

I took a small break, it was unintentional, as much as I hate to disappear so abruptly I'm back now, I'll try to make it up to you guys. We're on holiday now, hopefully I'll be able to update frequently. Drop comments, reviews and tips they go a long way y'all. Xoxoxo.


It was the second day of the vaccine. Yesterday they had retired home when it was almost midnight, Cynthia fixed both of them a late night meal. She slept like the dead. But now they had to continue with the job at hand.

"We're going to the hotel today." She Instructed. "It's more vulnerable and we need to make sure it's safe, especially with the number of persons there, unable to leave the pack since the virus started. We'll need to make sure there's no infected werewolf ready to share the virus. Divide yourself, some of you facing the motels and guest house. Sarah and I will face the biggest hotel in the pack," She instructed, they listened intently at her words, With the help of Ian dividing them into small badges and choosing a head to lead each team was a lot easier. Ian appointed the places each team will visit. After being cleared, they bowed made into the vans ready to tackle the problem that has been a torn to the flesh of the pack. As usual Ian choose Sarah to join his team, all three of them riding together again.

Sierra watched as Ian and Sarah conversate, in between glares, arguments and then agreements. They talked in hushed voices not wanting to get her attention on them. She could tell Ian had a soft spot for Sarah it was intriguing yet dangerous, they weren't mates. This was merely infatuation or a crush, she hoped it didn't turn into something more because if it did and they ended up finding their mates, they'll be hurt badly, real bad.

"We are here." The enforcer that had been driving pointed out. The five star hotel coming in view, polished and beautiful. If they had visiting Alphas or other people of big name visiting, they would usually stay this hotel. Sometimes for wealthy members of the pack that like to lodge in. She could smell him, it was distant yet it was there. How could she forget Seth stayed in this hotel. It had slipped from her mind. She wasn't ready to face him after the heated conversation that they had.

They carried their supplies in. She knew being around Seth's proximity made her feel things, but right now it was a lot harder. Set had given her six days before the final decision she didn't think she would see him so soon.

She talked to the hotel Manager so that guest could gather at the lounge. It was a lot easier to access them. The man nodded before going to do as told

"Seth's here?" Sarah asks feeling his aura. Only Seth could have that powerful aura that was felt even miles away.

"He is." She replied in a small voice.

"Will he come to watch" Sarah asked

"I don't know yet." Sierra replied watching as the werewolves pooled at the lounge. They walked in an organizing manner, making the job a lot easier.

"We're here with you." Sarah offered a small smile.

"Thank you." She replied. " Although you seem upset with me."

"About your decision to let marids go. Thinking about it now and weighing the pros and cons, you were right..You did the right thing, I'm sure everyone sees it too." She said sincerely.

"Thank you for believing in me, Sarah."

She smiled in return to Sierra words. She watched the team get into place, the guest queueing for the vaccine.

"I'll go help out." Sarah said dismissing herself.

"Yes they'll need all the helping hands they can get," She supported. She climbed the stairs to the balcony so she could watch everything going on below.

"I see you've brought your people here." The voice whispered quietly into her ear. it was Calm and husky. She knew exactly who it belonged to to immediately.

"Seth." She called breathlessly.He was standing behind. Close enough but not touching her at all.. She could feel his body heat. He wanted to torture her, make the six days unbearable for her. Make her want him in more ways than one.

"Yes. So we can let the guest off for travel. They've been on lockdown for quite sometime now. Caged in here for way too long." She replied softly , trying hard to ignore the fact that he was just behind her, inches away.. She longed to be connected to him, the attraction she felt only fueled by the mate bond, Awakening all of her inner desires, her wolf liked to be close to her mate.

"It's a good idea." He replied.

"It is." She agreed

Comfortable silence fell on them.. She itched to say something, yet she couldn't.. She held her tongue fighting the submission.

"Why are you out here?" Sierra asked.

"Watching the progress. The faster it all ends. The better for me." There was a hint of humor in his voice. He was having his fun. She knew he longed to see what she would do when it was all over.

"When do you leave for your Pack" She questioned again.

"Chasing me so soon?" He chuckled.

"It was just a question." She rolled her eyes in annoyance. He placed his hands either side, resting them on the railing yet caging her in-between.

"You'll need me..Soon you'll go into heat. You and every female werewolf of age in this pack. How do you plan to deal with it?" His voice was low and raspy, playing with her nerves.. She closed her eyes and sighed. The way his voice poured unto her skin. Velvety and authoritative

She was being more attentive to than normal, signs of heat.. She wouldn't like for Seth to be around when she went into heat.. It'll be extremely difficult to avoid him and not jump on his bones. It was already hard enough without him.

"I know. I'll sort it out, like I've always done." She replied.

"Why go through all that torture and terrible pain, when u can sort it out easily." He teased. " I'm curious tho. What do you do when you go into heat?"

"Not for you to know." She dismissed.

"No worries, I'll find out soon."

Sierra sighed, spinning around to come face to face with him, she raised a finger to his face.

"I still have six more days to my choice. Why are you here?"

"Fierce tiger. Like I said before I'm just here to watch." he raised his hands in surrender before grabbing her chin softly. She dragged in a breath feeling lightheaded. He wanted to kiss her, the signs had been there from the beginning.

"I see."

She replied in a small voice

"That's not all of it..If I don't kiss you right now, I might go crazy just thinking about it." He exasperated. His eyes fixated on her . "Do

you want me to? leave everything behind,, don't overthink it." Coax gently.

" Yes or no, Alpha?" He asked against very quietly.

"Yes, kiss me." She answered in boldness. In one swift move his lips was on hers, it felt like an Oasis in a desert, since the last time he kissed her he hadn't been able to get out of his mind. She responded in the same fashion and enthusiasm, matching his kiss. Their tongues danced to the familiar tone of lust, strokes, licks and pecks. He kissed her, savoring the softness of her mouth. He couldn't comprehend how she tasted so good.

She moaned into his mouth, bolts ran down his spine at the beautiful sound. As he sucked gently on her tongue she moaned again in his mouth, the sound going straight to his groin. His hands all over her body, in places he was sure she'll enjoy.