
Bab 5: I will find you

Vell woke up to find Rika sitting next to him, tending to his wounds. He tried to sit up, but was weak from his injuries.

"Rika, how did I get here?" asked Vell.

"I carried you here, to this cave. I've been taking care of you for the past few days," replied Rika.

Vell was shocked. "Why didn't you leave me and save yourself?"

"I couldn't leave you, Vell. You saved my life and I owed it to you to take care of you," said Rika, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Rika, you are so kind and brave," said Vell, tears in his eyes as well.

Rika then told Vell how she had taught herself how to hunt and gather food while he was unconscious. She told him about the winter that was fast approaching and how she had been gathering food and firewood in preparation.

One day, when Rika was out looking for food, she stumbled upon a group of hunters. They invited her to join them on a hunt "who are you" ask Rika in suspicious, but when she out of focus, they knocked her out on his neck and took her away.

Rika struggled against her bindings as she was brought to a small village, which she soon realized was home to cannibals. The fear and panic was evident in her eyes as she tried to escape, but to no avail. Suddenly, a man approached her, introducing himself as the leader of the tribe and explaining that they had captured her because of her beauty and the belief that eating someone like her would bring good fortune.

"Please let me go," Rika begged. "I don't want to be eaten."

The man chuckled, closing in on her. But just as he reached out to touch her, Rika managed to break free, using all her strength to snap three of his fingers.

"You little witch!" the man bellowed, clutching his hand in pain. "You'll pay for that."

Rika didn't waste a moment. She quickly took off, running as fast as she could through the village, dodging anyone who tried to stop her. She knew she needed to find a place to hide until she could figure out a way to escape this place. All she could think about was Vell, hoping that he was close by and would come to her rescue.

Vell woke up from his sleep and called out for Rika but there was no answer. Despite feeling sick, he got up and stumbled outside, where he was immediately attacked by professional hunters. Despite his condition, Vell managed to defeat them. He then interrogated one of his captors and forced them to reveal Rika's location. After finding out where she was, Vell killed the informant without hesitation.

Vell: (groaning in pain) Rika? Rika? Where are you?!

Hunter 1: (laughing) Who the hell are you?

Vell: (with determination in his eyes) I am Vell. And you will pay for what you have done to my daughter

Hunter 1: (drawing his weapon) Oh, you're in for a treat.

Vell and the hunters engaged in a brutal fight, but Vell's skills and determination proved too much for them.

Vell: (breathing heavily) Talk. Where is Rika?

Informant: (trembling) She's... she's in the village. They're going to eat her.

Vell: (angrily) You'll lead me there.

Informant: (fearing for his life) I can't! They'll kill me!

Vell: (unyielding) Then you're already dead.

The informant reluctantly led Vell to the village, but Vell killed him once they arrived. The scene was set for a final showdown between Vell and the cannibals, as he was determined to save Rika from their clutches.