
Ever brewing chaos

"In the shadows, secrets stir, waiting to be unveiled by the daring."

Ayato pov:

The blaring alarm pierced through the remnants of sleep, dragging me back to consciousness. As I rubbed my eyes, the faint smell of smoke still lingered in the air, a testament to last night's moment of solace.

"Seems I really over did it last night huh?"

I shuffled into the bathroom, the tiles cool beneath my feet. The mirror greeted me with a reflection that seemed to belong to someone else—dark hair tousled from sleep, eyes still heavy with remnants of dreams.

A splash of water on my face jolted me awake, and I stared at my reflection, as if searching for something hidden beneath the surface.

Stepping out of the bathroom, I put a familiar school uniform on.

With the uniform in place, I adjusted the collar, put my shiny earrings on and tugged at the tie, my fingers moving with practiced ease.

The image in the mirror seemed to transform with each adjustment, becoming someone who was both me and yet so much more.

The city beyond the window was alive with the ebb and flow of morning commuters. The skyscrapers stood tall and imposing, their forms etched against the sky.

As I gazed at the view, a sense of detachment settled over me.

I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder. The world outside awaited, a canvas of experiences waiting to be painted.

The corridors of my apartment were hushed as usual. The scent of breakfast wafted from nearby apartments, a reminder of the ordinary lives being lived in the midst of the city's chaos.

After wishing mom a goodbye I headed out with the memories of that day still burning within my soul, almost making me loose my sanity.

"I miss u mom..."

But deep within I still cant forgive myself....as I was the only one at fault.


Argh!...........This again?, I still get flashbacks from the time the ones closest to me deemed of me as nothing but an insect in their eyes...

"better think straight"

I composed myself and headed downstairs, the lobby greeted me with a sense of familiarity. The concierge nodded in greeting, and I returned the gesture with a polite bow.

The world beyond the glass doors beckoned, and I stepped out into the flow of morning, becoming one with the rhythm of the city.

Each step carried me closer to the school, the routine of the journey familiar and oddly comforting.

The cityscape shifted, giving way to the gates of the institute—an institution of learning that held secrets and connections yet to be unveiled.

As the school building loomed before me, I couldn't help but wonder what the day would bring. The smoke of yesterday's contemplation still lingered in my mind, a reminder that amidst the chaos of life, moments of solace were rare treasures.

With a deep breath, I stepped forward, ready to face whatever the day had in store.

Just as I entered the school grounds, a soft vibration in my pocket startled me. Retrieving my phone, I glanced at the screen, a mix of curiosity and surprise welling within me.

The notification revealed that a absurd sum of money had been transferred into my bank account. The name that appeared as the sender made my heart skip a beat—'Grandfather.'

The amount displayed on the screen was more than a little unexpected for a high school student. It was a sum that could only be described as generous, even excessive.

"The old mans at it again heh"

A wry smile tugged at my lips as I considered the source. Grandfather had always been lavish in his gestures, and I was well aware that I held a unique position within the family as his favorite.

While the money was undoubtedly a testament to the privileges that came with being the favored grandchild of a wealthy family, it also carried a weight of responsibility.

The fortune represented not only my family's influence but also their expectations, a reminder of the path that had been carved out for me.

As I continued my journey through the bustling school corridors, the weight of the money in my account lingered in the back of my mind.

It was a reminder of my roots, my connections, and the legacy that I carried with me.

Grandfather's gesture, though extravagant, was a silent assurance that I was not alone in this complex web of relationships and obligations.

I took a moment to glance at the message, and a mixture of emotions washed over me. Gratitude mingled with a sense of duty as I pocketed my phone, carrying the reminder of my grandfather's presence with me.

With each step, the bustling energy of the school began to envelop me, and as I headed towards my classes, I knew that the day held not only the usual challenges but also the echoes of a legacy that I was bound to uphold.


Ayato pov:

The bustling classroom greeted me with a symphony of voices and movement. I could feel the collective gaze of my classmates as I entered, a sensation that was both familiar and unsettling.

Slouching slightly, I made my way to my seat, my attention drawn to the world beyond the window.

The cityscape outside provided a backdrop to my thoughts, the blur of activity offering a temporary escape from the classroom's energy.

Just as I let my mind wander, a familiar voice cut through the air, accompanied by a hint of mischief.

