

In the jet Sierra couldn't bring herself to sleep through the plane ride, not after what Dara had just told her. She couldn't believe the nerves of that woman. Sierra had outrightly rejected the idea. Dara was furious, she said Sierra wanted to backtrack her. Eleanor had stepped in and warned Dara to back off. The Marid left not without leaving a warning to Sierra.

She had threatened her to get back at them for the humiliation, then she left. Sierra had more on her plate to worry about. She couldn't think properly. Now Richard was councilhead. She hoped things could only move swiftly from there.

"What have you been thinking?" Seth asked and she sighed.

"A lot actually " She answered truthfully. He nodded in understanding.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked her but she didn't reply for a short while.

"If you were to choose between protecting your family and dooming others, or making a decision that could put them in danger and save others, what will you choose?" She asked, expectantly of his answer. He seemed to be in deep thought about the situation.

"It depends on how close I am to this mentioned family. If that decision will benefit a lot of people in positive way. I'll choose the truth, if they were really my family in the beginning they'll make me choose the truth ." He replied staring at her, calculating the look on her face. He didn't want to comment on it, so he kept quiet.

"I see." She replied. Contrary to what she'd expected, Seth hadn't asked her or demanded to know the reason for her questions and odd behavior. The rest of the flight was quiet. Soon they got to the pack and she could finally relax again.

Seth hadn't disturbed her, only talking when necessary he noticed she wasn't in a good mood. She tried to indulge him in conversations once in a while to set the mood but she was failing awfully at it. Soon they landed at the pack, she was exhausted. There was a waiting car for them, they both got in.

"You don't have to worry yourself planning the party. I have people for that, they've already began planning a week ago" He said to her.

"I know, I want to do something still." She replied.

"Alright. The celebratory dinner is tomorrow. You can just look at what they've done so far. I'll ask Ashley to send you a draft of what it'll look like." Seth said.

She frowned immediately hearing Ashley's name." Your Mistress is in charge of the planning?"

"Don't put it like that. She has always been responsible for holding parties, I know you don't like her, but she's quite good at it. I appointed her to do it a week ago." He explained. Sierra didn't say anything to him, she tried not to show her feelings but she was failing miserably at It. It stung a little that he had considered Ashley first before her.

"It's nothing like that Sierra. At that time, I was still mad at you, I was going to tell you, but then I left abruptly."

"It's okay, it's no big deal." She said trying to push the tension and comfort herself. He was right they weren't in a good place at that time.

"Ashley isn't going to be a problem, right?" She asked and he smiled.

"She won't. I no longer have anything to do with her. I'm too occupied thinking about you all the time." He said with a smirk. She rolled her eyes at him.

Soon they arrived at the hotel, but he didn't let her go that easily. Not without kissing her like she was the air he needed to breathe. It took a lot of effort to flee away from him. She was laughing at his antics, he groaned in frustration.

"Put me out of my misery. One last kiss?" He asked and she shook her head.

"No. I have to go" She said and got away from him eventually. A smile very much playing on her lips.

She got to her hotel room, showering and hitting the bed immediately. She fell asleep right after. The knock on the door disrupted her sleep, lazily she went to open it and it was Sarah. She was holding a bottle of juice and two cups.

"Sorry for interrupting your sleep. I was too anxious and excited. Richard won! Here's a celebratory drink, since I can't have alcohol." She said pouring the juice into the various glasses and offering one to Sierra.

"Thank you."Sierra accepted sipping the juice slowly.

"Let me place order on food. Pizza maybe? live a little for once!" She said while already putting out the call. Sierra laughed, she was stressed lately, Sarah's energy was what she needed.

They engaged in conversations and eating pizza. For the first time she felt refreshed and happy, not thinking too much of what will happen. Soon a mail came, She checked her tabloid and it was from Ashley.

She went through the event, although she didn't like Ashley she had to commend her, the girl had done a great job, so she approved.

"They're hosting a party tomorrow for Richard. Councilmen and Alpha's will be there."

"Oh, what do we wear. You have to be the center of attention." Sarah said in excitement.

"You're so concerned with clothes. I have something by the way, it'll do. You're coming right?" She asked and Sarah nodded.

"Well let's get your outfit sorted," She said.

They spent the rest of the day together, later on Seth called her to enquire on her wellbeing. He wanted to know if she was satisfied with what Ashley had done. They shared a really nice conversation.

When it was almost time for the party Sarah came to her suite, they were just preparing for it, when two stylist came with their assistants. According to them Seth sent them, she called him to confirm from him. He agreed, she felt really good inside. He'd been extra attentive and sweet to her.

She let them do their jobs on both she and Sarah. She was impressed when they were done. Her hair and makeup was absolutely beautiful and flawless. She wore an open back black dress, with a small train, The dress Clung to her body like a second skin.

Her hair styled in a beautiful modern chignon. She was wearing a red lipstick, it made the look stand out. She finished the look with a silver clutch.

