
Am I not a diviner in potterverse, ok? Ah, look I am!

I don't have anithing from Potterverse unless my OC. Blame JKR about this. My MC is a smart and cold person who like live in liberty and situations under control.

KuroBastard69 · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

9 and 3/4! Magic AOE! Savior is showing herself! A female Potter?

I was bored. Now I understood how Izaiyoi felt before traveling to the small world. It wasn't the boredom of the all-powerful being who had no one to play with, nothing so coarse. It was just... I knew this world. There wasn't much news. If the plot held I would... honestly would blow up some mountains just out of frustration. Not that I could do it anyway.

Now, it would be different if I were a 13 or 14 year old. After all at that age my sexual impulses would already be starting to manifest and that would distract my mind. There is a certain saying that to make a man happy you must keep your stomach full and your balls empty. I call this the wisdom of the masses at its best.

Anyway I wasn't 13 or 14 years old. I was a cute boy of 11 and although my body already showed some promise in the sexual field it was still just promise. Of course, there wasn't much to do but wait for the years to come.

"What are you thinking? We're almost late." Hermione said as she pulled me through the station looking for station 9 and ¾ that our ticket specified. She looked beautiful in a dark purple sundress and black heel sandals that left the top of her foot exposed. If I had to rate the look myself I would give it a 7.5 just because the dress was too long and barely showed her long toned legs. Ah, the things I would do with that beautiful ass in the future.

Without realizing it I started to smile imagining the scene. A naked Hermione Granger, wearing only heels with her breasts spread across a clear glass window. His embarrassed expression and the desire on her face almost gave me a physical reaction. If only I had enough hormones I might sport a hard-on as I walked through this Muggle-crowded place.

I stopped when Hermione smacked my forehead sharply.

"Oh, that hurt Suze!"

"Cass, are we lost? Was this really the station? Are you sure it's not in a different city. This place is full of normal people," my sister said worriedly. I smiled at her. Since we started debating about wizarding things, she's come up with her own terms for naming things that wizards unconsciously despise.

The term Muggles, for example, was incredibly offensive and even 'good' families like Weasleys tended to condescendingly despise anything Muggle. Now imagine if they realize that in less than 9 years Muggles would be able to use satellites to discover the wizarding world? They would turn like dizzy cockroaches and try even harder to hide from society causing even more backlash to the wizarding world.

I sighed.

"Hermione, we are between stations 9 and 10. We just need to walk to the column and cross. It is a commonly used spell to transport wizards from the Muggle train station to a wizard station located elsewhere."

She said as we passed the platforms.

"Why so much trouble?"

And there was truth in the question. What was the problem with, for example, Apparating directly to Hogsmead village and walking to the castle? But actually there was a reason.

"If I'm not mistaken this process is used for the dash."

"Feature?" The question sounded almost distracted as she was staring at the train. The locomotive was common if I could say something about it and Muggles already used the subway most of the time. Using trains to get to school is retrograde at best.

"Yea. Since the international wizard secrecy statute was created, the governments of the existing wizarding communities created a large-scale spell that debuted any and all magic used in non-witch areas. When we got our wands I emphasized that we should train because before we got to Hogwarts the dash wouldn't be put in yet. Go through station 9 and 3/4, travel by train to Hogsmead, make your way to Hogwarts and be selected... This process is used to ensure that new wizards and witches are connected by the spell and can have their wands tracked. Of course, wizards who can do wandless magic would have more room to maneuver but there are no children capable of that and if we were adults we would no longer be monitored for misuse of magic."

I explained that to her why she won't rest until she knows. And I would have to say it all while she asked dozens and dozens of extra questions. I hoped to avoid that.

"Come on, we're late." I spoke as I pulled her to the hidden station.

After seeing the Hogwarts Express and everything else I dragged Hermione who was flustered as she watched the train for us to get a cabin. A curiosity about the train was that no matter how many students got on it, there would always be empty cabins. This means that the excuse given by the younger brother Weasley to the savior of the wizarding world on their first date was a stupid excuse at best.

Thinking like that, I found a cabin at the bottom of the train and got inquickly. Both Mione and I had no luggage. That was why what we possess was properly placed in our personal dimensions in the form of an earring in our left ears. I had used the original expanded baggage to make that exquisite piece of magic and used the shapeshifter rune to give the suitcase the ability to transmute into a green potara-style earring with a gold chain connecting the ear to the jewel.

"Mione, will I sleep okay? Just sit there while you caress me!" I asked sloppily as I rested my head on her soft breasts and lay back on her and the bench.

It didn't take me long to fall asleep.

