
Am I even an Extra Character?

"I got sucked in an academy like game?" That was the message that was in front of me in a holographic view, normally I would be happy but. "I don't even know the story!"

AquaFan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Something New (2)

"Who are these guys?"

Joo-hyun commented as the three guys followed me even after eating behind me.

"I don't know"

I looked at them and they flinched but stood steady like a soldier, their hands were at their backs as if they were ready to die if I say they should die.

"You guys can go back to your classes now."

"Yes Young Lord!"

They said in unison as they ran towards their classrooms, it looked like they were in my class after all, now that I think about it they are useful in a way, I'll make sure to use them later, free labor is free labor after all now that I think of it.

"You're the leader of a gang now?"

Joo-hyun questioned me as we sat down together in our table, everyone was still slowly entering the classroom.

"Nothing like that, If I had to guess they were probably bullies beaten and afraid of Soobin, and thanks to my actions last time I think they now think of me as their leader of some sort."

"Do you have any plans for them?"

"I do, its something related to me if I must say."

"It's fine you don't have to tell me every detail but I have to know, are you planning on creating your own force here?"

That was a question I had expected to pop up sooner or later and I haven't given it much thought.

"Its too early to tell but I do appreciate a few capable hands that can do the dirty work such as spreading and collecting information that I desire."

"Well those three seemed pretty good at it."

She gave me the tablet and the academy forum was open, I flinched at the title and sighed.

[ Join us in serving the Young Master! Applications are open until XX! ]

"Well as long as they don't cause me too much trouble I'm fine."

"This isn't bad too I guess."

I chuckled as shortly I saw the Professor arrive and class began, it was the same usual lecture with nothing new, it was just on how to navigate the dungeon and such no eye opening topics.

As I we finished there was a huge commotion at the door of the classroom, I heard people cursing, when it was my time to exit the people who were having a hard time getting out made way.

When I finally peeked and was outside, I tried holding my face straight as I looked at the group of teens lining up including the three idiots who followed me the whole morning.

"Praise the Young Master!"

They all yelled, they numbered around ten to fifteen and they had some bruises?

Joo-hyun bumped into me as we both looked at the people who were lining up, eventually even the Professor wondered what was happening as she too was speechless.

I slapped my face in disbelief as I didn't expect this to happen right now.


As soon as I said that they all stood straight and nodded,  when they turned around to leave they all flinched for some reason.

"What are you guys doing here, are you all here to bully someone again?"

I heard Soobin, but this time instead of running away they all stood tall and made a path?

"We will be leaving now you Tyrant! Be glad our Young Master is here and we won't allow him to see unsightly things!"

They then left as quickly as they came leaving me with a headache, Soobin then came forward and looked at me with a confused look.

"I don't care about what they will do they're not my problem."

I just told him straight what I was thinking, I really don't care what they were gonna do, if they were going to use my name then I will use them in return but if they cross a line I'll gladly eliminate them.

He stopped, he looked like as if he wanted to say something but he shook his head, and I just went forward as went into opposite directions, Joo-hyun followed me as usual but as we were about to separate Eunbi stopped us.

"Are you two gonna ever be friends again?"

She asked me, I mean friends I don't know, acquaintances probably, I never intend to make enemies with anyone anyway, I scratched my head in annoyance as I don't know the answer since all my life in this world as been training and training.

"Realistically it depends on him I'm just being me to be honest."

"Oh, well I'm quite conflicted you see, it was the first time he was beaten that badly if you ask me he has never lost once."

"There will be more opportunities for him to prove himself in the future."

She smiled and nodded.

"Then I'll be catching up to Soobin, see you guys soon."

She then left, leaving me and Joo-hyun, Joo-hyun just shrugged as if nothing had happened.

"What do you think?"

I asked her, I'll say it, I don't know how to socialize well, it just happens that Joo-hyun is a an easy person to talk to but as for others I don't know it seems hard.

Living 17 years here changed me to be honest, all i've done was fight, study, train and I hated going to parties, maybe this is why I don't have friends unless Joo-hyun counts as one.

No she definitely counts as one at this point.

"Personally I think we shouldn't care, if what she said is true, he's still trying to recover from his first loss."

"So we do nothing?"

"Correct, though I'm the wrong person to ask this since I don't have any friends I think the correct answer is to do nothing and let him recover."


As we walked down to the cafeteria, lo and behold, a band of idiots made way and created a path for me.

While Joo-hyun and Sunwoo were flinching at the site Eunbi finally caught up to Soobin who was face to face Taehyun.

"You lost as well right?"

"Why do you care."

Eunbi saw them as he tugged Soobin's clothes, feeling that if they ever get acquainted with him something bad will happen.

"I'm just saying, I'm the third ranked first year, we can gang up on him on the dungeon exams make his rank plummet."

"I'll have to decline."

Soobin left without saying anything leaving Taehyun speechless not even listening to his offer, as he looked at Eunbi who smiled.

"I'm not that low, I'm still trying to analyze how I lost."

"That's good, shall we go buy Ice cream then?"
