
Am I a gamer?

What will happen if a semi-crazy teenager gets transported to the MCU? How will he react? Will he want to live like a normal person, or grasp his chance at power? Will he let the power corrupt him and become a dictator, or become a selfless hero? What will happen when he finds out that going back to his original family is not so easy? Will he go insane, or will he accept his new life? What happens as he slowly but surely breaks. Breaks and does whatever he wants/ Watch as Ben Reilly marks his name into the MCU

stay_at_home_pig · Movies
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26 Chs

Chapter 4: Constantly doing work

Chapter 4: Constantly doing work

Waking up, and seeing my situation made me panic slightly.

But I eventually calmed down.

Panicking did me nothing.

Anxiety wouldn't help me.

I want to just move on with the plans the,' Rational' me made.

Just don't think about it.

Easier said than done.

Whenever I looked, it was an unfamiliar environment.

I didn't know these people.

I didn't know how to even get to school.

What the fuck should I do with my life now…

Shouldn't transmigration make me happy?

I have a system which will probably help me get stronger.

I know events that can make me rich.

How to get stronger…

But everything felt so shallow.

I felt like I didn't belong.

I then decided to follow the simplest plan the 'rational' me made to find Peter parker.

I made and printed some posters saying that I was going to be selling old spare radio parts and put them around town. Based on what I knew from the tech nerd, even if he is currently 11, he would be going around dumpster diving to get parts to build stuff.

I then went and bought a couple old radios (for above the usual prices) , and decided that it was time to go and put the posters around.

Now I need to wait...which I obviously cannot do, so I decided to go and get memberships at a gym which will teach boxing to kids.

I also decided to get a lot of textbooks for me to study from.

I previously studied in the first year of the IB curriculum in Singapore, which from what I understand is far more advanced than the US curriculum in some specific courses, cough math.

I was 17 in my past life, so I will be continuing my education. How will I do that? Hire private tutors of course...nah, I would rather study myself. If I really do need help, I can then hire tutors.

In my past life I did 6 subjects, Math, Biology and Chemistry at a higher level, Business, Spanish and Language and Literature at the standard level.

I plan on continuing all these languages, and also learning physics at a higher level.

While I would barely focus on my languages since it is unimportant, I will still learn it. It is not that I hate the subjects or something.

Anyway, I am not a nerd. This is solely to kill time for me, while feeling like I am doing something...something to meet my family.

I obviously played games as well, to feel less like shit...did not really help.

Gaming used to be fun since I played with friends. Sure, single player RPG's were fun but…it was those 3am calls with the boys that made me happy.

I couldn't even be distracted gaming since I only felt like I was on a clock.

I continued this cycle for about 1 week before Peter found me.


"Hello, I heard this is a place where I can find some spare radio parts." He asked politely after I opened the door.

Just as I expected, Peter Parker looked like a young Tom Holland.

"Yes this is the place, come on in." I said as I led the hesitant Peter into my house. He seemed a little weirded out that a kid so many years older than him led him into the house.

I tried to hide my fanboy eyes and focus on the topic of conversation at hand.

"Now I only have 1 condition: if you want the radio parts, answer a couple of questions about them and you can have it."

He seemed to become more confident as we began to talk about one of his strong suits, technology.

"What is a printed circuit board?"

" Printed circuit boards (PCBs) are the foundational building block of most modern electronic devices..." [Authors note: Clearly I copied this from google]


This is how Peter and I bonded and talked about electronics for a couple hours. I made sure to know everything there is to know about radio's just so I could impress Peter, I obviously wanted to be his friend.

Soon, Peter had to leave though, which was sad for me as I had to come back into reality instead of talking with a great guy, the only guy I talked to properly after coming here, we obviously exchanged numbers (with a phone I had before hand).

But that isn't really a big problem, I plan to talk with all major cast members, it will make me feel more at 'home' in the MCU verse.

As Peter left and I was about to move on with my schedule, I saw a change on my status panel, not regarding the [Notifications], but regarding the [Rewards] Section. There was a +1 pop up there.

I pressed on it, and was slightly surprised.


Item: Special Radio

Reason for reward: Becoming Peter's second 'true' friend]

I then pressed on the radio and more details regarding it popped up.

[Item: Special Radio

Rank: C

Description: A radio which can hear conversation between the NYPD 15 minutes before they actually happen ]

It seems like becoming friends with the Main Cast is 1 way of getting rewards.

As of right now, there are not a lot of people I can meet.

Black Widow and Hawkeye is basically impossible unless I join shield, which I will not do.

Rhodey and the Falcon also is not really possible at the moment unless I join the army, which they won't let a 12 year old do.

Hulk...I don't really want to meet him right now even if I could.

It is also hard for Wanda and Quick Silver unless I join Hydra or something.

Dr. Strange shouldn't exist yet, and I don't want to exactly meet the ancient one. She will probably try to keep me with her, knowing she can't see my future with the time-stone and all.

The only probable is Tony Stark, AKA Iron Man.

Off the top of my head there are 3 ways I can meet him.

1- Get an internship at his company

2- Become a reporter and annoy him into talking to me

3- Get close to Pepper and Happy and slime my way into their inner-circle

Right now, it is probably best with the 1st way. Tony Stark only respects game with game, unless you want him to treat you like a kid.