
Am I A Superman?

Li Ya embarked on a journey across the United States with the goal of becoming a high school student in Kansas. However, along the way, something unexpected happened: Li Ya stumbled upon a friendship system. This peculiar system was designed to enhance the bonds of friendship by increasing a person's friendship value, which in turn granted them skill cards with corresponding abilities. Excitedly, Li Ya exclaimed, "I've acquired the power of flight from Superman, and the incredible speed of the Flash!" Scratching their head in confusion, Li Ya pondered, "But why did I get the superpower associated with being incredibly wealthy from Batman? And why did I receive Thor's power from a hammer?" Quickly realizing the oddity of the situation, Li Ya clarified, "Oh, I'm not singling anyone out! Here, in this place, we're all like family—brothers united!" ———— Ps this is just a translation for fun the book is owned non-other by the original author.

DaoistxCqLg2 · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 11: 2 Big news

Li Ya cleared his throat, attempting to alleviate the awkward atmosphere.

"Well, Lex, your door seems to be rusty, right? It's rusty. Let's try another door and come back later."

Lex shook his head. "No, Mr. Li Ya, I genuinely have no ill intentions. Please let me apologize again for my actions, and I will now have someone clean up this room!"

He appeared sincere, and Li Ya almost believed him.

If Lex Luthor is a good person, pigs can fly.

Clark glared at Lex and stated firmly, "The truth of that day is that you didn't hit me. It was Li Ya and I who saved you from the water. If you are truly grateful, then stop these pointless activities!"

"I understand, I promise there won't be a second time! Never!" Lex sincerely assured Clark.

"I'm here today to return your car. Thank you for your kindness, but I can't accept this car!" Clark now felt grateful to Li Ya for persuading him to return the car.

Lex waved his hand. "You saved my life. Let me at least express my gratitude."

"You expressing your gratitude means not investigating me!" Clark said and motioned to Li Ya. "Li Ya, let's go!"

Li Ya naturally didn't want to stay any longer, and he and Clark left Lex's house despite Lex's repeated pleas.

As they walked on the road, Li Ya noticed that Clark's expression was not pleasant, so he asked with concern, "Aren't you angry at me?"

Clark shook his head. "No, I almost revealed my secret to Lex. I thought he was a friend."

"Lex is a ruthless person, and his father always instilled him with the so-called values of imperialism. He even gave Lex a name like Alexander Joseph Luther to make him resemble figures like Alexander the Great. It shows how ambitious they are!"

Li Ya openly shared his knowledge of Lex Luther, leaving Clark stunned.

"How do you know so much about Lex?"

"Come on, he's a famous entrepreneur. It's easy to gather information about him."

In the DC world, Lex Luther's reputation in Metropolis surpasses that of a national hero with a prestigious surname.

When they returned to Kent Farm, the Kents warmly welcomed Li Ya. Meanwhile, Sheriff James called Li Ya, asking if he was the vigilante who appeared in the afternoon.

Li Ya, regardless of whether the sheriff believed it or not, immediately denied it, saying, "What are you talking about? That's not me. Don't spread rumors."

Sheriff James was busy wrapping up the case and handling other follow-up work, so he didn't have time to talk to Li Ya and had to postpone the matter for now.


The next day, the local high school newspaper had a headline: "Bank Robbery Suspect Arrested, Police Officers Show Remarkable Skills!"

The news was the talk of the school for a while, although most people saw it as a work of fiction.

However, some had witnessed it with their own eyes, admiring the unknown avenger and Superman who appeared out of nowhere.

"I didn't expect you to gain a fan base so quickly, and your number one fan is a blonde girl with a lot of room for growth!" Li Ya read the school newspaper and commented to Clark.

He was obviously referring to Chloe, the editor of the school newspaper, who was a bit of a geek and usually dressed in a neglectful manner, slightly inferior to Lana.

Clark smiled wryly. "I don't really care about having fans, as long as I can help people, I'm content."

The idea of becoming a grass powder or something similar for Xiao Xiao Superman was impossible in this lifetime, absolutely impossible.

Li Ya glanced at him and couldn't help but wonder if there would be a female journalist pursuing her every day. Then the journalist would encounter various dangers, and she would assist at critical moments, warning her with a determined look, "Don't bother me anymore, you'll be in danger!"

It was like a story of an overbearing CEO falling in love with her!

As Li Ya indulged in wild thoughts, Chloe from the school newspaper approached them.

Li Ya almost thought she recognized him, but to his surprise, she completely ignored him and walked straight to Clark's table.

"Clark, why haven't you come to the newspaper for the past two days?"

Was this girl blind? Didn't she notice that Clark was still wearing the denim jacket he had used to save her yesterday?

Li Ya's own clothes had a few bullet holes, so he changed into another outfit. Clark simply sewed two stitches on his denim jacket and continued wearing it.

Does the world only recognize people with masks? And he's not even wearing his glasses!

What a ridiculous setup!

Clark was oblivious to Li Ya's internal frustrations. He smiled apologetically and said, "Sorry, I've been busy lately. I couldn't make it to the newspaper. Isn't Pete still there?"

The school newspaper had three members, including Chloe and Clark.

As soon as Pete was mentioned, Chloe became visibly irritated. "He's busy with the school football team now. All he cares about is training and practices. He's neglecting everything else!"

"Well, there's usually nothing much going on with the newspaper!" Clark remarked.

"You think that's normal?" Chloe retorted, hands on her hips. "I have two major stories in my hands right now!"

"The bank robbery and the police?" Li Ya couldn't help but interject.

At that moment, Chloe turned to look at Li Ya and then turned to Clark in confusion. "Who's this?"

Li Ya's face turned grim. Didn't she just see me a moment ago?

"We're in the neighboring class. I'm Lia Rogers, and he's my uncle, Sheriff James." Clark played along without cracking a smile.

Chloe gave Clark a strange look. "It's quite surprising that Clark made a new friend! Haha, sorry I didn't notice you earlier."

Indeed, the bank robbery and the police were significant news, and Chloe planned to personally investigate them. Additionally, Lex Luthor's plan to develop a historically significant Native American site to the west had sparked protests by the indigenous and local communities.

"Lex Luthor!" Clark silently repeated Lex's name. It seemed he still had a clue about yesterday's events.

Chloe didn't find anything peculiar about Clark and cheerfully declared, "Clark, I'll look into the police matter, and I'll leave the report on Lex Luther to you!"

"Chloe, I think you shouldn't focus on someone who can withstand bullets. Maybe he's wearing body armor," Clark tried to persuade Chloe to drop her investigation.

Dealing with Lex was already giving him a headache, and now Chloe wanted to get involved as well?

"I won't! I saw it with my own eyes. Superman saved my life, and I must find out who he is, even if I don't report it!"

Chloe ignored Clark's persuasion. "It's settled then, Clark. Give me the article by the day after tomorrow!"

After saying that, Chloe left with determination.

Once she was gone, Li Ya couldn't hold it in any longer and burst into laughter, clutching his stomach. "Can you imagine how that little fool would react if she knew that you're the Superman she's searching for?"