
Alpha x Alpha

What happens when a dominant Alpha Wolf is paired to an equally dominant Alpha Wolf by some twisted form of fate? Well, only Hell breaks loose! Will Blake and Aries break the boundaries and let their pride down to admit their love for each other before one them reap their throats out? Most likely not.

TracerArt · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Red: Fangs of Fury

I slammed the door of my car as I heard my father growled loudly from our house. I can't believed he just let some random wolves ran amuck around our territory for the night and let them walk away like that. I gritted my teeth as I unconsciously grip the wheel hard as the metal slowly bend beneath my grasps.

"Another fight?" Frank asked as he looked at me from the corner of his eye as he continued to fiddle with his Switch. I growled in response which made him scoot away from me.

"I don't want to talk about it." I spat as I started the engine, feeling the machine breath into life. I took a deep breath and sighed heavily as I adjusted the air condition of the car as it was getting too humid for my liking. I scowled as I saw it was already set to maximum and yet the car's freaking hot as the Sahara Desert! I let another groan as Frank rolled his eyes.

"Next time cool your head before you decide to enter the car." He said to me as he lowered the window to let some air in. "I wonder sometimes if you'll burn the whole town down to ashes if somehow you blew a fuse over anything you don't agree with, Blake..." He looked at me with a stern look. "No offense Alpha."

I grinned as I hit the gas pedal and drove the car out of the front lawn and into the road making Frank drop his console with a curse between his teeth. Actually, now that he mentioned it I could actually burn the whole compound if I wanted to. Not that I intend to. Well, not in my right mind I wouldn't. I'm an Alpha and I'm supposed to look out for my pack but being a certain Fire Wolf do has its downside more or less.

One of them is my temper even how much I would hate to admit it. You could tell I easily get pissed about anything but I don't care as it comes with the territory. Alpha Fire Wolves are quite temperamental by nature. Just now, my father just set the whole study on fire just by glaring at me. Good thing the whole mansion was rigged with smoke detectors if such things would happen and in most cases all the time.

To cut this story short, a ton of paper works and documents got wet and surely my Old Man wouldn't be happy about it and would be blowing another fuse whole week perhaps. And good riddance I would say.

Yeah, I actually like it.

I brought the car to a halt after making a curve ball to a vacant spot at top speed. Which made Frank curse under his breath that I'll kill him before he could see his mate not that I cause him to drop his Switch once again.

Speaking of mates, I don't have one yet or that I hoped she would be presented to me by now. I'm fucking 18 and I can't seem to find her. I wished it's a her 'cause I'm not going homo for some dick wad like those freaks. Ugh! The very thought of it make want to throw up as we exited the vehicle as the scent of bitches caught my nose. It's quite frustrating to be honest that I can't control the raging monster that's been causing problems inside my boxers off since I hit puberty and today is no exception. I've fucked every teenage girl in this state, wolf or human, and the towns that surround it for the past 8 years. Yep, I hit puberty when I was 10 and it was a blast!

Every female wolf looked at my direction when I entered the school ground as their eyes started to flash with lust shifting from their natural colors to red but humans are quite slow to notice anyways. On the other hand, the human females just blushed at me and seems to be breathless when I pass by them or at least make eye contact. Yep, its the time of the week that I become extremely horny and I send out this very potent sexual pheromones that makes anyone around me aroused. Yep I'm a damn great sex magnet and I'm proud of it.

Frank might have felt it and fidgeted. "Shit dude! Could you keep it together at least for the day. I don't want a pack of females attacking us." He whispered at me sternly as I ignored him. I want release and want it as soon as possible. The problem is which one to choose that I haven't screwed around yet.

"Hey Blake. You look extremely sexy today." Alexandra the cheerleader seductively purred over my ear as she wrapped her silky white arms around my right arm. I looked at her and placed my ringer in her lips which she seductively licked before swallowing them in red lips. I smirked and pushed her away as I continued to walk. I heard her moan loudly before I went to my locker and pulled it open, pulling my stuff before closing it.

Frank shook his head in amusement as he looked pass me. I looked at the direction of which he was looking and cocked an eyebrow at a ton of eyes looking hungrily at me. I glance back at him with a shrug.

