
The journey begins

I may be in a bad situation but at least for 17 years, I had someone keep a roof over my head. I just hope one day he finds someone who can take care of him. I wouldn't want to end up like him. Not in a million years. Although my situation isn't much better at least I'm young and stronger. His prime time was obviously a very long time ago.

Once at the bus stop I sat on one of the chairs. The bus would arrive in 5 minutes. I was deep in thought when I heard someone talk.

"Are you Bane?"

"Yes... Is there something I can help you with?"

"Come with me, Beta doesn't like to be kept waiting."

"I'm sorry?" I asked in a confused tone. The stranger didn't reply. He only grabbed my arm and started walking to a black SUV. I wanted to scream but I couldn't seem to open my mouth. He quickly pushed me in the car and shoved the door closed. He got on the driver's side and started driving. This was going to be a long car ride.

Just as I had suspected the car ride lasted around 2 hours. Mike the stranger had played many different songs. I learned his name halfway through the ride. All from different genres. I fiddled with my fingers and on occasion, I would stare out into the forest. I was completely and utterly bored. I decided to lay my head back and rest my eyes.

I don't exactly know when I fell asleep but I did. I was awakened by the slamming of a door. I jolted out of my seat. I opened my door and climbed out.

"Where here"

"Woah. This place is bigger than I thought." I mumbled astonished.

Mike just chuckled behind me. He grabbed my bag and helped me walk into a mansion.

"So how is it that you are the strongest wolf alive, yet you have no scent"

"Excuse me?"

"Well the Beta of the Black Forest Pack said that you were the strongest she-wolf in your pack, yet I cannot scent your wolf. How do you cover your scent like that?"

"I don't cover my scent. I am a human." I stated.

"A human? Oh no! Alpha won't like this." He mumbled.

I was quite unaware of what was happening. One of the females had come up to us and she had struck me in the back of the head. Of course, being beat at home by a wolf much stranger than her I was quick to regain balance.

"Come with me human.." She spat out the word human in a distasteful way. Like I was some kind of infection on her tongue. Before I could react she had grabbed me and was dragging me down the halls into a basement looking thing. I started to struggle and she started to get pissed off. After multiple blows to my head and abdomen, I stopped refusing. I just let her drag me. I should have known nothing was going to change.

I was trying not to cry. I guess the fact that my father basically sold me, my pack betrayed me and now that I was in a new pack they were putting me in prison. It was all overwhelming. I fought back tears and waited for them to leave me in my cell. Nancy, the woman from earlier had placed me in a cell and had hit me a few times. I, of course, did nothing to avoid it. I was tired of the beating and quite frankly she wasn't very strong. I guess I did grow accustomed to my father's beatings.

Every time Nancy would hit me I would laugh and ask her if that was all she had. We did that for a few minutes. My body ached and my skin was about to break and release my blood all over the floor. Nancy had stopped. She had grown tired of hitting me and I had grown tired of taunting her.

She left after a few minutes of our stare down. I softly smiled. My body was ready to give in to my dark slumber and I smiled at the thought. Oh, my dark slumber how I have missed you. My escape.