"Ayato-sama, please step on me!" The voice, an exaggerated mimicry of a girl's tone, was unmistakably Kazuya's.

A mixture of surprise and chagrin crossed my features as I shot a side glance in his direction. Kazuya's grin was irrepressible as he leaned over slightly, clearly amused by his own theatrics.

I rolled my eyes in response, my lips curving into a wry smile. "Really, Kazuya? I thought we agreed to keep the drama levels down."

Kazuya's laughter rippled through the air as he leaned back in his seat. "Oh, come on, Aa-chan! It's all in good fun. Besides, you've got to admit, the way those girls talk about you is pure entertainment."

I couldn't help but grimace at the thought. The way some of the girls in our class spoke about me ranged from exaggerated admiration to outright exaggeration. It was a level of attention I had never quite grown accustomed to.

Kazuya's voice took on a playful tone as he continued, "Ayato-sama, the mysterious heartthrob of our class, capable of melting hearts with just a glance!"

I shot him a deadpan look, my gaze conveying a mix of amusement and exasperation. "You're taking this too far, Kazuya."

He shrugged, his grin undeterred. "Hey, don't shoot the messenger. I'm just reporting what I hear."

As the classroom buzzed with activity around us, I couldn't help but be reminded of the way my presence seemed to garner attention, both wanted and unwanted.

Kazuya's antics were a humorous distraction, a reminder that amidst the serious matters of life, there was always room for a touch of lightheartedness.

Just then, the bell rang, signaling the start of the day's lessons. Kazuya's playful demeanor shifted as he settled into his seat, and I turned my attention back to the window, my thoughts once again drifting beyond the classroom walls.

The entrance of Hoshino Agawa, the enigmatic ice queen of our class, was a moment that never failed to capture attention.

As she glided into the room, an almost imperceptible glance in my direction caught the corner of my eye.

Oblivious to the world around me, my gaze remained fixed on the outside view, the city's ebb and flow a constant source of fascination.

The boys around me wasted no time in weaving their own theories, their whispers and nudges creating a playful buzz of anticipation.

I could hear their banter growing louder, each one vying for her attention, each one convinced that her glance had been meant for him.

Kazuya leaned in closer, his voice a hushed whisper. "Hey, Ayato, did you see that? She totally looked at you!"

I blinked, finally tearing my gaze away from the window to meet Kazuya's eager expression. "Huh? Who looked at me?"

Kazuya smirked, his eyes dancing with mischief. "Hoshino Agawa, man! She gave you a glance."

I raised an eyebrow in skepticism. "Are you sure? Maybe it was just a coincidence."

Kazuya chuckled, leaning back slightly. "Come on, Ayato, don't play the clueless card with me. It's obvious!"

I shook my head, the faintest smile tugging at my lips. "Trust me, Kazuya, you're reading too much into it. It's probably just a misunderstanding."

Kazuya's eyes glinted with amusement as he studied me. "You really have no clue, do you, Aa-chan?"

I chuckled softly, letting the nickname slide. "Believe what you want, Kazuya. But I'm pretty sure Hoshino Agawa has better things to do than glance at me."

The classroom continued to buzz with speculation and excitement, the boys' banter and Hoshino's aura of mystery creating an atmosphere of anticipation.

As the day's lessons commenced, I couldn't help but appreciate the small moments of amusement that my classmates brought to my life.

" 'sigh' life seems so peaceful........ just the way its supposed to be".


Alas that was just a façade my disaster class luck showed me, as now I was slouching on my desk pretending to be fast asleep.

Why you ask?

Because right about now that infamous ice queen of our grade is overlooking me from right above me.

"Akiyama-san I know you're awake".


"Quite the actor you are huh?"

Her talking to me doesn't actually seem to be problem for me but something else and that is --

"akiyamaaa I dare you to step outa class after this"

"You might aswell start counting your days dude *smiles menacingly*

"I hope you have yourself insured you B-a-s-t-a-r-d!" *cracking his knuckles*

"talking to Agawa sama like that!" * trying gouge his eyes out-* Wait hollup right there ma dude...

Yes-------- it seems ill see you sooner than I thought okaa-sama.

Remember, even the most thrilling story needs its comedic relief. Embrace the chaos and let the laughter be your guiding plot twist!

your support is really appreciated! :)

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