
Alpha x Alpha

What happens when a dominant Alpha Wolf is paired to an equally dominant Alpha Wolf by some twisted form of fate? Well, only Hell breaks loose! Will Blake and Aries break the boundaries and let their pride down to admit their love for each other before one them reap their throats out? Most likely not.

TracerArt · Fantasy
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61 Chs

Green: Calm before the Storm

The stench of his arousal is strong even here in the parking lot. God I'm paired to a complete imbecile. I buried my face in my hands as I drag them across my face, hoping to wipe out the humiliation. I took another sniff into the air and begin to churn.

"Shit! Ugh." I gag the bad taste on my tongue. If his scent tastes like this I don't want to know the rest of him taste like when I manage to get in contact with him. I shivered at that thought.

I looked at the building my 'mate' is at and heaved a sigh. Well, I wouldn't deny that the moment I knew my mate was a guy I just wanted to commit suicide. Come on let's get real, I wouldn't... OK, I guess I could give him a chance. I wasn't going judgmental on him because he's a guy. I hoped the Great Spirits where, I supposed, creative on their pairings this time.

I caught a whiff of my mate's scent again and I began to puke. Shit! Is he having sex? I felt I would throw up in the car that I immediately opened the door and threw my breakfast out. I'm sure I really won't like him now even after 5 years of watching him and yes I've been stalking him since I felt this annoying pull towards him.

Blake Fang, son of Lance Fang, successor of the feared Hell Fire Wolves pack. I could smirk on the whims of the spirits to pair me with an Alpha. I could only hope that he's submissive because I won't ever take a dick up in my ass. Come on. I pray Great Spirits that you paired me with someone more civilized and less... Blake. There I said it! I will never find him attractive. Not in the slightest and if I tried I puke and want to kill myself.

He's short tempered and bossy. He likes toying with people who are smaller and weaker than him. He has no in the slightest respect for women! Ever! Should I go on? Oh, He has an ego as large as the continent of Antarctica!

I slumped back on the car seat feeling the soft cushion beneath my green jacket as I felt Zephyr enter the passenger seat of the car.

"Holding up, Alpha.?" Zephyr asked me as he combed his long blonde hair backwards as I shot him a glare. He chuckled at my stare and raised a brown bag of food. "These burgers won't eat themselves you know." He waved the bag in my face and I rolled my eyes as I snatched the bag from his hand.

"You know I don't want my Beta to call me that." I looked at him before I took a big bite from my burger. Hmmm... Meat.

"As you wish Alpha." Zephyr smirked as I scoff between chewing and biting. "Anyways Aries, . what do you intend to do with him?" He asked before taking a bite from his sandwich.

I shrugged. " To be honest with you Zephyr. I don't really know." I looked at the establishment and heaved a sigh. "I can't seem to like him no matter what I do or what he does." I stretched my arms outward to the school. " I guess it's a doom relationship anyways. Come on I'm an Alpha. He's an Alpha! And last time I checked, we're both straight."

I looked at Zephyr and he smiled at me while shaking his head. "I believe a certain someone said to his pack that no matter how the situation presents itself or the challenges that lie await, you have to stand firm and head through the storm." He leaned against his seat before taking a sip from his soda. I saw a playful smirk paint across his lips as he turn his face to me. "And I bet you knew who said that?"

I smirked at him and slumped against the seat. "Yeah." Suddenly, I heard sirens from afar and immediately perked my head up as the familiar scent of my mate engulf the air along with the smell of blood.

Zephyr might have smelled the blood that he looked at me surprised. I existed the vehicle with Zephyr right behind my tail. I followed the disgusting stench of blood and as the next scent registered in my brain I begun to feel the bile building that I immediately covered my mouth. "Shit!"

Zephyr grabbed my shoulder and looked at my eyes as he shook his head. "I guess we better leave, Aries." He moved his hand at my back moving them in a circular motion. "You're mate is getting worse by the minute."

I shook my head and swallowed the bile down my throat and pulled my glasses from my collar and pushed them up my nose as I adjust the hood of my jacket. "I can take this, Zephyr. He can't sense me remember?"

Zephyr groaned and shook his head. "I really don't agree with you decision, Aries. But as your friend I'll support you even your sorry excuse for a mate continues to deny to open his eyes." I growled at Zephyr at his statement but I already knew that he was denying a male mate. And that is also the reason he can't sense me even I'm near. Don't get me wrong, I still don't like the idea of him being my mate. But being open minded allowed me to feel him once I hit puberty and more when I was 16.

