
Am I A Superman?

Li Ya embarked on a journey across the United States with the goal of becoming a high school student in Kansas. However, along the way, something unexpected happened: Li Ya stumbled upon a friendship system. This peculiar system was designed to enhance the bonds of friendship by increasing a person's friendship value, which in turn granted them skill cards with corresponding abilities. Excitedly, Li Ya exclaimed, "I've acquired the power of flight from Superman, and the incredible speed of the Flash!" Scratching their head in confusion, Li Ya pondered, "But why did I get the superpower associated with being incredibly wealthy from Batman? And why did I receive Thor's power from a hammer?" Quickly realizing the oddity of the situation, Li Ya clarified, "Oh, I'm not singling anyone out! Here, in this place, we're all like family—brothers united!" ———— Ps this is just a translation for fun the book is owned non-other by the original author.

DaoistxCqLg2 · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 30: Oliver Quinn

Green Arrow clutched his chest, feeling his heart sink as his worldview was shattered. He struggled to get up from the ground, gripping two smoke bombs tightly in his hand, preparing for a hasty escape.

Just as he was about to release the smoke bombs, Diana, using her incredible speed, swiftly grabbed hold of Green Arrow's wrist.

After a brief struggle, Green Arrow managed to crack a smile.

"Is that all you've got? A weak lackey of Ares!" Diana taunted, showing no respect for the larger man she had easily subdued.

This infuriated Green Arrow, causing him to cough up blood. He felt like all his training had been for nothing.

"I don't know who Ares is. I'm not Ares. If you want to kill me, do it already!"

Green Arrow didn't realize that "Ares" referred to a mythical deity; he thought it was a nickname for another major villain in Star City.

Li Ya, who had been observing from the side, couldn't stand by and watch Diana kill Green Arrow, considering that he was a member of the Justice League.

"Stop, Diana! He's not a bad guy. I think he's just been misled by the wrong people," Li Ya intervened.

Diana slowly released her grip on Green Arrow's wrist, casting a suspicious glance at him. She then sheathed her sword and shield and walked over to Li Ya's side.

Still clutching his ribs, which had been cracked by Diana, Green Arrow asked, feeling aggrieved, "Who are you?"

"You can call me Avengers, and this is Wonder Woman," Li Ya introduced.

As Li Ya glanced at the interface of the friendship system, he noticed that Oliver Quinn's profile showed a negative friendship rating, indicating a high level of dislike between them.

Feeling unjustified, Li Ya couldn't help but think, "Come on, the person who just hit you was Diana. It's understandable if you hate her, but why hate me too?"

Green Arrow seemed unsatisfied with the answer and continued to inquire, "Why does she have superpowers? Is it... Mirakuru?"

Mirakuru was a biological potion discovered by an archer on a mysterious island during World War II. It had the power to grant enhanced abilities to those who survived its injection.

One of Green Arrow's old enemies, Deathstroke, had been injected with Mirakuru and transformed into a powerful superhuman.

From Green Arrow's perspective, Mirakuru was the only explanation, especially considering that Star City had recently witnessed the appearance of a suspected Miraculu-enhanced bio-warrior.

Shaking his head, Li Ya responded, "Oliver Quinn, your perspective is too narrow. There are many forces in the world that you can't comprehend. If you continue to see things from an ordinary person's point of view, you'll never keep up with the times."

In a short while, Zode would boldly invade Earth. He was a threat far greater than the two small-time villains they had encountered. The entire world would become aware of the existence of aliens, leading to a surge of superpowers and triggering repeated human panics.

Upon hearing Li Ya mention his name, Green Arrow's face turned sour. He tightened his grip on his bow and arrow and asked sharply, "How do you know my name? What do you really want?"

"Don't be alarmed. I just saw it on the ID badge attached to your chest," Li Ya pointed to Green Arrow's chest.

"Ridiculous!" Green Arrow didn't believe Li Ya at all. While he did have an ID badge from Queen Enterprises, he had it on him during the afternoon meeting. How could this man have seen it?

Sensing Green Arrow's skepticism, Li Ya continued, "I have X-ray vision. I can see not only your ID badge but also that around 20% of your body is covered in scars. You have severe burns on your arm and the foot you injured earlier. You also have 14 fractures that haven't completely healed... I must say, Mr. Oliver, as a human being, you are truly remarkable."

"Are you saying you have superpowers? Can you see through my clothes?" Green Arrow pondered this possibility, his face taking on a bizarre expression, as Li Ya's words matched his physical condition perfectly.

"It's not just your clothes; I can see your flesh, your bones, your cells," Li Ya replied with a smile.

Green Arrow's face turned ugly as he suddenly asked, "What is the purpose of your visit to Star City?"

Unable to engage in another fight with Li Ya and Diana, Green Arrow felt completely exposed, and worries began to fill his mind. What if these two were villains? How could he stop them?

Li Ya exchanged a glance with Diana before responding to Arrow, "Our purpose? What if I told you we happened to pass by and just needed directions or wanted to buy some clothes that would allow us to blend into this society? Would you believe me?"

Green Arrow instinctively shook his head, but after a moment's thought, he realized there was no reason for Li Ya to lie to him.

Seeing Green Arrow's lack of trust, Li Ya added, "In truth, Mr. Oliver, if you could help us find some clothes and point us in the direction of the city, we'll leave immediately."

After a moment's consideration, Green Arrow said, "Alright, follow me."

He opened his bow, firing an arrow with an attached rope, and pressed a button on the bow. The rope instantly contracted, propelling him up onto the roof.

As Green Arrow looked down, he noticed that both Li Ya and Diana had effortlessly leaped to his side.


Green Arrow was left speechless, realizing that reading too many comics could be more dangerous than popular perception, causing him to feel both heartache and amusement.

"Let's go," he muttered, and the three of them quickly disappeared into the night, with Li Ya and Diana following closely behind.

The trio walked across the rooftops of Star City. Li Ya initially thought that Green Arrow's cracked ribs would hinder his speed, but soon realized that this jungle survivor, who had endured three years on Purgatory Island, hardly paid it any mind.

Green Arrow, or Oliver Quinn, had pushed himself to the limits of human capability, achieving a level akin to superhuman abilities.

The same applied to Li Ya. His character illustration was an elite blue card, far surpassing the mortal white card.

Eventually, Olive Quinn led Li Ya and Diana to a bar converted from an abandoned factory.

On the surface, the bar was managed by Oliver's sister, Thea Quinn, but in reality, it served as a mere façade while its basement had been transformed into Arrow's secret base.

Using a concealed elevator, Green Arrow guided Li Ya and Diana to his base.

The base comprised three main areas: an exercise area with various workout equipment, an equipment section housing Green Arrow's suits, bows, and other weapons, and a command center equipped with several supercomputers.

In the Green Arrow base, a young blonde woman was busy operating the computers. As she heard footsteps approaching, she spoke without looking back, "Out patrolling today, Oliver?"

"Felicity, I brought two people with me," Oliver Quinn replied, removing his Green Arrow attire to reveal his true identity.

At Oliver's words, Felicity's fingers paused on the keyboard, as if she had seen a ghost. She turned around and exclaimed, "Oh my God, who are they, Oliver? Is it safe to reveal your secret to them?"