
Alpha Quirks (BL)

Warning: BL, Boy x Boy, Yaoi Boku no Hero Academia Fanfiction Izuku went to sleep an Omega and woke up an Alpha. Not only that, he's younger, in an Alternate Universe and his teacher smells really, really good. Quirk!Izuku. Alpha!Izuku. ABO Universe.

Rxel · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 4

"Stop joking," Shouta grit out, his voice rough from the suppression of his instincts. "Find someone else nearer your age group."

Shouta inwardly cursed when Midoriya's eyes started filling up with tears, immediately regretting the sharp tone of his voice. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the sight. His eyes were glittering, reflecting the light from above. Shouta's inner Alpha felt a strong need to hug the other close and comfort him.

The teacher struggled with himself, pushing his Alpha under. He tried to meld into the door, wishing he could just phase through it. It was exceedingly hard to get himself under control.

Izuku let out a little whine, pressing closer. He let a tear roll down his cheek. Heh. If you thought he was going to waste all those years as an Omega without milking it for all its worth, you'd be dead wrong.

"Please, sensei?" Izuku asked with a little hitch in his voice, appealing to the other's baser Alpha instincts. His thumb started tracing little circles into the side of his teacher's waist.

Shouta groaned inwardly. Izuku's little motions were driving him down the path of insanity. No, he corrected himself. Midoriya. It's Midoriya. It was a wonder than he had resisted this long. Then, he wondered if it would be so bad just to spend a single rut with Izuku before shaking himself out of it. He couldn't give in now. This couldn't be remotely healthy. Anyhow, Midoriya had never shown any interest before this, so this was probably his rut speaking for itself, right?

The more he stared at Midoriya's tear-stained face, the more his control over himself fractured. It started having hairline fractures, before it was coming off in little chunks instead. There were tears clinging stubbornly to the other's eyelashes. He forced his eyes to look beyond his student's face with a tremendous amount of effort that left him panting lightly. Fuck, that was more difficult than I thought it would be.

Izuku stopped with his little ministrations, the tears slipping down his face increasing in number. He silently stepped away from his teacher, retrieving his hand. He seemed to draw into himself a little, ignoring whatever his Alpha instincts were screaming at him.

He might have only started this because his inner Alpha reacted to how Aizawa-sensei smelled, but he didn't mind spending a little quality time with him. He might have idolised All Might, but Aizawa-sensei was the one he had a crush on when he was younger.

The man had been very gentle when he refused him after graduation, but his crush still lingered on for a time. He thought he had finally left behind any non-platonic feelings for the other behind, but evidently not. His new body seemed to agree.

Izuku sniffed, looking devastated. Shouta felt a snarl from his inner Alpha, screaming that he wasn't being a good Alpha. It made his heart wrench that he was the one who put the tears there in the first place, but he was determined that the other should spend his rut with someone his age group. Who wanted to spend days on end with an overaged Alpha?

"O-okay, sensei. I just didn't want to spend my first time with someone I didn't trust, that's all."

Okay. Good. The kid seemed to have come to his senses. Shouta pushed himself off the door slightly, ready to leave the room, before the words he just heard hit him. Wait. First time?

His. Virginity.

Shouta's heartbeat sped up as his inner Alpha started redoubling its efforts to get out. He didn't do anything to stop his student when he drew closer again, the tears clinging to his eyelashes looking like crystals. His freckles were dusted with a light blush, and his bottom lip was being bitten in nervousness.

"Please?" came a fragile voice.

Something in Shouta broke. A growl rumbled deep in his throat, a pressing need appearing within him. He wanted to. He wanted Izuku. He wanted to show him how good it felt, wanted to worship his body, wanted to make him feel so good he cried.

Izuku tried to draw away when he was stopped by his teacher's arm wrapping around him, pressing the two of them together. The ex-Hero did a little mental fist pump. Little Omega tricks that were passed down through the Hero community sure worked most of the time.

"Fine," said Shouta, looking like the words were causing him great pain. "Let's go, then."

The smile Izuku shot him made him feel like the sun had come out from hiding behind the clouds. The tears in his eyes had disappeared but drops still clung to his eyelashes. All of a sudden, he felt better about his decision. Who knew what would happen if he just left him to his devices? He might end up hurting himself.

The student and teacher pair left to head to Shouta's living quarters. He unlocked the door, stepping aside for his student to go inside. He hesitated before deciding to leave straight away to buy some supplies first.

"I'm going to go pick up a few bottles of water and some food. You can wait inside and get ready first."

The moment the door closed behind, Izuku smirked. Looks like he hadn't lost his touch. He could still get Alphas eating out of the palm of his hand. He opened the door to the bedroom, the heady scent of his teacher's musk hitting him in full force. A growl rumbled deep in his chest, arousal shooting through his body.

Izuku licked his lips, looking forward to what would happen soon. He casually stripped off his clothes, intentionally leaving them in a pool in front of the bathroom door. He stepped into the bathroom, cold tiles calming him somewhat.

The ex-Hero turned on the water, causing him to groan as the cold water hit his body. It felt like forever since he last took a shower, even though it's only been a few hours. He quickly washed and lathered everything, washing it off. However, his arousal didn't flag at all, mainly because the shampoo and body wash smelled enough like Aizawa-sensei that it didn't help calm him at all.

In fact, he felt harder than ever.

He heard the front door open and shut. Izuku turned off the shower and stepped out into the bedroom, towelling himself somewhat dry before working on his hair. He headed out to meet Aizawa-sensei casually, surprised he was back so fast.

Izuku heard the sound of something hitting the floor, causing him to look at his teacher. The man looked stunned. The ex-Hero's sharp eyes caught sight of the man's adam's apple bobbing up and down as he swallowed.

Shouta couldn't contain his shock when his student just walked out with barely anything on. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the glorious sight of the rippling muscles and beads of water still clinging onto the body in front of him. His mouth dropped open a little in shock when his eyes reached the little towel still wrapped around Izuku's hips. His arousal was making its presence evident.

The green-haired teen smirked at him, causing his hackles to rise as his inner Alpha felt slightly challenged. Then, any thought was wiped from his mind as his body hit the bed, startling him.

Izuku loomed above him, looking perfectly in control. He looked hungry and ready to pounce.

"Shouta," he purred, his first name coming out from his student's lips giving him shivers down his spine. It felt deliciously wrong. "Are you ready?"