I could always deny him to make things better but I won't. I always face everything even how difficult they are and this is no exception.

I sniffed a couple of Fire Wolves around the building. Not that it was unexpected because I already did my research or rather infiltration for years. Better have knowledge on your enemies if you happen to stumble in an unknown territory.

I felt Zephyr smirk behind me as he find my disguise amusing.

"Don't think that I don't know you're smirking behind me." I said in his mind as he shrugged nonchalantly.

"I don't get why you should go with the nerdy get-up every time we go cover ops when we are here." He answered in his mind as he continued to smile at the human girls that waved at him. "We already masked our scent so no one would notice us." I paused and went to a locker and opened it.

"I just don't want to attract unnecessary attention." I pulled out Zephyr's books and notes and clutched them to my chest. "Gonna borrow your stuff for awhile."

Zephyr rolled his eyes as he opened the locker next to mine. "And why would you like to borrow my identity as well, Zephyr Storm..." He said playfully through his mind. I huffed under my hood as I continued to walk down the hallway.

That reason I'm dressed this way is simple actually. I release my sexual pheromones during this time and much like Blake, girls tend to get a bit clingy on me. And if you know how I usually wear you'd know.

I usually get glances when I pass by but they usually brush it off due to my appearance. So I'm safe for now. I passed by cafeteria hall and caught the scent of Blake and again I felt my stomach churning. God, this is torture sometimes. I see he was scolding his Beta again as always. Instilling fear to your subordinates is a mark of an Alpha Fire Wolf. I shook my head in defeat as I see him smoking a cigarette. One of the things that I really don't like about him.

I saw Zephyr coming out of the Registrar's office after enrolling us both again to this school. I already got a college degree and doctorate when I was 17. But mom insisted that I should try a normal high school life to enjoy since according to her I spent half my life earning a degree that would make my life miserable. I couldn't say no to her.

A girl approached Zephyr and talked to him as he shot me an apologetic look. The girl looked at my direction and gave a scowl at me as I hid my face under my hood. She returned to talk to Zephyr again as I entered the cafeteria.

I held my right hand on my nose and mouth while my left arm clutched the books I was carrying as the overpowering scent of Blake reached my lungs. He's even more sexually active now that he has fucked that girl awhile ago. I was so consumed with the stench that I didn't noticed the wet floor sign across from me and before I knew it slipped and slid across the floor. And came to a halt as I bumped into a solid surface much like a iron wall.

As I came to, I noticed two familiar sneakers from the view of my hood. I reached for my books before he could take the initiative to make contact with me. When I was about to grab the book at his footing the fucker stepped on it like it was trash.

I pulled my hand to my body and paused for a minute to think of my next course of action. And then I felt him sniffing at me. I immediately stiffen. I can't be detected since I masked my scent pretty well even an expert tracker can't differentiate me from a normal human.

I felt him paused for a second and he leaned down at me and took another sniff. I clenched my fists under my sleeves as I don't like being undermined by anyone especially an Alpha I don't like. I closed my eyes as I tried to relax, stretching my hands in the process to reach for the book.

As I did he gave me a threatening growl. I gritted my teeth and shut my eyes close as I tried to control my temper. I will not be threatened by some mere Alpha.

"Can you smell his scent?" Blake asked Frank as his Beta approached him. What's with the low voice? Do they think I can't hear them? Oh I forgot, they don't.

"Yeah. Its called cologne." Frank replied.

"I mean can you sense if he's a human or a wolf?" Blake spat back unamused at Frank's reply.

I felt Frank took another sniff of air before confirming that I'm human. But again I still was gritting beneath my hood. It didn't help that Blake dragged the book on the floor as if it was a rag.

"Hey nerd! Do you want your book back?" He asked me as he grinds his shoe at the cover. I nod my head not sure what might happen if I decide to speak to him.

He seemed to be not satisfied that he asked me if I'm mute or something. I just shook my head as the rage within me is building. He maybe my mate but I will not let him look down on me like some nobody.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" He frowned as he grabbed my hood as he pulled me up. I clenched my teeth and fists as I continue to control my rage. I will not myself be overtaken by my emotions.

