

Important: To all my readers, especially those who stuck with me since chapter one even though there were so many errors made (lol), I just want to thank you all for reading my story. My goal is to finish this story as it is the first part of a 3 seperate stories I'm planning to write. However, time, money, and reality is telling me that I have to do something else first. I have to do something that will help support myself and my love in writing stories from my head. I hate taking this course of action, and I will definitely miss the characters and some few concepts I made in terms of superpowers and abilities, but I'm going to have to give Alteria a very abrupt end. I'm sorry for not being able to do what I promised and I thank you for understanding why I have to do it. However, my idea of putting the stories in my head into words and share it to all still hasn't changed. If I am allowed to, in the indefinite future, I will write again. The title will change, the characters will have different names, the way the story goes will be changed, but the plot inside my head will remain the same. If that time actually comes, I will be more than glad to have you all read it! Again, thank you all for reading Alteria. That is all for me for now. Farewell! - OwariDa02 Lyrica Ley Rael, a 16 year old highschool student found herself in front of death's door after seemingly having her body move on it's own to save an old man from being hit by a speeding jeepney. But as she begin to accept the horrible fate she's facing, a voice started speaking to her inside her head, asking her what world she desired before the voice sent her in another world. And after having an agreement with the voice she somehow forgotten, Lyrica's journey in Alteria finally begins!! ------------------------------------------------- The story starts slowly with Lyrica's past with her parents. I apologize for that. If you want to go straight to the real story and action, feel free to skip to chapter 8 after finishing chapter 1! One more thing, the book cover is not mine. If the artist wants me to remove it, please do contact me via Gmail and I will take it down as fast as possible. Gmail: Josephrobertmarbella@gmail.com

OwariDa02 · Fantasy
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211 Chs

Snake River

The Snake River, a permanent stream of water situated in the Forest of No Return.

"It extends for about six thousand and five hundred kilometers in length."

Lyrica bobs her head while scanning the view of the river.

"That's long, alright."

There are a lot of fishes and other aquatic life forms in the said river. Some are edible, while others can be dangerous without cooking them properly. And since not many people get to visit the forest, these aquatic creatures were able to reproduce by a lot.

"Before aquatic life sprung in the Snake River, the stream of water was made and used as a bathing area by the Guardian Snake."

Said the voice to Lyrica.

"That snake made this?"

As the voice stated, there are no evidence that can prove it because again, not a lot of people get to visit the forest. However, it is said that the Snake River was made by the reptile in question.

"A story was formulated, claiming that the Snake River was just a tiny downstream back in the day." The voice uttered. "At the time, the Guardian Snake was looking for a place to soak its humongous body. But the forest doesn't have a body of water where the Guardian Snake can submerge its whole body."

In the end, the Guardian Snake decided to make its water bed using the tiny downstream, which is now called by Alterians as the Snake River.

"Speaking of which, where's the Guardian Snake now?" Lyrica asked while cautiously looking at her surroundings. "I wouldn't get close to that river unless I know there's no gigantic slithering carnivore suddenly appearing out of that water and eat me."

"Don't worry, at this time of the day, the guardian snake should be relaxing in its nest somewhere at the center of the forest."


The Forest of No Return is known for a lot of things. But there are only two reasons why it has such a horrendous name. One of them is about the ruler of the woodland, the Guardian Snake.

Back when Lyrica was making her way to the Forest of No Return, the girl was informed by the voice that the Guardian Snake is a giant reptile that lives and rules the forest. The people who claimed to have seen it and were lucky enough to get out of the forest said that the creature is about one hundred and fifty feet long and about fifteen feet wide.

The Titanoboa snake is nothing compared to it.

As its name implies, the Guardian Snake guards the forest and its other inhabitants from outsiders, especially those aiming to harvest Mana Crystals. Not only that, but the Guardian Snake also keeps violent and dangerous monsters from causing conflict with one another. And so, the Forest of No Return is in peace and tranquility.

"If ever a disturbance occurred in the forest, it would mean that there are uninvited guests with ill intent."

When Lyrica heard those last few words from the voice, she immediately thought about the humans back on Earth. Those people who're always driven by greed for money, power, and everything. Lyrica could imagine them going into the forest to gain profit and eventually meet their downfall.

Lyrica shakes her head. "I can't help but feel disappointed with my own race."


Now back to the present...

"It's not like you're trying to disturb the forest, let alone trying to turn it into ruin. So there's no need for you to be afraid of the Guardian Snake."

A sigh came out of Lyrica's lips as the voice reassured her of her safety.

Splash! Splash!

But in that exact moment, Lyrica caught a sound of water splashing not far to her left. There, she can see a school of fishes flailing and diving against the water current. After some time, Lyrica noticed something familiar about the fishes.

"Why do I feel like I've seen them before?"

She approaches slowly and gets herself in a close distance, just enough so that she doesn't spook them. Lyrica gives them a closer observation. And sure enough, her intense gaze transformed into realization.

"I knew it, it's a Tilapia."

Tilapia is one of the most popular freshwater food in Lyrica's home country–the Philippines. No matter what kind of dishes are made using Tilapia, Filipinos will never get tired of its mouthwatering taste.

Their silly mid-air performance aside, Tilapias are probably the most normal out of every creature she had encountered.

Their body and shape are just like a normal adult Tilapia in Lyrica's world. They have no horns like White Rabbits, nor wings like Long-legs has. The Tilapias' got nothing out of the ordinary, which puts Lyrica somewhat at ease.

Had the fishes have something as disgusting as a giant toad's long tongue, Lyrica would most likely let herself starve to death instead.

"Now then, how am I going to catch one?"

Lyrica doesn't have any fishing gear, let alone a bait.

"I don't think I'll be able to catch one with bare hands."


"How troublesome..."

Just then, the voice suggested Lyrica to eat the remaining treant fruits she brought with her inside her chest pocket. But the girl doesn't want to just eat them, considering the effects they possess.

Once again, her stomach let out a loud growl. Her belly is calling for fish meat. But again, how exactly is she going to catch one?

"I can't believe even food is giving me trouble now..." Lyrica remarked.

Lyrica has gone into deep thought. Should she just eat the small bundle of fruits she took from the treants a while ago? Or should Lyrica try her luck and catch a Tilapia with bare hands?

The girl falls into a dilemma, conflicted by the only two options she has.


"Ack! What in the...?"

All too abruptly, a high pitched cry of a certain bird resonated from the other side of the river, forcing Lyrica to cover her ears. On top of one of the Higantes in the area, a bird descended and catches a leaping Tilapia in a flash.

The creature did it so fast that Lyrica barely saw it happened from the corner of her eyes.


"It's a Kingfisher!"

Hi everyone! Again, just a quick message.

I've been using a certain proofreader app with every chapters I made. However, today, this has started acting up and wouldn't let me proofrood my chapters. I switched to Grammarly for a while, but this app sometimes turns my words into a mess and I would miss them 90% of the time. And so, I'd like your help to find any errors when you're reading a chapter and let me know through the comments! That way I can fix them as soon as I can.

Thank you in advance!

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