
Am I Just A Facade?

In the heart of bustling Tokyo, Ayato Akiyama leads an unassuming life as a typical high school student. Yet beneath his ordinary facade lies a mesmerizing secret: he is the enigmatic "Morpheus" a hidden virtuoso who has single-handedly revolutionized the art world with a string of breathtaking masterpieces that have captivated the globe. However, fate takes an unforeseen turn when an intriguing anomaly comes into play, a force unbeknownst to Ayato. This enigma lures the attention of none other than Hoshino Agawa, an ethereal figure who stands as the icy Madonna of their school. Hailing from the illustrious Agawa dynasty, a family of unparalleled influence second only to the formidable Kirishima Corporation who wield the power to sway nations and economies. Somehow they also seem connected to ayato. As Ayato and Hoshino's paths entwine, a delicate dance of destiny begins to unfold. The tendrils of Ayato's past and present intricately interlace, revealing a tapestry of emotions as intricate as his own brushstrokes. Against the backdrop of a society where tradition and modernity collide, these two young souls find themselves linked by a thread that defies the boundaries of their worlds. lets see how our mc faces the thorns of his past and the future. Yooo peeps Author-sama here, this is my first novel so I hope you bear with my inexpertise. Feedback would be really appreciated! PS. the covers not mine pls contact if the owner wants me to take it down.

ZenYen_MD · Realistic
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17 Chs

Shadows of Solitude

"In the heart's abyss, secrets paint their masterpiece."

Ayato pov:

The school day had finally come to an end, and the sun was beginning its descent, casting long shadows across the campus. The sky was a canvas of vibrant colors, a reflection of the artistry that resides within me.

As I walked the familiar path toward home, my thoughts were a whirlwind of the day's events—the art room, Hoshino, and the web of secrets I carry.

Just as I turned a corner, a familiar voice pierced through my thoughts. "Aa-chan!" Kazuya's enthusiastic greeting resonated in the air, accompanied by his trademark mischievous grin.

I couldn't help but sigh inwardly, though a small smile tugged at my lips. "Hey, Kazuya."

Kazuya slung an arm over my shoulders, pulling me into an exaggerated swagger. "Listen up, Aa-chan! I've just cracked the code for mimicking Hoshino's icy stare."

I rolled my eyes, already anticipating the ridiculousness that was about to ensue. "I'm not sure I want to know, but go ahead."

Clearing his throat dramatically, Kazuya's expression transformed into a comical imitation of indifference. "Behold, the gaze that freezes hearts and crushes dreams!" He shot me a sidelong glance, his eyes half-lidded, and his lips twisted into a disdainful pout.

Despite myself, I chuckled, shaking my head in amusement. "You're something else, Kazuya."

Our banter continued as we strolled, laughter punctuating the afternoon air. Passing by groups of giggling girls, I couldn't help but notice their flushed cheeks and hushed conversations. I pretended not to notice, my gaze fixated on the horizon as if lost in my thoughts.

Kazuya, however, was anything but discreet. He nudged me with a knowing grin. "Aa-chan, it seems you've got quite the fan club. Those girls back there practically had hearts in their eyes."

My façade of indifference held steady. "Oh, did they? I must have missed it."

Kazuya burst into laughter, drawing more attention from those around us. "You're something else, Aa-chan. Do you possess a charm against flattery or something?"

I maintained my calm demeanor, my gaze unwavering. "Maybe I'm just not interested."

Kazuya raised an eyebrow, his grin turning sly. "Or maybe you're just completely clueless when it comes to matters of the heart."

Clueless huh? a very poor choice of words if u were to describe me. I'm fully aware of the physical traits I posses, I jus don't care enough to entertain the idea of becoming their little prince charming.

Growing up I didn't deem anyone worthy of my attention and that's a fact, be it egoistic or selfish, that's just how I grew up.

Not even that "father" of mine is worthy of my acknowledgment no matter how much of a bigshot he is.

I allowed a trace of madness to flicker in my eyes, a silent challenge in my gaze. Kazuya's grin faltered as our eyes met, his voice trailing off uncertainly.

The moment hung between us, a testament to the unspoken bond we shared. My gaze held a weight that silenced Kazuya's jests, and the bustling world around us seemed to blur into the background.

Shaking his head, Kazuya let out a low whistle. "You're a force to be reckoned with, Aa-chan. I should've known better than to rattle your cage."

My lips curved into a barely noticeable smile, my gaze softening just a touch. "Sometimes, silence can say more than words ever could."

Kazuya chuckled, giving me a friendly slap on the back. "You're quite the enigma, Aa-chan. Let's keep moving before you start causing fainting spells among the female population."

After our exchange, Kazuya and I eventually parted ways, his laughter lingering in the air as he headed in the opposite direction.

As I continued on my path, I couldn't help but reflect on the peculiar rhythm of the day—the art room, the masterpiece, Hoshino, and the unspoken threads that wove through it all.

As I neared my destination, the landscape began to shift. Tall, sleek buildings rose around me, their mirrored surfaces reflecting the waning sunlight.

