
Am I A Superman?

Li Ya embarked on a journey across the United States with the goal of becoming a high school student in Kansas. However, along the way, something unexpected happened: Li Ya stumbled upon a friendship system. This peculiar system was designed to enhance the bonds of friendship by increasing a person's friendship value, which in turn granted them skill cards with corresponding abilities. Excitedly, Li Ya exclaimed, "I've acquired the power of flight from Superman, and the incredible speed of the Flash!" Scratching their head in confusion, Li Ya pondered, "But why did I get the superpower associated with being incredibly wealthy from Batman? And why did I receive Thor's power from a hammer?" Quickly realizing the oddity of the situation, Li Ya clarified, "Oh, I'm not singling anyone out! Here, in this place, we're all like family—brothers united!" ———— Ps this is just a translation for fun the book is owned non-other by the original author.

DaoistxCqLg2 · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 29:Green Arrow

The few individuals present had no idea about the impending danger they were about to face. One of the white men with face tattoos pulled out a fruit knife from his pocket and spoke with authority.

"Listen up, kid. Figure out the situation. There are four of you here. Leave your wallet behind, get lost, and don't make a fuss!"

Diana, who had been hiding behind Li Ya, stepped forward and asked in confusion, "Li Ya, what do these people want?"

"They want to... um, intimidate us!" Li Ya struggled to find the right words to explain.

"They bully us because they're Ares' lackeys on Earth!" Diana exclaimed, a sudden realization dawning on her. She tightened her grip on the Vulcan Sword, and a cold determination filled her eyes as she swung it at the white man holding the fruit knife.

Fruit Knife vs. Artifact: Sword of Vulcan.

It didn't take much thought to guess the outcome.

To their amusement, the punks mistakenly believed that Diana was merely brandishing a prop sword and burst into laughter.

"Hahaha! This girl is quite entertaining, pretending to scare people with a fake sword."

"You're still living in your own delusion!"

"Finish him off quickly, hehehe..."

In the next moment, the white man's fruit knife met Diana's Vulcan Sword, but it fared no better than mud against a blade. It was sliced clean in half.

To everyone's surprise, Diana's Vulcan Sword could even pierce through Doomsday's skin. Li Ya couldn't fathom anything in the world that could withstand it.

After severing the opponent's arm with the Sword of Vulcan, Diana didn't waste a moment and continued her advance, swinging her sword to cleave through the entire arm of the white man.


Blood gushed out!

The man let out a sudden scream, panic evident on his face. "Ahhhh!"

His companions stood there dumbfounded.

Look at that!

What a shocker!

The little punks thought Diana was using a fake sword for show and couldn't contain their laughter.

"Whoa, this chick is something else! Swinging around a prop sword."

"I think you're still lost in your little act!"

"Get rid of this guy quickly, and... hehehe..."

But in the very next second, the fruit knife in the white man's hand clashed with Diana's Vulcan Sword. The flimsy knife didn't stand a chance and was sliced in two.

Diana effortlessly cut through the arm and continued her relentless attack, beheading the white man.


Blood spurted!

The man's companions were left stunned.

Meanwhile, Diana calmly turned to the others and spoke firmly, "You have all been misled by Ares. In order to prevent you from continuing to harm others, I must stop you!"

With those words, she swung her sword at the second person.

"Don't, don't, I was wrong! Please forgive me!"

"Help! There's a maniac trying to kill us!"

"Where are the police? Hooded man! Help! Save us!"

The other three attempted to escape, but could anyone outrun Diana? They were probably still dreaming, not yet awake to reality!

Diana effortlessly leaped and appeared ten meters away, blocking their path. She swung the Vulcan Sword again, aiming for one of them.

Li Ya watched the chaotic scene with a sense of amusement. As he had mentioned earlier, he couldn't determine whether these people were fortunate or unfortunate.

If it were him, at most, he would break a few bones. He might spend a year or two in the hospital but could eventually walk again. However, Diana was different. She had been trained in the ways of the Amazons since childhood, exposed to war and death as though they were ordinary aspects of life.

It was only after Diana had interacted with heroes like Batman and Superman, who adhered to the principle of "no killing," that she started to restrain herself.


An arrow suddenly emerged from the air, hitting Diana's Vulcan Sword head-on.

The sound of "Dang" rang out, but the sword only shifted slightly, not harming any part of the assailant.

"Who's there?"

Both Li Ya and Diana turned their attention to the arrow's trajectory. They spotted a hooded figure standing on the top floor of the alley.

The man held a bow and arrow, fully drawn, pointing directly at Diana.

"It's a hooded... no, it's the Arrow!"

"Thank God! I never thought I'd be relieved to see the Arrow!"

"Arrow, save us! Both men are about to kill, and Paul's arm got cut off!"

In normal circumstances, the police force known as the Arrowmen, dressed in green attire, would be the most despised individuals. They appeared out of nowhere a year ago. However, in this moment, seeing the Arrow felt like encountering their savior, or even better than meeting their own father.

The Green Arrow didn't disappoint the three previously frightened gangsters. He leaped from the top of the building, skillfully maneuvering the external stairs between floors to land on the ground.

Witnessing the other person's graceful landing, Li Ya couldn't help but recall his own experience of jumping off the third floor of the hospital.

"You have failed this city!"

The Green Arrow aimed his bow and arrow at Diana, who retracted the Vulcan Sword and raised her divine shield with her left hand.

Seeing Diana's serious expression, Li Ya couldn't help but twitch his mouth. It was clear that she had every intention of taking down the Arrow!

Most likely, she linked the Green Arrow with Ares.

Green Arrow, you're in grave danger now!

"Don't act rashly; it's a misunderstanding!" Li Ya attempted to save the life of the green hero.

But the Arrow didn't appreciate it. "I saw you kill those people. Drop your weapons!"

Diana also spoke sternly, "You too have been deceived by Ares. Rest assured, I will redeem your soul!"

With the tension escalating, the few remaining hooligans took the opportunity to flee as far as they could.

Once the troublemakers were gone, the Green Arrow desperately shot a second arrow at Diana. Diana let out a cold snort. Being an Amazon, the time she had spent wielding a bow and arrow in her hand was longer than the entire history of the Green Arrow's family. Thus, an arrow fired in her direction was like using an ax against her.

Diana didn't need a powerful bow and arrow.


The green arrow was deflected, and Diana's divine shield gently swayed, easily diverting the feeble arrow. She then leaped into the air, waving the Vulcan Sword and beheading the Arrow.

As Diana soared through the air, Li Ya noticed that the Arrow's gaze was fixed on her.

Almost mechanically, he raised his neck and even loosened the taut string of his bow. He involuntarily muttered a few words, "What... the heck!?"

Up until this evening, as far as the Arrow could recall, the human world record for high jump was 1.75 meters.

What did jumping 1.75 meters mean?

On a basketball court, it would allow a person to dunk directly without any assistance.

But what did the Arrow witness tonight?

A woman... or rather, a girl, effortlessly covering a flat 20 meters!

Was she flying?


Green Arrow felt despair wash over him.

And it only grew worse when Diana's sword was almost at his throat.

"What the hell are you?!"

He roared furiously, promptly flipping over to evade the deadly strike.

The lethal sword missed its target, and Diana followed up by kicking the Arrow in the chest.

Bang! Bang! Li Ya could even hear the sound of ribs cracking. The Arrow was sent flying, crashing into a wall.

Diana shook her head in disappointment. "Is he even a man? How can he be so weak?"