"What?" I asked as we continued to proceed to our first class.

"You're sick man. You enjoy this too much and dude you need help." Frank said as he made a face.

"I don't see any problem?" I replied as I smirked at a random female on the hall and as soon we made eye contact, blood filled her cheeks and gasped before I saw her lean over the wall gasping for air. I chuckle at how weak kneed humans are.

"I mean its getting on my nerves already. Your sexual drive is getting worse and worse every week." Frank glared at me as he gripped my shoulder. I stopped and looked at him as a growl escaped my lips. He immediately released me and lowered his head in submission. "Sorry Alpha. I didn't mean any disrespect." I kept glaring at him as he shifted uncomfortably even without looking at me. His knees soon buckle and went limp. I smirked as he fell to the floor kneeling his head down in shame. "Forgiveness Alpha." He whimpers.

I stopped glaring at Frank and tugged him up by his sleeve. "It doesn't mean you're my Beta that you can say anything to me OR touch me as anyway you like." I looked at his fear stricken eyes as he looked into my cold red ones. "I don't tolerate disrespect. Understand!" I release him before walking again as I felt him walk behind me.

I slipped inside my class as everyone seemed to cower down or look at me sexually at my presence. I lazily waltz to my seat at the back and looked at the teacher who has his mouth agape from me entering the class. I felt my temper rise as I shot him a glare.

"What!" I growled and the teacher seemed to be brought from reality by shock that he started to continue to teach the class something that I don't care. I'm horny, I'm mad and I don't freaking want to mingle with crap minded people all day.

Class continued slow and frustrating, sexually frustrating and as soon the bell rung for lunch I immediately stormed out of the room. My feet led me to the hallway to scan for any female around. I'm not going to wait and I need release right here, right now! So I quickly grabbed some random girl that my set eyes on and dragged her to a room and locked it.

She tried resisting me and that made me more aroused. I attacked her neck as I suck her skin, biting her in the process. I pinned her to the wall and as soon as I grinned my crotch in her hips that she lets out a moan and she stopped resisting. My hand release her arm and gripped the two plump breasts that made her squirm beneath me as she moaned once more. I continued to lick her neck going up to her ear as she ran her fingers under my shirt, feeling my hard abs and chiseled chest. I heard her gasp as I shoved my tool inside her roughly. She looked at me with fear in her eyes as I smirk devilishly at her. I felt she was about to scream so I planted my lips to hers, drowning her scream in my mouth as I started to thrust roughly. Ripping her in half from the inside as I fill her up with my juice. Her eyes rolled up went limp as I drop her to the floor with a loud thud. I lick my lips as I gaze at the mixture of white and red liquid flooding the floor.

I looked down at my throbbing member and it was still hard as a rock but it was good for now. At least I didn't kill her like the first few women I had sex with. I was really rough and I fucked them non-stop. I guess Frank was right. I'm not well and I can't go on having meaningless sex for the rest of my life. I need to find my mate!

I blew a puff of smoke into the air as I saw Frank walking towards me with some of our pack members. I threw the stick into the floor and put it out before they took their seats.

"You guys heard Stephanie from class 7 has been rushed to the hospital just awhile ago." Jason started looking at the others Frank rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, they said had a large object stuck in her..." Harrold paused as he described the next word with his fingers as everyone on the table gave a smug smirk at me. Frank on the other hand sighed and crosses his arms. I shot them a lazy shrug as it was something normal.

"You're a god, Alpha!" Jason beams at me. "I heard she was still ecstatic when the paramedics arrive. Shit! To be that after being passed out from sex must mean you are beast!" I smirked at his compliment as everyone else in the table seemed to agree well except for my Beta who constantly shook his head disapprovingly.

"Grand Alpha won't like it, Alpha." Frank said as everyone quiets down. I groaned as I looked at him pissed but I guess he's being a good friend or Beta. So I let it slip for now.

"Yeah. Yeah. I get it." I waved my hand at him to dismiss the idea. Father would wring my neck when I get home. The last time I sent a girl to the hospital because of my urges he beat the hell out of me that I was in a coma for a week with a couple of broken bones and destroyed organs in the process. "Well, done is done already and I'm glad its already over." I scowled as Frank motioned the others to leave us for awhile.

