
Am I A Superman?

Li Ya embarked on a journey across the United States with the goal of becoming a high school student in Kansas. However, along the way, something unexpected happened: Li Ya stumbled upon a friendship system. This peculiar system was designed to enhance the bonds of friendship by increasing a person's friendship value, which in turn granted them skill cards with corresponding abilities. Excitedly, Li Ya exclaimed, "I've acquired the power of flight from Superman, and the incredible speed of the Flash!" Scratching their head in confusion, Li Ya pondered, "But why did I get the superpower associated with being incredibly wealthy from Batman? And why did I receive Thor's power from a hammer?" Quickly realizing the oddity of the situation, Li Ya clarified, "Oh, I'm not singling anyone out! Here, in this place, we're all like family—brothers united!" ———— Ps this is just a translation for fun the book is owned non-other by the original author.

DaoistxCqLg2 · Anime & Comics
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58 Chs

Chapter 10: Awkward

As the car approached the gates of Lex's house, the guard recognized Clark Kent and quickly opened the gates.

"Master Clark, please, Master Lex has given instructions. You can come and go as you please!"

"Thank you."

Clark maintained his usual expressionless face, while Li Ya, observing the uncle's tone, playfully remarked, "Master Clark, do you still need ankle weights?"

"Don't tease me!" Clark's lips twitched, as if he wanted to laugh but held it back.

They parked the truck in the front yard of the castle, as they knew it would be unwise to park such a truck in Lex's garage. After all, a single tire from any car in that garage could buy ten trucks like theirs.

"Now, let's go and say hello to Lex."

Clark and Li Ya walked through the entrance, but the steward immediately guided them upstairs.

"The two young masters can join me in the VIP room for a while. Master Lex is currently discussing business with friends, but he will be here soon."

They followed the steward, and Li Ya took in the decorations in Lex's house with curiosity.

To be honest, Li Ya struggled to find the right vocabulary to describe the opulence of the Lex family. In every aspect, inside and out, it exuded one word: extravagant!

Not only were the wall coverings and floors exquisite, but even the casually placed paintings around the corners seemed to be the work of a renowned artist. Though Li Ya might not know who the artist was, he could sense the masterful craftsmanship.

Passing by a small, unassuming room, Li Ya noticed that its door was locked. Out of curiosity, he squinted his eyes and used his X-ray vision to see what was inside.

Upon witnessing the scene within the room, Li Ya's expression changed, and he instinctively looked at Clark. However, Little Superman was too preoccupied admiring the decorations in Lex's house and nearly bumped into an armored knight near the inner door.

"The two young masters, would you like something to drink? I can prepare it for you." The elderly steward led Li Ya and Clark to the VIP room and asked.

"I'll have hot chocolate, and Clark wants a latte."

After the steward left, Li Ya's face turned serious, and he said to Clark, "Clark, I told you Lex wasn't a good person. Come with me and see what I found!"

"What's wrong? Why do you say that?" Clark was puzzled by Li Ya's words.

"You'll see when we get there."

Li Ya led Clark to the door of the small room and said, "Use your X-ray vision to see what's inside."

"We can't just invade someone's privacy. Don't tell me it's Lex's safe!" Clark knew it was wrong.

"His safe is in the basement. Visual inspection is more like..." Li Ya interrupted, "I'll show you what's in this room. You see it, and then we can discuss the right to privacy!"

Unable to defeat Li Ya's persistence, Clark stared at the wooden door and narrowed his eyes. Instantly, he could see the contents of the room.

The room appeared small from the outside but had a surprisingly spacious interior, as if several rooms were connected together.

In the center of the room sat a white Porsche with a smashed front end and the driver's door removed.

This was the car that Lex had used to throw Clark into the river!

Next to it was a supercomputer running various data models.

"He's investigating that incident!"

Clark's face turned grim, and he immediately wanted to enter the room to investigate further.

Although the room was locked, no lock in the world could stop Superman.

With a click, the lock instantly broke, and Clark rushed into the room.

Li Ya had expected Clark's reaction and shouted, "What about privacy? Brother, you're in someone's private property!"

Little Superman blushed but continued into the room.

Inside, the surrounding walls were covered with various information about Clark.

On the supercomputer, it seemed to recreate the scene from the incident, analyzing Clark's speed, strength, and destructive power when he collided with the Lex's out-of-control car.

Every piece of data indicated that Clark had indeed been hit by the car's front end and should not have survived.

"He's investigating me! Lex Luthor is investigating me!" Clark's voice was filled with anger.

Being secretly investigated was uncomfortable for anyone, especially when one had many secrets like Clark.

"Clark, calm down. Your dad was right; the Luthors can't be trusted!"

Li Ya felt the need to remind Clark that the Luther family were not good people, and it greatly pained his heart.

Just as Li Ya considered punching the computer out of frustration, a noise sounded from the door.

"Clark, let me explain!"

Both turned to look behind them, and there stood Lex Luthor at the doorway.

"You're investigating me!" Clark accused.

Lex was taken aback by Clark's intense presence and quickly explained, "No! I just wanted to understand what happened back then. Clark, I mean no harm to you!"

Li Ya knew that Lex had doubted Clark. He felt it was necessary to clear Clark's name, so he walked to the side of the Porsche and said, "Lex, your data analysis is incorrect. I opened the door at that time!"

"I don't know how I managed to find the strength to open the door then. Maybe it was the urgency to save someone that caused a surge of adrenaline, or perhaps it was a combination of water flow, gravity, and other factors that you overlooked. But there was no extraordinary power involved. We're both ordinary human beings. If you don't believe me, I can open the door again right now in front of you!"

Li Ya was about to roll up his sleeves, but Clark smirked and said nothing, while Lex, overwhelmed with guilt, stopped Li Ya.

"No, no, Mr. Li Ya, this is my fault. I'm ashamed of my actions."

However, could Li Ya give up so easily?

Certainly not. He couldn't let Lex realize that he was just an ordinary human, as Lex would never give up then.

And the way to appear ordinary was simple.

He just had to remove the Superman card from the main card slot in the system interface!

Doing so would turn Li Ya back into a pure-blooded human.

"Lex, stand back and watch. Today, I'll show you that we're two ordinary people!"

After speaking, Li Ya placed his hands on the rear door of the Porsche and exerted his strength, pulling hard.

Lex sighed, "I apologize for my actions, Li Ya. You really didn't need to..."


The sound of metal tearing echoed as Li Ya effortlessly tore off the car door without the enhancement of the Superman card.

The scene was quite awkward!

Lex had a half-formed word on his lips as he stared at Li Ya with a bewildered expression.

Clark slapped his face, unsure if he was helping or hurting him.

Li Ya stared at the broken door, a look of disbelief on his face.

"I removed the Superman card in a hurry, so how do I still have so much strength... wait, it feels like I have even more strength than before!"

Li Ya clenched his fist. While the power wasn't on par with when he had the Superman card, it was still far greater than that of an ordinary person!

Could it be that equipping the Superman card had not only enhanced his abilities but also improved his baseline strength?

Li Ya considered this possibility, and his lips twitched.

It seemed like things were getting darker instead of brighter!