
Am I even an Extra Character?

"I got sucked in an academy like game?" That was the message that was in front of me in a holographic view, normally I would be happy but. "I don't even know the story!"

AquaFan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


"Why are you two here."

I asked Soobin and Eunbi as it was the weekend and I was going to meet with someone my mother told me to meet.

"What are you doing here!"

Eunbi smiled at me, Soobin shook his head and went towards me with a hand stuck out, I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

"I never got to say it as you left but it was a good fight, I now know I still need to get better."

I stared at his hand then shook it and said nothing while nodding.

"Great! Now let's go get ice cream again."

I heard Soobin sigh, I shook my head.

"I have somewhere to go and someone to meet just down the street."

"Oh, I guess that sucks, see you soon Sunwoo!"

I waved them goodbye as Eunbi dragged an unwilling Sunwoo, as I was looking at my phone that had instructions I arrived at a café, it was a well decorated café, no it was a maid cafe.

'Who the hell am I suppose to meet.'

I asked myself as when I opened the door, two women bowed their heads in front of me.

"Are you Sunwoo-nim?"


"Please follow us."

It felt weird, I just followed them to a table, somehow the only person I've seen is the employee's but I finally found another one who was sipping tea, she was a foreigner?

I was suddenly embarrassed, I only came out wearing a hoddie and my joggers as well as sneakers thinking I was going to meet my mother.

She wore a formal dress, her golden hair flowed and her blue eyes stared at me from head to toe, she had a noble aura surrounding her.

"The rumors are true, you do like to stay low I admire your thinking."

She was speaking to me in english, I thank my mother for forcing me to learn different languages when I was locked down in my house.

"May I ask who are you?"

"Impressive, My Name is Cecilia von Mare, I'm here on official duty as the next Saintess candidate, I will be honest with you, I'm here to purge an organization."

I was surprised by her words but it was interesting.

"I'm interested."

"As you know from your mother that the current system for choosing a saintess is at complete random."

She told me as she continued sipping her tea.

"No I don't know, I didn't even know my Mother was a Saintess candidate much less a Saintess herself since she always proclaims herself as just a rather smart priestess."

"Well its a complicated system after all as there are different religions and gods in this new world choosing people as their saintess randomly and it just happened that I was appointed by the same god of your mother."

"Wait, I'm having hard time understanding here."

"Ask me and I will answer before we proceed."

As she placed her tea down, biscuits was then served at our table, I knew higher beings were real and that they would choose people randomly but I guess I haven't seen any other one other than my mother.

"How many Saintess are there?"

"There can only be 7 Saintess at the same time, representing one divinity, but there are numerous saintess candidates to which it depends on the divinity that chooses them."

"And I know my mother just sits in her laboratory researching and seldom joins raids."

"That is perhaps related to her mission if you ask me or just her hobby, the one we both serve is Luxuria."


I stared at her as now I know why my father is sickly.

"Is there something wrong with what I said?"

"No carry on."

"Right, while I'm undergoing my mission your mothers divine power will be weakened and transferred to me if I complete the mission given to me by Luxuria."

"Now why must I help you if you're going to weaken my mother? Wouldn't her value go down by a lot?"

"It wouldn't, you're a living proof, while she may be 'weakened' but not really she knows how to gather Divine Power through the runes she has discovered and the fact is, only three people know of this knowledge."

Suddenly the air got heavy and tense.

"Me, You, and your mother, as for as how I know, Luxuria only chooses one candidate and your mother has already told me and Luxuria so its not a problem, its only a title transfer your mother wouldn't really be weakened."

"Alright, if that's just it then why do you need my help?"

She then smiled at me.

"Simple! Be my Fiancée until I finish my mission here."

"Finish your sentences."

"I need an identity and a reason to stay here, of course back home my parents had agreed over this 'engagement'.

"What do you mean by that."

"I don't know if your overthinking or dense, if you may happen or I happen to fall in love with you or the both of us then our engagement won't be a fake relationship should we ever decide to."

"And if we don't then we'll just call it even."

"Correct, you can say that the sole reason of my visit over here is just to test if we are compatible so no harm can be done on our reputations."

"Fine, I have nothing else to say other than tell me about the organization that you want to purge here in Korea of all places."

"They're just terrorists trying to say that the end is near or something, the public has no knowledge of this since its not really a threat but I suddenly got a mission about a month ago and it alarmed me."

"So about a month ago you were just a pretty lady sipping tea in the afternoon and decided to just purge people?"

"You could say that."

"I'll help you but we're going to kill humans how are you so confident on doing this?"

"I have my own experiences."

As soon as she said that the ground trembled and as I looked at the side, the glass windows looked like they were about to shatter until the maids casted magic and fortified them preventing any shattering and destroying their business.

"Want to dance with me?"


We hastily made way to where the explosion was but not before I hastily remebered the name of the Maid Cafe since when the hell did professional dungeon raiders become maids!?

As we both made way civilians were running away, this isn't a coincidence, I believe Cecilia had intel already on their movements, as I looked at her the dress that she had turned into a battle armor.

I clicked my tongue not to be outdone I changed into my special academy uniform given to me when I entered the school a day after the assesments as a reward for being number one, I never bothered to use it as I hated the design but I also want to look flashy.


I heard Eunbi's yell as she and Soobin were surrounded by masked men.

"Sunwoo let's help them and try to subdue them."

"Got it."