
Alteration: Divinity Of Change

Any art made and shown belong to there rightful owners. I am NOT the creator of any Art seen or shown. ———- what would you do if you woke one day and found out you have been sleeping for 20 years? if the world now had magic? And that demons and other things existed? John decided to just get back to his life. The gods had other plans though. John is the most dangerous demon known. So the only question now is who will live to see tomorrow him or the gods? Was it just gods that wanted his head though?

Kedari · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 1: How Things Change Part 1

Like everything before a disaster strikes, things were normal. Well as normal as you could get from your everyday life. I used to think there were two sides to everything, good and bad light and dark. Now I know there's a thin line between them and sometimes you have to be willing to cross the line whatever it takes. I asked what was considered okay and what was problematic. The truth is that it is decided by the majority, which is corrupt, therefore I follow myself and only myself.

*Years earlier*

"John wake up before you're late." A sweet woman's voice echoed through John's ears as he slowly woke up. He looked at the woman in front of him who had a smile on her face as she looked at him.

"Yeah, I'm up mom," John said as he began to rise from his bed. His mom had on a business suit and looked professional. She had long blonde hair, pale white skin with green eyes. She wore heels with her suit and big hoop earrings. Her makeup was done nicely.

"Ok, I'm off to work. Don't be late for school, your dad won't be happy if you are. Breakfast is on the table so eat before you head out. Love you." She said quickly before she closed the door and hurried off to work. A sigh escaped his lips as she left. She was always in a hurry with whatever she did. She cared deeply for John. Always had a smile on her face no matter what. It made John see her as basically his hero; his dad was often absent due to his work. So John would only see his mother most of the time.

John quickly got up and headed to the bathroom and got ready. He looked much like his mother except he had short black hair and blue eyes. He walked downstairs and saw the empty room along with the food on the table. He quickly ate and left for school. The walk there was quick as John did not live too far. He walked to school and proceeded to his first period. He sat down at his desk and put his head down. It didn't take long for someone to interrupt him.

" John, you are always trying to sleep. Get up, you can sleep when you're dead." A voice said as the person sat down and shook John's shoulder. John turned to look with his head still on the desk.

"Oh, it's just you Alex," John said in a bored voice as he turned his head back.

"What do you mean it's just Alex? Oh, I get it you were hoping I was like some super model girl or something huh," Alex said with a quick smile. Alex was John's best friend. He also was very popular but didn't talk with people other than John. John on the other hand wasn't popular and didn't talk with others much.

"Yeah, sure I was wishing the most beautiful girl would come up to me. Then it would be love at first sight and we would ride into the sunset together." John said using his favorite thing, sarcasm. Alex already knew that John wasn't interested in relationships or having a lot of friends. When Alex met John he was labeled weird because people who tried to be friends would find his personality weird or like he didn't like them. Initially, Alex thought this too, but he thought John was the most real person at school. Honestly, Alex hated the attention of others. His life always seemed like he was putting on another person's face. When he met John he was the opposite of everything Alex wanted to be. At first, when John said he wasn't interested in dating, Alex thought he was gay and was shy about it. Although he later found out it wasn't that he wasn't interested in them, he just didn't like the idea of being in one.

" Yeah, whatever you say. Although rumor has it that a girl is transferring to our school and she is super good-looking. I'm talking model level." Alex said as he leaned back in his chair a bit.

" Yeah well, I could care less. As long as this chick doesn't mess up my sleep I could care less." Alex just looked at John with a smile as he said this. Alex knew his friend better than anyone, so this didn't surprise him at all. The bell rang as some last-minute students walked in along with the teacher. John slept in class all the time. Alex took notes for John so he could look at them. Although what surprises Alex no matter how many times he sees it is how smart John is. He could look at something once and instantly remember things. It's like as soon as he sees it, it sticks in his brain. Classes flew by quickly and John and Alex made it to the third to last period. The teacher introduced a new student. The girl walked in with her long black hair reaching to her waist. The guys in the room quickly straightened up as they saw her. Her face was beautiful and she stood about 5 feet 5 inches. Alex found himself looking as well. He slapped John's shoulder and kept saying "dude look" over and over until John looked. John glanced at the girl quickly and then turned to Alex.

"Dang, she's pretty. Wake me up when the periods are over, okay." He said as he put his head on the desk. Alex just shook his head at him as he replied with a "fine". The girl noticed how a lot of the guys looked at her as she sighed inwardly. Although John caught her attention as he didn't seem to care. She smiled internally at John before she introduced herself.

" Hello, my name is Aria. I hope to become fast friends with you all." She said as she kept it short and sweet. Alex who heard her now had a look of uninterest on his face. He could tell she was like him, someone who had a different personality than what she showed everyone else. This caught her attention as Aria noticed Alex's sudden loss of interest. Everyone wanted Aria to sit with them but she sat close to Alex and John. Some people were shocked. Although some thought that she had just taken a liking to Alex. She sat there without a word as the class continued. When classes had come to an end Alex woke John.

"God, that was the most relaxing sleep," John said while he looked through Alex's notes as if this was their normal routine. Alex just smiled in response.

John finished quickly and got ready to leave with Alex.

" Excuse me, if it's not too much trouble can I ask for your name?" Aria said, looking at John. John looked at her for a while when he asked.

"Who are you again?" Alex immediately started laughing; this was so like his friend. Aria was smiling when she heard this. John still didn't care though.

"My name is Aria," she replied. John looked at her for a moment.

" John," he said before he left and Alex followed, still laughing.