I heard Frank tell Blake my name's Zephyr from the books that I was carrying and he just scoffed at him as he tried to reason out with him.

"I'm not yanking your hair out and you're all worked up." I heard him spat hatefully at me and that was it! I was filled to the brim and I will going to pummel him till he is an inch closer to death. But I felt him release me as I land on my feet on the floor.

I looked up and saw Zephyr's back in front of me. He reached out his left arm to cover my body as he glared at Blake.

"Are you OK Alpha?" He asked me through his mind as he slowly motioned me to walk backwards. "Thank god I was on time. You could have done some serious damage to the place." I scoffed at him mentally.

But I thank him that he appeared before I went berserk. And he among all my other pack members know better than to make me angry. I'm an understanding man but I have my limitations and I could do worse when I'm filled with rage.

"Hands off." Zephyr glared at Blake.

Blake literally fumed in anger at Zephyr's words that he approached him and towered him showing Zephyr who's Alpha. I felt Zephyr flinched but he broaden his shoulders and stood firm glaring at Blake with the same intensity.

I knew he won't back down. I trained my pack to never waver when facing opponents more dominant than them even that opponent is an Alpha. And I wouldn't be more proud at one of my pack as Zephyr today. Standing before one of the feared Alpha Wolves alive, he stood his ground against Blake's raging fury like it was nothing.

"Who the hell are you!" Blake demanded.

"Why the hell will I tell you." Zephyr retorted with the same intensity.

I could see Blake's blood boil as he gritted his teeth showing his canine. "Because I said so! Tell me what I want before I send you to the morgue.!" I saw the entire student population in the cafeteria looking at us.

I patted Zephyr's back and he looked at me. I moved my lips as if talking to him but I told him to tell him my name to avoid anymore trouble.

"Aries Storm." Zephyr spat as he turned around and motioned me to leave the cafeteria as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

What followed I didn't expected. Blake literally yank Zephyr's hands off me and threw him to the wall like he weighed nothing. He immediately looked at me with his blazing red eyes.

"Where the hell are you going fag?" He growled as he dug his fingers through the fabric of my jacket.

I was about to fight back when Zephyr swung his foot at Blake's head. But Blake was fast enough that he raised his left arm to block the kick. I took this opportunity to pull myself out of his grasp.

He averted his gaze to look for me that Zephyr took the chance to knock him off his feet as he immediately drop to the floor with a loud thud.

Zephyr grabbed my arm and dragged me outside the cafeteria. Pulling me away from the scene and brought me straight to the parking lot as he marched towards my car with me in his hand.

I yank my hand off his grip as we came to the red Porsche and shot him a glare.

"It's not safe for you here, Alph - Aries." He ran his hand through his blonde hair as he looked at me apologetically. "You know as I do that mate of yours has serious anger issues! I'm sure he's already planning to rip you from limb from limb or worst!"

I crossed my arms and sighed. "Do you doubt me, Zephyr?"

Zephyr shot a confused look at me and shook his head. "Not at all. I have the highest fate that you can beat him. It's just I'm worried about your safety and as your Beta its my duty to protect my Alpha."

I smiled at him and patted his arm. I couldn't be mad with my pack. They are the most precious part of my life and we are family. So I can't stay mad at him.

"Then have fate in me that I can over come this bump on the road." I looked back at the school.

"A rather large bump. A mountain even." Zephyr emphasized as I caught the scent of Blake once again.

Zephyr also caught the scent that he immediately scowled and shook his head again.

"I've made up my mind Zephyr. Whatever Blake maybe, he's still my mate. And I won't let anyone suffer even he deserves it." I gave a smirk at his direction as Blake emerged from the back door and is marching towards us with rage written all over his face.

"OK." Zephyr said through his mind as he steps forward. "I'll swallow my pride for you Alpha this time and I won't try to hurt him too much." He looked at Blake and approached him.

"Hey man. I'm sorry abou-" Zephyr tried to apologize before Blake passed by him bumping his shoulder at Zephyr like he was not there.

I saw Blake's crimson red eyes and it was filled with rage that I could practically feel the heat from his anger radiate towards me.

He approached me with our chest only an inch away and he was glaring at me through my glasses. I could practically smell his scent. All of them: Rage, Lust and Blood lust.