The air seemed to hold a hushed anticipation, as if the very atmosphere recognized the prestigious address I was approaching.

And then, I arrived. The luxurious apartment complex loomed before me, an architectural marvel that exuded wealth and exclusivity.

The entrance was adorned with polished marble, and the golden accents seemed to catch the fading sunlight, casting a regal glow.

It was a place where opulence met solitude, a haven for those who dwelled in a world of privilege.

I stepped inside, the lobby a study in elegance. Marble floors stretched beneath my feet, and the air held a faint scent of luxury. A discreet concierge desk stood to one side, attended by an impeccably dressed receptionist who offered a professional smile as I walked by.

A sense of detachment settled within me as I ascended the lavish elevator, the muted chime echoing softly.

The doors opened onto a hallway adorned with plush carpets and muted lighting. I walked down the corridor, my steps soundless against the opulent flooring.

My apartment was a sanctuary of solitude, a refuge from the outside world. The spacious living area was adorned with tasteful furnishings and modern artwork that adorned the walls.

Floor-to-ceiling windows offered a panoramic view of the cityscape, lights beginning to twinkle as the day gave way to night.

It was a place of comfort, yet it held an emptiness that mirrored the halls of the apartment complex itself.

As I walked through the rooms, I couldn't shake the feeling of being adrift—of being a solitary figure amidst the trappings of wealth.

In a corner of the living room, an easel stood, a testament to the duality of my existence. Art was both a solace and a secret, a means of expressing what words could not convey.

I walked over to it, my fingers lightly touching the brush that rested against the canvas. My thoughts were a whirlwind of emotions and mysteries, and the canvas before me held the potential to bring them to life.

As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, I picked up the brush and dipped it into paint, the act of creation a familiar comfort in the midst of the unknown.

The strokes flowed, a dance of colors and emotions that seemed to carry a life of their own.

With each stroke, I felt a connection—a tether to a world beyond the one I knew. As the masterpiece emerged, it was as if the canvas held the whispers of secrets and revelations, a reflection of the enigma that I had become.

And so, as night descended and the city's lights painted a mosaic of colors against the skyline, I stood before the canvas—a solitary figure in a world of shadows and whispers.

After the long day, I found myself standing in my lavish bathroom, the opulence of the surroundings in stark contrast to the emptiness that seemed to linger within me.

The marble floors were cool beneath my feet as I turned on the faucets, filling the bathtub with warm water. The room was suffused with the soft glow of ambient lighting, casting an almost ethereal atmosphere.

As the water filled the tub, I undressed, my clothes a silent reminder of the facade I wore—a mask that hid more than just my emotions.

The scars that marred my body were a testament to the battles I had fought, hidden beneath layers of clothing and secrets. But now, as I stepped into the water, there was no need to conceal them any longer.

The warm embrace of the water was soothing, a momentary respite from the world outside. I leaned back against the porcelain, closing my eyes and allowing the sensations to wash over me.

As I emerged from the bath, droplets of water clung to my skin like diamonds. I stood before the full-length mirror, my reflection an enigma.

My face, with its features that could be considered handsome by conventional standards, betrayed none of the turmoil that churned within me. But it was the rest of me that bore the weight of my secrets.

My gaze shifted to my bare torso, and there they were—the scars that mapped a history I had fought to keep hidden.

Each mark held a story, a reminder of battles waged in the shadows. They were souvenirs of a life lived on the edge, where danger and intrigue were constants.

My fingers traced the jagged lines, a sensation that was both physical and emotional. The scars were a testament to the price I had paid, the sacrifices I had made to keep my secrets intact.

The mirror reflected a face that appeared unblemished, but the truth was far from that illusion.

The past was etched into my skin, and even as I stood in the embrace of luxury, the scars were a reminder of a reality that I could never escape. I did......or rather I was forced to accept the fact that they were now a part of me.

With a sigh, I turned away from the mirror, the weight of my secrets and scars settling back into the depths of my being.

Draped in my soft gown, I sank into the sofa by the wide window, looking out over the city's twinkling lights.

With a flick, my cigarette came alive, its bitterness a familiar solace. As I exhaled, worries seemed to dissolve in the wisps of smoke. (A/N: Pls don't smoke, that stuff kills ya)

Smoking was a refuge, a break from the incessant whirl of thoughts in my mind. Even though it wasn't wise for someone my age, the allure of brief escape was too strong to resist. The cigarette became a companion, offering a hushed sanctuary in a world of noise.

It was a dichotomy, this act of smoking. A rebellion against the norms of youth and health, a silent proclamation of independence.

But also a reminder of vulnerability, of seeking refuge in the embrace of something that could harm even as it provided temporary relief.

Extinguishing the cigarette, I leaned back. The city sprawled before me, an intricate mosaic much like my own life.

Tomorrow promised new challenges, but for now, in this fleeting solace, I embraced a moment of escape, even if it came at the cost of a forbidden vice.

Remember, if you find yourself in an art museum, make sure your brushstrokes are as on point as Ayato's attempts to avoid chaos.


Creation is hard, so cheer me up!

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