
Alter E6o

What if psychopaths were given the freedom to torture and eat humans? How fun would that be? Yes, this is a world where psychopaths have the special ability to create Voice Space. It's an infinite vacuum, separate from the human world. These psychopaths are called Alter Ego sufferers. Kafka, a 19-year-old young man who has a memory disorder. He was targeted by the Alter Ego because his meat was considered rare. Luckily there is Eliza, a psychiatrist who always protects him. And help Kafka to find his true self. Who is Kafka really? Follow Kafka and Eliza's journey. Discover the secret behind their past love story.

Hikmawati_4439 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Cold-blooded angel

The scent of lavender wafted from the girl's body. It spread in the room. Throwing off the restlessness of my heart. I was mesmerized. Staring at every part of her body. Strands of black hair in a row, flowing straight down to her waist. Her gaze was wistful. Illuminating the dark anguish of the soul. Tame the pain. How perfect is this one creation of God. Like an angel about to lead me to the path of heaven. It was the first time I saw a woman as beautiful as her. Similar to the criteria of the woman in my imagination. What is her name?

"Wh-what's your name?" I muffled my blush with a churning curiosity.


The melodious trill of ruby red lips. The intimate sound disturbed my heart. Occasionally, there was a soft smile as she leered. I don't know what flavor it contained, which made me a little awkward. My face heated up.

"I-I, Kafka."

Eliza stroked my cheek again. Her lips smiled so close, an inch away. Truly, I was helpless. I couldn't stop my heart from pounding. All this time, everyone thought of me as the most useless human being. No one has ever been kind to me. But it was different with this girl. She treated me as a human being. I like her.

"Kafka, what a beautiful name. I'm sorry I touched you without permission. I just wanted to wipe the dust off your face."

I nodded. Throwing my face into my arms. Hiding my nervousness. Noticing the dust.

"Dust?" My forehead wrinkled. I pondered the question in my head. Supposedly, the dust was brown but why was it red?

"Raise your right hand." Eliza asked. Welcoming with an open palm. I extended my arm, like a dog obeying its master. Our skin touched each other. Smooth and warm. Eliza rubbed every knuckle of my fingers. Comfortable.

I went back to observing my body parts. I'm wearing the thin clothes that hospital patients usually wear. Light blue in color. Mixed with red stains. I sniffed my shoulders. The smell of rancor was strong. Breaking my consciousness. My heart was racing wildly. I could barely breathe because my feelings were mixed, between shock and panic. Spontaneously, I pulled my hand from Eliza's grasp. Then I stumbled backwards quickly. A solid wall stopped me in my tracks. I leaned back,

"Eliza, what happened? Why is there dried blood all over my body?"

"Maybe you were too tired playing in the dirt, so before going to bed you forgot to take a shower,"


Eliza should have answered according to my question. Instead, she went out of her way to put on a calm face. Smiling. I admit that my heart was getting captivated. However, in this situation panic was crushing my feelings. Eliza's expression looks annoying. Or maybe this girl thought I was joking? I thought to myself.

I looked right and left. I planned to leave the room. Find out why my body is covered in blood? Why was I in the hospital?

I found my way out. Stand up. Walked to the right, two meters away. I glanced over, Eliza didn't seem to let go of her gaze. Barely blinking. Following my every step with a smiling face. Without a word or a move to dissuade me. I reached the door. Pulled the handle straight away.


The door opened wide. The atmosphere was eerily quiet. It was dark all around. There was only a little red light. My body shook violently. A question struck my brain. Is this a hospital or an old building? Dirty and unkempt. It was creepy. However, I was surprised. The room I was in was fine. Something was wrong. I thought about asking Eliza. But it's useless! I'm sure she'll give me a strange answer.

I made up my mind, eliminating my trepidation and doubt. I dared my right foot to step on the floor. There was a splash from the puddle. The left foot follows, walking slowly. Slippery. I spread my eyes. I see a distress alarm, posted on the wall. It emits a red light.