"I don't know who the hell you are! But..." He gritted his teeth as his canine are at full view that he doesn't even care. "I don't like you."

I raised an eyebrow at him questioning him as Zephyr stopped a couple of inches away from Blake expecting him to attack me any minute soon.

"I can feel it in my gut that I don't like you!" He approached me that our faces are literally touching. I could move back but I won't let him look down at me any longer.

"Why are you..." I could feel him clench his fist into a ball as he continued to press his body into mine as I felt his hard on rubbing my thigh. "...so..." He gritted his teeth as he was looking for the right words to say. "...bad to look at."

"Maybe I..." I started to speak but paused when I saw his eyes turn blood red as he grasped my shoulder. I quickly told Zephyr to hold his ground through my mind.

"Your voice. I don't like it." He growled.

I begin to see the whole picture now. He doesn't want a male partner so instead of feeling attracted to me he feels the opposite. He feels enrage at the site of me, the mate he doesn't want and for some reason I felt relieved. I won't want to be in his shoes right now.

"Blake." I started as he instantly snapped his teeth upon hearing his name. "It's much better if you try to accept it."

He shot me with an annoyed look before attempting to grab my neck. I immediately caught his right arm and bent it away like nothing. I don't want to resort to violence but he leaves me no choice.

"Listen here Fang and listen here good." I continued to twist his arm as he writ in pain but still glaring daggers at me. "You better accept the possibility that somethings are not always what you want. So, start accepting it or I have to break your arm."

I saw him flinch for a second before forcefully yanking his hand away from my grasp. It would be ripped out if I decided to keep holding but I did not. I'm not as heartless as my mate. He looked at me with eyes full of hate that for once I pitied him for his predicament.

"Who are you to tell me what I suppose to accept and not to?" He growled as he continued to hold the bruised arm that I was holding awhile. It must really hurt and I looked at him apologetically and for some reason he fumed even more. "I oughta kill you for messing my day, shit!"

OK I feel like breaking another arm of his right now. And its when I felt him tense for awhile as I caught the menacing aura coming from behind Blake.

Zephyr went in front of me and stood up in front of me protectively. As we looked at the tall man in a black suite walking straight towards us with a scowl on his face and coldness in his red eyes.

I lowered my hood as he stopped at Blake and my mate gave a menacing growl at the man before him. And the man in a blink of an eye sent Blake to his knees.

"You're a disappointment." The man said coldly as Blake continued to glare at the man with hate even in pain.

It's either he doesn't noticed us or he doesn't care that someone is looking at him beating his son in public got me thinking on how ruthless this Alpha is.

But eventhough I like to see Blake be beaten to a pulp, he still is my mate so I have to make my presence known. I sent a dominating vibe towards Blake's father that he immediately tremble before me. He looked at me and he immediately recollected what happen that night. He stopped and spoke to him with my eyes as I removed my glasses showing my evergreen eyes.

I motioned him to leave with Blake who seemed to black out from the stress and frustration. He immediately called his bodyguards to pick Blake up and instructed them to take him home.

He turned to me with eyes facing the pavement , showing me his submission and to be frank I like it as hell.

"So, Is that you're son, Lance?" I asked with authority. I saw him nod but I will not allow him to just go his way. "I didn't hear you!" I boomed as he cringed.

"Ye-yes." I could feel the reluctance in his tone as I raised an eyebrow. I made him feel that I'm not satisfied with his answer. "Ye-yes Alpha." I smiled.

"Isn't that so hard, Lance?" I teased the poor man as Zephyr shook his head. I shrugged at him as I smiled looking innocent which made him roll his eyes.

"Your son did something I don't like, Lance." I said as I lean on the hood of my car while taking off my jacket. "And I want to punish him." I felt him flinch.

"Don't worry Alpha. I make sure he won't -" I cut him off by clicking my tongue.

"Didn't you hear me Lance." I smiled as I finished folding my jacket neatly. "I said I want to punish him. Now ask me what I will do to him." I'm being pretty sadistic for some reason and it was not my usual way. Well, I need to change this raw sexual urges into something I guess that's less destructive.

I felt every muscle of his body fight to attack me but he has already submitted so he has no choice in the matter.

"What will you do to my son, Alpha?" He asked as if I was pointing a knife down his throat. A mischievous smile crept into my lips as I saw him grovel.

"Invite me for dinner tonight at your house."