POV H. Potter

The child who lived, huh? I thought wryly. When I first heard that title I almost laughed. I earned a title in commemoration of a feat attributed to me, one I didn't even remember, and making it all the more morbid occur on the day my parents are brutally murdered?

Damn it.

Wasn't it enough to live a shitty life with shitty people who hated me for unknown reasons (Until I was introduced to the wizarding world of course) did I still have to be famous in the wizarding world? Ridiculous. I walked to platform 9 and didn't find the 9 and ¾ specified in my ticket until I heard a high-pitched voice.

"It's like that every year! Full of Muggles! Come with me to platform 9 and ¾ is this way"

Hearing that woman with the annoying voice made me feel bad for some reason. And the sideways look she gave was pretty obvious if I was going to be honest. Anyway, I expected her to demonstrate how to get through and went after she's her family of pumpkin haired wizards left.

I do not want to get involved with you lady actress half mouth.

After passing through the platforms and arriving at the destination I was a little enchanted with the train until I heard the voice of a young boy.

He was thin and handsome. Her red eyes gleamed with a bit of mischief and her blond hair cut just enough not to cover her eyes was golden in a shade I would have thought impossible. Not to mention his lightly tanned skin and the stylish clothes he wore.

Jeans and short magic shirt with arms exposed and showing finely chiseled muscles. I could almost imagine running my hand over that skin and finding it soft and firm, unlike me who was scarred from all the beatings I'd taken.

Anyway he was accompanied by a beautiful girl with brown hair and eyes slightly yellowed almost like liquid gold. She was very pretty if I had to say so myself, but my attention was on the boy.

"Yea. Since the international wizard secrecy statute was created, the governments of the existing wizarding communities have created a large-scale spell that debuted any and all magic used in a non-witch area." He paused here for a moment to breathe, but continued before the girl asked questions. I wondered how many times they've talked before. Were they friends? I would like to have friends, but my relatives had different ideas for me. "When we got our wands I emphasized that we should train because before we got to Hogwarts the dash wouldn't be put in yet. Go through station 9 and 3/4, travel by train to Hogsmead, make your way to Hogwarts and be selected... This process is used to ensure that new wizards and witches are connected by the spell and can have their wands tracked. Of course, wizards who can do wandless magic would have more room to maneuver but there are no children capable of that and if we were adults we would no longer be monitored for misuse of magic."

That explanation moved me a lot. Hagrid had brought me into the wizarding world a little over a month ago and all I did was try to read all of our year's books. Now…it looked like there would be yet another downside. If what he said is true then wouldn't the trait stop me from training spells when I'm out of school?

"Come on, we're late." He spoke as he pulled her towards the hidden station.

I followed them both while keeping silent. Or as much as I could while dragging my suitcase. They didn't seem to notice me anyway. That was good. I never liked attention and since discovering my witch heritage I had been treated like a rare animal in a show cage.

When they found an empty booth and entered I heard the boy's voice before it faded, replaced by a faint rumble.

"Mione, will I sleep okay? Just sit there while you caress me!" that's what I heard him say and I felt... weird.

Anyway I walked through the door and asked politely.

"Can I sit in this car?"

"Of course!" the brown-haired young woman said smiling. "I'm Hermione Granger, nice to meet you"

"Ah... I am...

"Hermione, who are you talking to?" the cute boy asked as he happened to lean on the girl. I had noticed that but ignored it for the sake of my mental health. Anyway, he looked at me withconfusion and asked:

"Who are you?"


"You must introduce yourself first before asking someone's name!" the girl spoke strictly to the pouting boy. He was cute!

"My name is Castiel Lelouch Lestrange-Black Hass Cadre, Heir to the Black and Lestrange houses. And you are?"

"Are you a noble? Wait, is there nobility in the wizarding world?" I asked scandalized. Did I speak to a nobleman? And one so beautiful. But... Their conversation didn't seem like... he really was a nobleman.

"Hahahahahahahahahaha..." the boy started to laugh. Laugh of me. "Oh. Hahaha...his face was...like...hahahaha..."

"Cass don't be mean!" said the girl I now knew was called Hermione. "It's not uncommon not to know about the wizarding world. In fact it would be weird if she knew."

"I'm not…I'm…Hahaha…laughing about it. But her face was hilarious." He said while running a single tear that fell due to excessive laughter. "Sorry about that, but... on the bright side you relieved my boredom a lot."

"I think... you're welcome?"

"Yea. Yes. Yes. You didn't introduce yourself."

"Ah… Of course. Sorry. My name is Hestia. Hestia Potter"

Saying that made the previously laughing boy stare at me seriously.

Did I say something bad? Was my name weird?