Sarah was In a silver slit dress, the shimmer was beautiful and eye catching, they added more volume to her hair, giving her curtain curls. They both looked really beautiful. Asher had called her not too long ago telling her how they were in the pack already and he was running quite a few errands. He asked to be her plus one and she agreed.

The She called seth to tell him she was coming with Asher. He didn't like it but he agreed, she was glad he respected her decision.

"Do you think I'm showing too much cleavage? " Sarah asked, trying to adjust the v-neck parting of the dress.

"No, you're not. Stop worrying about it. You look amazing. Ian won't be able to take his eyes of you." She said sincerely. Sarah smiled cheekily, a blush coating her cheeks.

"You're a goner." Sierra laughed.

Soon Ian came to pick up Sarah, she watched as he took her in, the acknowledgement in his eyes made Sierra happy and then he complimented her. Sarah blushed red, taking his hands and going with him.

Sierra called Asher severally before he showed up in a white tuxedo, his blue hair styled quite nicely. She rolled her eyes.

"Always late!" She hissed and he grinned.

"A boy's gotta look good you know." He teased and she shot him an angry look.

"Let's go." She walked out and he trailed after her.

"You look amazing!" He complimented.

"Thank you." She smiled to him.

They left in a black limo, halfway through the ride, Seth called.

"You're not here yet? I can't find you. Ian's already shown up with Sarah." He told her.

"Asher delayed. But we're on our way" She replied.

"Alright then."

"Who's your plus one?" She asked curiously.

"Ashley." He replied and she went quiet. She couldn't even say anything not when she'd insisted on going with Asher.

"Okay bye." She hung up.

"He's still with that girl. I hate her so much" Asher said.

"I think he's trying to make me jealous. He didn't like that I came with you instead of him."

"It's not always about him. Before being his mate, you're my Alpha. It's the right thing to do." Asher said softly.

"I haven't properly talked to you in a while. As annoying as you are, I still wanted to see you." She smiled. He looked away quickly trying to cover a blush she caught on.

"Your left ear is red. Are you suddenly shy?" She laughed.

"Drop it!" He said and laughed harder. He was grinning from ear to ear, he hadn't seen Sierra this happy and carefree in a very long time. As much as he hate to admit it, it meant Seth was doing a great job.

"I hate to spoil the mood but Eleanor is here. Although Dara left. She threatened to come with me."

"I know she'll be here. I just don't know what she wants now, those two will cause me serious trouble if I don't handle them. As long as she doesn't put me in a tight position we're good. I need to discuss with her concerning Dara."

"I know. Don't let anything ruin this night for us. It's our night of celebration!" He said and she nodded in agreement.

"Is mother here?" She asked.

"Yes, she's Richard's plus one." He replied.

Soon they arrived at the venue, the media present, ready to take photos and spread gossip as always. She stepped out of the car along with Asher, taking his hand and they walked into the hall. The decoration was perfect. Dazzling Chandeliers, tables set in a beautiful order. The middle was the dance floor. She was led to her own table, where Richard and his wife was. A few councilmen surrounding but dispersing when she came.

"Mother." she engulf Richael in a hug.

"My lovely girl. you look astonishing. No wonder everyone can't stop staring." She teased.

"Richard." Sierra called and offered him a small bow. Once she sat down Asher did too.

"Congratulations once again." She told him.

"Thank you dear." He said laughing. She tried to look around for Seth, although she could smell him, she couldn't find him.

"So when is the mating ceremony. Have you and Seth decided on anything yet?" Racheal asked, even Richard seemed very interested in knowing.


"We're still discussing on it." A voice said behind her, she felt her heart skip a beat. Whenever he was close she felt things. Her skin heating up and her wolf clawing her mind to jump on her mate.

"Alpha Seth."Rachael called excitedly, they all stood up for him. Her foster mother took him in a hug, he returned it stiffly not used to affection.

"Racheal." He acknowledged. His eyes were trained on her all through, she returned his gaze, he was wearing a black tuxedo and it looked really good on him. He was such a fine man, the more she looked, the more striking she found him.

"Silly, call me mother. We'll be family soon." She said.

"Council head." Ashley called with a bow. Only then did Sierra recognize that she was with Seth.

"You did an amazing job with this party." Rachael said to Ashley and she offered a smile saying a polite thank you. She wore a ballroom dress, although beautiful it looked like a wedding gown. Richard quickly stopped a passing server with champagne flutes. They took one each.

"A toast." Richard said and they clicked glasses gulping down the contents. The music started, it was soft and melodic. People took the dance floors with their partners, she saw Ashley go closer to Seth In hopes of him asking her.

"Sierra will you do me the honor of sharing a dance with me." He asked giving out his hand, she smiled and took it. She could hear Racheal urging Asher to dance with Ashley, she almost laughed.

He took her to the dance floor, his hands on her waist, dangerous close to her ass. The other one on her hand. He brought her close to him, leaving little to no space between them.

"I see you have intentions of killing me tonight in this dress." He whispered to her ear.