
My life IS pain

A few hours passed and I was awakened by a deep voice. The sound of growling and hissing in an inhumane way came from the hallway just outside of the cell I was being kept. I sighed. I know exactly what it came from. A werewolf. By the way that the growling sounded, I knew that it was someone in power. Most likely the Beta since he wanted to see me earlier.

"What do you mean she isn't a wolf?!?" The strong voice hollered.

"I'm sorry Alpha I should have informed you as soon as I found out. You just seemed-" his voice was cut off by a slam on the wall. I flinched. I heard a growl and the opening of a door. I looked down and shut my eyes.

"You. Human. Look at me." The deep voice said.

I refuse. I will not be commanded by someone who is not my alpha.

"The alpha was speaking to you human. Answer him!" A female voice yelled. I knew that voice belonged to Nancy. Then again I don't care.

"First of all, I have a Name. Second of all he is not my alpha, he may be yours but he is my enemy." my voice broke the silence. I was surprised as to how strong it sounded. I felt a swish of air and then a sharp pain in my back. I softly opened my eyes and realized 'The Alpha' had thrown me against the wall. I slowly started to stand up. I was furious. I stood up and softly brushed off my clothing and started to laugh.

"That's all you have? My father was a Beta and still stronger than both of you. Take your best shot."

I was passed furious, now. I grabbed my shirt and lifted it just above my belly.

"Look at this. I'm accustomed to being abused. If you want to take a shot. Go ahead. The punching bag needs to be taught a lesson. Right?!" I screamed with tears in my eyes.

I lowered my shirt and look straight at Nancy. My gaze moved to 'The Alpha'

"C'mon All so mighty Alpha, take your best shot. Kill me for all I care I'm tired of this crap I call a life." I said in a mocking tone. My eyes settled on the Alpha and his eyes held so much emotion. For a split second, they held anger. Soon they were overflooded by lust, love, and pain.

Nancy walked towards me and lifted her hand. She was going to slam it against my cheek but before I could blink she was being hurled through the cell to the wall at the far end.

"Mate" Damien stated while standing in front of me.

His eyes started to sparkle there was a silver shine in them. The silver took up almost most of his eye. I wondered if he would go blind from that. Nancy recovered from the throw and stood up.

"Alpha?" She softly asked.

"No one will touch her... She is my mate.." His strong voice commanded.

Everyone in the cell stood frozen. "Alpha, she is a human. She is trash and needs be executed" One of the wolves came and grabbed my wrist.

He tightened his hold on me softly crushing my wrist. The alpha grabbed his hand and I swear I heard a cracking sound. The wolf whimpered. Yet the alpha didn't even flinch.

"MINE!" he yelled in the wolves face.

My body started to shake and I realize that my back had started bleeding once again. The room was way too humid. It started getting harder to breathe. I started taking in strong breaths of air but ended up panting. Damien looked at me with a worried look soon blackness started to overcome me. I felt my body go limp.