Continue down the long corridor. Sparks were everywhere, caused by an electrical short circuit. All the window panes are broken and cracked. Be careful. Dodging, in case there are pieces of glass in the puddle. Every now and then, I'd jolt, hearing something fall on the floor. Staying calm even though I was panicking. Straight on, turning the corner, until I was away from Eliza's room. It was quiet. It was deserted. There was no one I could see.

Suddenly, the wind picked up. A charred and fishy smell pierced my sense of smell. My face contorted. Covered my nose. Moving on. The further I traveled, the closer and sharper the odor became. Stop. Dead end. There was a wall blocking it. I averted my eyes. Looking for another way. The stairs are there, right beside me. Walk down, until the last step. The situation is no less horrifying than the previous floor. There was no light. Groping in the darkness.


I stumbled. Falling face down on a pile of very soft things. My hand landed on something soft. I squeezed it. Soft and sticky. Got up and sat up. Pulled on the object. Lifted it up. Bringing it closer to my face. Sniffed. A fishy, charred smell wafted up.

"What is this?


Lightning struck, briefly. It pierced through the glass wall. The white light was enough to make my eyes record the surroundings.


My heart seemed to escape from its place when I saw the meat I was holding. It looked like a sausage. Human intestines? Also a gruesome sight. Dozens of corpses lying on the floor. Ah... not dozens, maybe hundreds.

Instantly the hairs stood on end. Shudder. My tongue was suddenly twisted. What was that image just now? Was I hallucinating?

I groped for the floor cushion. My hands were shaking. Confirming doubts. At first touch, my fingers crept along the curves of the skin-covered bone. Furthermore, there were fine hairs in some parts. A human face?

Suddenly, my body was thrown back. Crawling up the stairs. My chest heaved, racing with my footsteps and hands. Before I reached the end of the last step, I stopped. Closing my eyes. Look away. Because the glare of the light that shone down on me.

"Kafka... What's wrong with you?" A gentle female tone of voice broke through into my ears.

I recognize this voice. Opening my eyes. Sure enough, just as I expected. The woman is Eliza. I raised my arm, at eye level. Blocking the flashlight beam. Exclaimed with twitching lips. Pointed my index finger downward.

"E-Eliza, many bodies--!"

"Hmm this place is very dirty, huh!" cut in Eliza. From her voice, Eliza seemed calm. Not panicking like me.

"Haa? Stop joking around Eliza! We need to get out of this place."

Instead of answering, Eliza walked down the stairs. Passing by me. The flashlight's light swayed with the movement of her hand. I lowered my head. Exhaling heavily. Calming myself down.

"Kafka will you help me clean up the trash down there?"

Before, blood was said to be dust. My body was covered in blood, said to have been playing in the dirt. This time he said human remains, trash.

"What do you mean Eliza? They are humans, not trash."

"After all, if left alone they will rot, then become carrion. Soon the corpses will be swarming with flies. Isn't it only garbage that can attract a swarm of flies, Kafka?"

My body instantly stiffened. My insides shrank. I turned my head slowly. My neck was heavy. I saw the muzzle of the flashlight shining on Eliza's face. Her grin was so wide that her molars were visible.

I had liked her before, but she turned out to be a scary girl. It was as if the angel standing in front of me had turned into a cold-blooded psychopath. Her face, alone, was beautiful but her brain was abnormal. I'm sure it was Eliza who killed them all. Sadistic and cruel!


Both my ears were suddenly ringing. My eardrums felt like they were pierced by needles

I clogged them, with my palms. I knit my eyebrows, enduring the pain. Prostrate myself, resting my forehead on the tiles of the stairs.

Suddenly, I hear the hoarse voice that used to haunt me whispering,

"Kafka, run, before this woman kills you. Or don't let me control your body. I'll cut off that delicate skin, then I'll stick it on the hospital wall. Hahaha."

What did she say? Possessing my body? Killing? No! In this situation, I was only thinking of how to save my life without killing Eliza? Arrgghh...

I didn't think that ethereal creature would interfere. I should have run away a long time ago. Now what should I do? To be killed or to kill? In other words, I'll become a killer. A complicated choice. However, just one word, my decision is decisive. If I make the wrong choice, it might end tragically. Eliza or I will still die.