
Alpha Prince Eclipse

Alazne "You ask me how I am bleeding even though my blood is dripping from your claws" "You demonstrated how to stab someone in the chest, but you still asked where I got the knowledge to do it." "You destroy the light inside of me, but you ask why I have so much darkness around me?" "Now that I am who you have made me to be, embrace it and take pride in it" Eclipse "I will never be able to take pride in my accomplishments. A cruel joke from fate is that happiness I will never experience with you. "If I have extinguished that light in you, I will return the way I came and light it again." "Being consumed by the gloom of the past, we have unknowingly turned into shadows of each other." "Yes, you were made by me today, but I promise to make the best version of you tomorrow."

Gold234 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Eclipse's Guilt

Alazne had been isolated in Eclipse's bedroom for a week, with no contact with the outside world. She barely left the room and hardly spoke with Eclipse. Alazne was unwell and needed to recover, but she was also growing restless and missing her work at the restaurant. It had been almost a month since she had visited her workplace.

Eclipse was fiercely protective of Alazne, constantly warning her to stay away from other men in town and only allowing her to associate with a select group of people, including Gabriel, Godfrey, Zane, Christoph, and their girlfriends. Although Alazne appreciated their companionship, she was becoming tired of seeing the same faces every day, yearning for a change of scenery.

Despite her exhaustion, Alazne worked hard on the balcony, poring over the files that Agnes had brought to her the previous day. Although her eyes were focused on the task at hand, her shoulders were slumped in defeat, a clear indication of her weariness.

As the clock approached five in the evening, Alazne finally finished her work and quickly texted Agnes to come and collect the files. She needed someone to stand in for her at the restaurant while she remained on her forced vacation.

Alazne was impressed with Agnes's dedication and hardworking nature, especially considering that she was a single mother. She admired strong women who stood up for themselves and refused to be held back by their past. Alazne believed that everyone had unresolved issues and that it was up to each person to find the way forward.

When Agnes arrived to collect the files, Alazne was barely able to keep her eyes open. She handed them over to Agnes and sat down on the couch with a deep sigh. In a moment of clarity, Alazne realized that she needed someone to manage the restaurant while she was away, and she knew just the person for the job.

"Um, Agnes, the thing is that lately, I have been thinking about my absence at a restaurant, and I have realized that I need someone who would take care of it when I am unavailable or preoccupied," She yawned as she said, her exhaustion threatening to shut her down temporary.

"Should I schedule an interview?" asked Agnes, her brows raising at her boss's condition, she noticed her fatigue but she asked herself if Alazne's mate, Eclipse hadn't seen it yet. The woman was half asleep.

"No need for that, I was thinking of you becoming Chief Operating Officer of the restaurant, if that is alright with you?" Without hesitation, Alazne offered Agnes the position of Chief Operating Officer at the restaurant, recognizing her hard work and dedication.

"Are you sure?" She needed a second assurance so she asked after coming out of her shock.

"Thousand percent, sure. You are hardworking and you deserve it," Alazne said, patting her shoulders with a weak smile.

"Thank you so much, ma'am," Agnes was very grateful, she didn't know how to express her gratefulness, she had been taking care of her daughter all alone ever since her mate died, and being a single mom hadn't been easy for her but Alazne just made her life easy.

Alazne's kindness made her life as a single mother much easier, and she vowed to work hard and prove her worth in her new position.

As Alazne climbed back up to Eclipse's bedroom, she was both hungry and tired, but her exhaustion won out over her hunger. She knew that Eclipse would scold her for not eating, but he was not at home, and she was far too exhausted to care.

Alazne crawled into bed and quickly fell into a deep slumber, her mind finally at ease knowing that the restaurant was in good hands. When she awoke the next morning, feeling refreshed and ready to face the day, she found a note from Eclipse on the bedside table. He had gone out early to run errands but promised to be back by lunchtime.

Over the next few days, Alazne slowly began to grow weaker. Her strength and energy were failing, and she had to rely on Agnes's support and the reassurance that her business was being taken care of. Without Agnes's help, Alazne wouldn't have known what to do.

With Agnes by her side, Alazne felt like she could finally start to move forward, ready to face whatever challenges came her way. As she sat in the living room, her vision started getting blurry, she felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen, and sweat trickled down her face as she lay down and held her abdomen.

Her skin was becoming paler by the second, and she desperately needed to get to the hospital. However, there was no one at home, and the house seemed quieter than the previous day.

She felt alone and pained, unable to contact Eclipse, as she only had Raja's number, but her phone was upstairs. Without any other option, she stood up, her knees were shaky as she walked towards the door with difficulty.

Eclipse was stuck in a council meeting, and it was already past lunchtime. He just wanted to get out of the council hall already, but the old men had been talking for three hours. Eclipse adjourned the meeting, walking out coldly with the council members left behind in bewilderment.

As he made his way home, his mind was preoccupied with work and how to get to the root of the murders of those two children, during the past few weeks, he had been investigating the incident but every time he found a clue, it always seems to be nothing but a dead end.

As Eclipse walked into the living room, the sight that met him, frightened him to the core, there, just a few feet away from the couch lay his mate, her white joggers were soaked in blood, her blood. Her skin looked pale, appearing almost a bluish color, her lips were dried and chapped.

"Get her to the hospital," a dark voice roared in his conscience, successfully bringing him back to his senses. Walking towards her, Eclipse carried her and ran through the exit with his heart pounding in his chest as he kept saying prayers in his head.

He blamed himself for what was happening to Alazne, he had been so occupied with his kingdom, helping his father out with meetings and the safety of the kingdom that he had unknowingly neglected his mate. But he hopes she survives this.

Arriving at the hospital, Eclipse frantically called for help and medical attention for Alazne. The doctors and nurses rushed her into the emergency room, working swiftly to stabilize her condition and determine the cause of her sudden illness.

Eclipse paced back and forth in the waiting room, his mind filled with worry and guilt. He vowed to never let his responsibilities take him away from Alazne again, realizing how much he had neglected her well-being in his efforts to protect and provide for her.

After what seemed like an eternity, a doctor finally emerged from the emergency room, and Eclipse rushed to hear the news about Alazne's condition.

The doctor explained that she had suffered from a severe infection that had gone untreated for too long, causing complications that required immediate medical intervention.

The doctor also informed Eclipse that Alazne was in her monthly flow but whatever caused so much bleeding was still unknown, they took a sample of her blood to the lap, Eclipse also learned from the doctor that his mate had been stressed for too long.

Relief washed over Eclipse as the doctor informed him that Alazne was stable but would need to stay in the hospital for further treatment and monitoring. He vowed to stay by her side, making sure that she received the care and attention she needed to recover fully.

Eclipse went to the ward where Alazne was admitted, he sat down, entwined his fingers with hers, and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, he closed his eyes in exhaustion. Knowing that she was a strong woman, he knew she would pull through this, and even if she didn't, he would help her do it.

"What happened?" The king asked budging into the ward, with his wife and younger sons in tow, they all had a look of concern on their faces.

"She had an infection, she is stressed and she was bleeding when I got to the pack house, the doctor said she is not sure what tricked the bleeding but she said she is in her menstrual period," His voice sounded helpless as he explained everything to his family, that was the first time they saw him expressed helplessness.

"How could she be infected when she hasn't sustained any injuries?" Christoph asked, sounding confused.

"I don't know, honestly I just want to see her open her eyes and tell me she is fine," Eclipse replied in a low tone. Jus as those words left, the doctor walked into the ward, her expression looking very serious, in her left hand was a notepad. Eclipse had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach and just like he thought, the doctor dropped a question which left his chest tightening.

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