"You're still not satisfied, aren't you Alpha?" Frank ask with concern as he looks around to see that no one's listening.

I groaned at him and slumped my back on the seat. "What do you think." Frank shook his head as he looked at me with concern.

"You can't be like this Alpha. You need is not one stands or random sex. You need your mate." His words bore into my mind as I gripped my hair in frustration.

He's right I need to stop this and to do so I need to find my mate but I haven't found her yet. And its driving me mad!

"Easy for you to say." I groaned as I took another stick from my pack. "I already searched every female in this country for a year and none of them came out to be my mate."

Frank nervously played with his fingers before he spoke. "Maybe, Alpha.." He swallowed before continuing. "...Didn't you think... uhm... that your mate... would be, how would I say it,..." I knew what he was about to say and slammed my hands on the table so hard making the the other students and staff looked at our general direction. Jason and Harrold glared at the people around that they averted their eyes away from us.

"What Hunter?! Tell me what." I gritted my teeth in rage as I glared down at him. Frank just lowered his head in submission before he uttered the most dreadful words I want to hear.

"...a male."

I immediately pulled his shirt lifting him towards me as I plant daggers into him with my eyes. " My. Mate. Is. Not. A. Male." I emphasized each word into him through gritted teeth. "And I don't want you or anyone else bringing it up ever again." I pushed him backwards as I released him from my grasp.

"Yes, Alpha. Understood." He lowers his head as I slumped back at my seat puffing in the nicotine from my stick. My mate is not a man. And I intend to make it that way.

I caught Raul's scent and his cronies from behind me and stood up and looked at him. He smirked at me and raised his hand for a greeting. I looked at his hand and blew a puff of smoke into the air. Showing him no interest in being civil with him. He pulled his arm and slumped them inside his pants.

"Heard you're still mateless, Fang." He smirked as his cronies cackle like hyenas. I lazily looked at him and he shrugged the look I was giving him. "I bet it sucks ass not getting your fill when you're-" I gripped his neck before he could spat the words out. Frank and the others approached me from behind as they glared at Raul and his pack.

"I don't care if the treaty allowed you to roam around these lands, Raul. But know this, I will snap your neck like a twig." I growled at him as my hand started to heat up on his neck but knowing that he's a Fire Wolf I won't burn him but I can still give him bruises and minor burns

I felt him grin at me as if provoking me to proceed on what ever that is going on my mind which I would gladly do if this guy continued to piss the hell out of me. I felt Frank gripped my shoulder once again. What's with him and orders anyways, doesn't he get hints. I lose my grip on Raul's neck before I gave a final choke on his throat. I gave a menacing growl before his cronies pulled him up and exited the cafeteria.

"Annoying shits." I cussed as I turned around and bumped into someone. I almost lost my footing as I felt a fully grown werewolf just pounced at me. I glared at the person who tackled me and found a guy slumped down on the floor, picking up his books. I can't see his face through his green hoodie.

"Whoa!" Jason exclaimed. "It's the first time I saw Alpha been tackled by someone." He whispered to Harrold but I can still hear him. I glared at the boy as he scamper to pick up his books and I growled. I didn't sensed him! For once I didn't sensed someone coming near me. What's more confusing is I didn't event caught his scent within the cafeteria.

I looked at the book just below from shoe and steps on it as he was about to grab it. The stopped and pulled his hand towards him as I leaned down and took a sniff. I bat an eyebrow and took another sniff this time a little closer to the guy as I was practically kneeling at him with my foot still on his book. I shot a puzzling look. I can't seem to put his scent in my mind. I guess he's not a wolf because I can't sense any wolf scents on him just his perfume that was quite mild to the nose. So I guess he's human.

He slowly reach out his hand once again to grab his book from under my footing but I let out a threatening growl. Wait, I just growled at a human for reaching out his books. I'll smirk, I'll yell but I never growled at a human like a wolf if I'm toying. I shook my head mentally and stood up and motioned Frank to approach me without lifting my foot on the book and the guy didn't even glance up, his head still focused on the book.

"Can you smell his scent?" I asked him whispering to a level so low that only wolves can hear. He shot me a confused look.

