarding laws.
I sent a letter telling me about my situation and asking for a meeting. She responded quickly if I said so myself, although this quick one was still using owls. We were in the 21st century and wizards still use owls. I was upset about this. In no more than 10 years Muggles would have taken communication to the most efficient level in history and that's without magic. Magic overrides reality and wizards use owls! This was the height of absurdity!
Whatever it was, complaining didn't help. I was already working on a more efficient means of communication. Maybe a CAD like the ones used by Shiba Tatsuya? I still needed more studies.
As I lost myself in thought, a signal was sent by the alarms the Goblins placed in the nearby street to alert the arrival of wizards. I used my prescience quickly to confirm the visitors, and when I saw the Tonks family walking in search of my house, I disabled the wards. It didn't take long to invite them in and we sat in awkward silence in the parlor.
"Can you tell us what reason you have for wanting us here Lord Black?" Edward Tonks was a Muggle-born handsome and quite elegant. His suit was well cut and very professional, plain brown hair and clean face gave him the feel of an ordinary neighborhood boy. A kind and warm neighbor. Even his serious expression when questioning me was kind of redundant when everything else was sympathetic.
"Well I can and I will." He said amused. "okay, let me think where to start... Oh yeah, you must know about my inheritance and how I was accepted by the Black family magic as one of the heirs so skipping all that, what do you know about my mother?"
"A Death Eater loyal to Voldemort..."
"Don't say your name!" I interrupted quickly as I turned the Wards back on. Damn stupid wizards.
"We don't fear a dead man, Black Heir" Ninphadora Tonks said irritably. She had held back since nothing came into the house but I could see her discomfort. After all I was from her mother's family, known to be crazy and dark-minded. .. nothing I care about.
"First of all, Miss Tonks, your assertion is wrong. Voldeshorts is not dead...
"Voldeshorts?!" she repeated in disbelief as a smile spread across her face. I hadn't really been interested in her looks before, but it was pretty common at best. What would be impossible. She washer parents' daughter after all and Andromeda was an absolute beauty and Edward was handsome too. If I wasn't mistaken that was his shifter skill in action.
"Yes, don't assume my reluctance to say her name is respect for the noseless…" that sent another giggle from her. The adults also relaxed at hearing my contempt for the supposed Dark lord, but they were still suspicious. I applaud it actually. "What happens is he's not dead yet and his name has been placed under magical taboo. Anyone who says his name out loud will expose his location to his minions."
The adults shuddered at that and the man looked at me even more suspiciously.
"How would you know that?"
"I have a very useful ability to know things that no one else does, Mr. Tonks. There's nothing in this world that actually stops me. A certain person told me that I was favored by Lady Destiny once. Considering I've never had a problem seeing past or future I think it's okay." I threw the information at them nonchalantly as I poured myself a cup of tea and drank it slowly.
"Are you a seer?" Nymphadora seemed to have stars in her eyes. "Can you tell my future?"
"People shouldn't ask that kind of question. Knowing the destination by itself changes the same. There are few who could have information and not go crazy..."
"No excuses. Can you or not?"
Irritating. Should I be kind and keep explaining or... just kill your excitement?
"If you're sure you want to know…I don't care. But let me warn that whatever you hear don't blame me for it."
"Nymphadora…" Andromeda Tonks tried to intervene, but the shifter ignored her.
"I want to know. And don't call me that I'm Tonks! Only Tonks!
"Miss Just Tonks, I would listen to your mother if I were you." I sounded quite annoyed at her behavior already. The girl should be 17 years old isn't she? Where was this child's maturity?
"Don't be boring and tell me."
Okay. I will do it.
"You will graduate and audition for an Auror. Surprisingly you will pass r and become Alastor Mood's apprentice…" I paused the report for dramatic effect. "Four years from now the Dark Lord will return and start a war again. You will support Dumbledork's illegally created organization, the Order of the Phoenix, and in the process fall in love with a werewolf allied with the old goat. Ah, you will have a child with this werewolf, a silly act as the possibility of your child having lycanthropy is high, but he is born healthy and inherits your shapeshifter trait. Well... after that you die in the final battle that will take place at Hogwarts with your husband leaving your child fatherless. End of life of Ninphadora Tonks."
The account was raw. Not a prophecy, but like a poorly written literary plot. And that was my intention. I needed to let her know what was going on and that's what I did. The silence lasted a long time before the older man really went deep and asked.
"Is the Dark lord really alive?
"Yea. He used a vile means to keep himself alive and pseudo-immortal. You see, the practice of creating Horcrux is the height of idiocy considering that magic grows thanks to the evolution of the soul, but the idiot was afraid of dying more than anyone else and so did a stupidity that limited his magical potential." I sighed regretfully. "If he hadn't done that he would have surpassed Dumbledork in raw energy a long time ago."
"You don't seem to like Dumbledore" Andromeda noted wisely as she sipped her tea. She had been silent most of the time and that wasn't unusual. As a woman raised by the Black family analyzing people was one of the things she definitely learned It was no surprise to have put such a revealing phrase at such a time.
