
Bab 4 : Never what happen

"Run, Rika! I'll hold them off!" shouted Vell as he saw the powerful demons approaching them.

Rika hesitated, looking at the lake in front of them. "Vell, I can't swim. I don't want to jump in there."

"Just trust me, Rika," Vell grabbed Rika's hand, pulling her close. "I won't let anything happen to you."

Rika reluctantly nodded as Vell picked her up, jumping into the lake with her in his arms.

The demons chased after them, but Vell's powers were strong and he managed to fend them off, even underwater. They swam to the other side of the lake, finally finding a safe place to rest.

Vell gently placed Rika on the ground, holding her close as he caught his breath. "Are you okay?" he asked, looking into her eyes.

Rika nodded, still in shock from the danger they had just escaped. "How did you do that, Vell? How did you manage to fight them off like that?"

Vell smiled, his eyes shining with determination. "I won't let anything happen to you, Rika. I promised to protect you and I meant it."

Rika smiled back, feeling safe and protected in his arms. "Thank you, Vell. I trust you completely."

And with that, they continued their journey, ready to face any challenge that may come their way.

After escaping from the demons, Rika and Vell stumbled upon a trader who was having trouble with his horse. Rika approached the horse and to their surprise, the horse calmed down as soon as she touched it.

The trader was astounded. "How did you do that?" he asked, looking at Rika in amazement.

Rika shrugged, still in disbelief herself. "I don't know, it just happened."

Vell could see the exhaustion on Rika's face and decided to step in. "Excuse me, sir. Could you possibly help us find the nearest town? We've been traveling for days and need a place to rest."

The trader nodded, offering to take them with him to the nearby town. "Of course. I'd be happy to help. My name is Marcus, by the way."

Rika and Vell introduced themselves as they climbed onto the horse-drawn cart. During the journey, Marcus asked them about their journey and they told him about their journey without tell him a mission

Marcus listened intently and then revealed that there was going to be a big celebration in the town tomorrow. Rika's eyes lit up at the thought of a festive event.

The trader could see the exhaustion on their faces and offered to let them rest at his place for the night. Rika and Vell gratefully accepted, eager to finally have a comfortable place to rest.

As they settled in for the night, Vell noticed how much Rika had grown and changed since their journey began. He was proud of her and grateful for her bravery and determination.

Rika, on the other hand, was grateful for Vell's unwavering support and protection. She knew that with him by her side, they could face any challenge that lay ahead.

The next day, Rika and Vell set out to attend the festival. Before they left, Vell took Rika to a clothing shop to buy new outfits for both of them. The shop owner complimented Rika on her beauty as they changed into their new clothes.

As they walked around the festival, Rika was awed by its beauty and liveliness. She tried different foods and drinks, with Vell always by her side. They watched performances and took in the sights, with Vell lifting Rika up so she could see better.

As the night went on, Rika grew tired and leaned on Vell's shoulder. When she fell asleep, Vell gently picked her up and carried her back to their room. He lay her down on the bed and settled in next to her, feeling grateful for this moment of peace and happiness amidst their difficult journey.

Throughout the night, Vell kept a watchful eye on Rika, making sure she was comfortable and safe. He thought back on their journey so far and marveled at how much they had overcome. With Rika by his side, he was confident they could face anything that lay ahead.

Vell woke up with a start, hearing the sounds of a struggle outside the room. He quickly got out of bed and saw a group of guards surrounding Rika, who was still asleep. Vell immediately jumped into action, attacking the guards and protecting Rika.

"Rika, wake up! We need to get out of here!" Vell shouted as he grabbed her hand and started to run.

Rika finally woke up, feeling the urgency in Vell's voice. She quickly followed him, not knowing what was happening.

As they ran through the streets, the guards continued to chase them. Vell and Rika jumped from roof to roof, trying to escape.

"Vell, what's going on?" Rika asked, panting and scared.

"The guards are after us because they know about your powers, Rika. They want to use you for their own gain," Vell explained as they continued to run.

Suddenly, Rika stumbled and fell, causing Vell to stop and turn back to her. The guards were getting closer, and Vell had to make a decision.

"Rika, I'm going to have to leave you here for a moment. I'll be back, I promise. Just keep running and don't stop." Vell said as he turned to face the guards, ready to fight them off.

Rika watched in horror as Vell fought the guards, but she couldn't help feeling scared for his safety. Suddenly, she felt a surge of power within her and without even realizing it, she unleashed a powerful force that destroyed a half of the city.

Vell saw what happened and quickly ran back to Rika, grabbing her hand and leading her out of the city.

"We need to leave, Rika. We can't stay here after what just happened," Vell said, panting and exhausted.

Rika followed Vell, feeling guilty for what had just happened. She didn't know how to control her powers, and she didn't want to cause any more harm.

"I'm sorry, Vell. I didn't mean for that to happen," Rika said, tears streaming down her face.

"It's okay, Rika. We'll figure it out together," Vell comforted her as they continued to run, unsure of what their next move would be.

Before the battle began, Vell called out a greeting. As the soldiers approached, Vell drew out his sword and prepared for battle. Despite the odds against him, he stood his ground, determined to protect Rika.

Rika, meanwhile, was in tears. She begged Vell to let her go and escape on his own, but Vell refused. He told her that he wouldn't leave her side, no matter what.

As the soldiers closed in, Vell called out to Rika, "Run, Rika! Go now and save yourself!" But Rika refused to leave Vell's side. She clung to him, begging him not to fight.

But Vell was resolute. He pushed Rika away and readied himself for battle. "I will protect you, Rika, even if it costs me my life," he declared.

The battle was fierce and intense. Vell fought bravely, his sword flashing through the air as he parried and thrust, determined to protect Rika from harm. Despite the odds against him, he held his own, until one by one the soldiers fell.

In the end, Vell emerged victorious, his clothes torn and stained with blood. But he was unharmed, and he held Rika close, reassuring her that he was alright.

The scene was both heart-wrenching and inspiring, a testament to the strength of Vell's love for Rika and his unwavering commitment to protect her.