"Yeah. It's called cologne." Frank answered back. I glared at him.

"I mean can you sense if he's a wolf or human?" I spat.

"He doesn't smell like a wolf so he's most likely human." Frank said as he looked at the boy after sniffing the air.

I was relieved for awhile. I thought I was thinking things too much. The guy haven't said a thing and moved a muscle. I dragged the book slightly on the floor and saw him jerk his body. A smirk ran down my lips as I felt torturing this guy for bumping into me.

"Hey nerd! Do you want your book back?" I asked the guy as I pressed my foot further down the hard covers. I saw him nod his head from the motion of his hood. "Are you mute? Cat's got your tongue?" I laughed as everyone who heard it roared in laughter as I saw him shook his head no. "Look at me when I talk to you." I demanded and yet he kept his face down. I growled furiously as I felt my canines appeared, I will not allow someone to disobey me, even for a human. I lunge my hand down at his hood and pulled him up as I seem to pull a handful of his hair in the process. I noticed that he was as tall as me and has silvery white hair from the locks that where neatly combed to the side. His eyes where close from fear I guess or pain. I seem not to care as I glared at him.

Frank picked up one of the notes and read the name written on the owner card. "Zephyr Storm. A new kid eh." Frank looked at me and smirked. "Cut him some slack Blake. The kid's new in town."

I gave him a scowl and looked back at the guy who for some reason was gritting his teeth and clenching his fists. "I'm not even yanking your hair out and you're all worked up." I spat as I raised my arm higher trying to lift him up and it was like I was lifting a damn elephant. I don't know why this human is damn heavy. The guy wears an overly large green jacket, large black shirt and loose jeans. And he freakishly look like a hamper on clothes but he damn weighs heavy than he looks.

I sense something approaching me at top speed that I immediate leaped backwards, letting go of the guy I was holding as he dropped on his feet. A saw a fist fly right pass me as I descend from my leap. I immediately glared at the person who assaulted me. Frank and the others where surprised at the attacked as the guy just appeared out of nowhere.

The guy was blonde about a inch shorter than me, wearing tight fit elbow length white shirt and dirty brown pants. He looked at me with furrowed brows and his hand raised on his chest with clenched fists. And by the looks of it he was with that boy.

"Hands off." He threatened as glared at me with his brown eyes.

I clenched my fist and approached him, towering him with my dominance making him flinch but he still kept his guard and glares at me. Usually, that would make a human cower in fear but this guy didn't even backs off. I decided to increase my threatening aura on him but just scowled at me like nothing. I glared at Frank and the others and they are already shaking on the shoes.

"Who the hell are you!" I demanded as I looked at the blonde boy. He looked at the other boy from the corner of his eye before looking back at me.

"The hell would I do that." The guy spat back making my blood boil.

"Because I said so!" I boomed and the whole cafeteria are now looking at our direction. "Tell me what I want to know before I send you to the morgue."

I caught a glimpse as the boy behind him started to speak or at least move his lips because I couldn't here a damn thing. If that's even a whisper I could have heard that. I glared at the boy too long that I didn't noticed the blonde guy ease up and looked at me.

"Aries Storm." He spat as he motioned the hooded guy outside the cafeteria without saying another word.

For whatever reason after that I stomped towards the blonde guy and literally ripped him away from the hooded boy and pushed him away as I gripped the arms of the guy with the hood and smirked.

"Where the hell are you going, fag?" I spat as I dug my fingers under his jacket making him wince in pain.

I sensed the blonde guy dashing towards me as I motioned Frank and the others to hold him down. But the guy slips around them easily and tried to kick me but I immediately raised my right arm to block, letting go of the guy I was holding. He tool this opportunity to yank himself out of my grasp.

The blonde guy may have noticed that I was looking for that hooded guy that he immediately duck to the floor and spun his leg on my feet making me fall to the ground.

I growled at the sting of the floor as Frank and the others came to help me up. I slap their hands off as I stood up glaring the whole cafeteria for that hooded guy.

All the people started to avert their eyes away as Frank and the others looked down on submission.

"Where the hell is that fucker!" I demanded no one in particular. No one answered as I stormed out of the cafeteria looking for that hooded boy and for some reason I was more pissed at him than that blonde kid.