"I do not like. Mainly from old bastards who want to use me in their own hidden agendas. And that brings us to why you're here." She said with malice. "I need a magical guardian. My parents don't qualify for this as they don't have magic and the school would have put the old goat as my guardian if I went there without one. I actually want you to be my sister's guardian, Hermione too."
"And why would i do that?
"I hoped that the love in your heart would be motivation enough." She said.
"I sincerely doubt that" she smiled knowingly. A smart woman after all. I liked her more than I expected. Well...it helped her look amazing. If this were an anime I would be the horny shota and she would be the milf who I'd snatch it. But... I have no craving for married women. Well anyway, I needed her to accept that and I needed to pay for her help.
"OK. I intend to reinstate you and your family back to Black House if you accept my proposal." She said without hesitation.
"Should I take your word for it?"
"It should but we know you won't. Anyway we will sign amagically binding contract on Gringotts if you accept. Of course, I would also like to have your husband's legal services with my personal attorney, and I will pay for both of you. I will also ensure that the gang will have a good future as an Auror..."
"I will not let her become an Auror. Not after hearing what she said."
"You should calm down. Ms. Tonks, my prediction is not something you need to worry about. Being an Auror is your daughter's dream, her safety will be guaranteed for at least 7-8 years from now. We just need countermeasure to avoid the final destination. After all... It's not the fact that she's an Auror that would kill her, but the ass-lickers of death."
After what I said both Tonks minor and the lady calmed down. I didn't want to be blamed by Ninphadora Tonks for her mother's decision to stop her from pursuing her intended career. Not that she needed to obey. After Hogwarts she would be considered an adult witch. Until then how would Andromeda stop her?
Anyway, the woman accepted the agreement and after that we started talking normally. Hermione showed up after a while and she kind of won over everyone in the room. I had kind of trained her on how to act in social situations. I also made a point of training this with her in group meetings at the muggle schools we attended.
Not that I could be a model as I avoided any Muggle contact with the exception of my precious sister. I actually received the title of Vampire Prince from my friends at school thanks to my unusual red eyes. Which didn't stop the girls from asking me out constantly. If I were a vampire I would be the best fed in history and I wouldn't even have to work for it.
Anyway that could blame these girls for finding me attractive because sometimes even I had my narcissistic moments. After all, I was a Greek god in terms of appearance. Narcissus would have kicked himself after seeing me and questioned his sanity for falling in love with a reflection of him instead of falling in love with me... Not that my unrestrained beauty helped me much in getting friends. This made me rather annoyed that even in my past life as the prodigal heir to a capitalist empire I had friends. True friends even. But here... I would only receive female adoration and male spite (sometimes the opposite happened, after all... some boys had some very dangerous plans for my anal virginity, which I avoided thanks to my prescience skills).
Well, after a few hours of conversation, the Tonks family said their goodbyes. Young Tonks blushed when I commented that I was happy to meet her, which wasn't an unusual thing for me, and Andromeda gave me a hug that... was very similar to my adoptive mother's. Because of that I enjoyed the feeling and closed my eyes smiling satisfied.
Of course, this provoked me from the Tonks family and from Mione who called me needy. Let's say she also played along when I exposed the fact that she demanded to sleep with me.
"See you in September, Dora." I said using an offhand nickname. It was a nickname used in the canon if I remembered right. Although I got annoyed right after you left. "Can you tell me what part of your name bothers you?" I asked curious.
"Nymphs are known for lust. I don't understand why my mother gave me that name..."
"Do nymphs exist in the wizarding world? I thought they were beings imagined by Muggles.
"They... I don't think they exist...
"Well if they don't exist where did you get that they were known for lust? As far as I know the nymphs were known for their beauty and lived in nature. According to the myth they were chased by men for sexual things but the mere mention of a chase indicates that they were running away from it." I spoke. "Besides, Ninphadora, it's an even cooler name as the word Dora means gift or gift. Interestingly both the myth and the name Dora came from Greece, I don't think her name is something to be ashamed of you know? It's pretty cool. Better than mine since I named myself and didn't look for a meaningful name.
At that moment Hermione quickly interrupted my argument.
"As far as I know the name Castiel has a very broad meaning but is more commonly associated with the biblical angel of loneliness and tears. That actually says a lot about you."
"Where did you get this information? I didn't know the name was so depressing." And I really didn't know. Could I change my name now?
"I like your name and I won't let you change." She said with resolve.
The Tonks family smiled at this and Nymphadora seemed to think a lot about what I said. She was also glaring at her mother with more… understanding looks if I had to guess.
"Well, we are going. Come visit Castiel. But... I will send letters to find out about you atHogwarts. Look... I don't want you to get in trouble at school." Andromeda said seriously.
"I'm not one to get in trouble you know?"
"Yes sure.
"Bye then." She said quickly before the conversation escalated and Hermione exposed me again. This little girl needs a lesson. Perhaps a few spankings would be effective. "Bye, Nin." Now that sounded better than Dora. "See you at school".
"Goodbye, Mr. and Mrs. Tonks. Nin, let's keep corresponding."
"Of course" the shifter smiled and walked away with her parents.
"Let's train," I said. That would be a more fitting punishment than spanking. I'll leave my palms on your ass when I can enjoy your body sexually.
"Oh no!" she ran and I followed her. Hunting was good, if I say so myself.