
Alpha Luke

Will a human accept a Werewolf's love?

Roxanne_Ros3 · Fantasy
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84 Chs

Chapter 80: Beach Party

It took about a whole thirty minutes for Sarah to relax and return to her normal self. She even got out the bikini I wanted all we are doing is waiting on Scarlet to bring the sunscreen. But that doesn't take a whole thirty minutes to get. So in the end Sarah went to get the sunscreen while I cleaned my skin quickly to place the two piece Sarah had gotten out. She had chosen a sexy crimson red two piece. It was this one of the other one that would give me wedgie. And that is a bit no from me.

But I am all alone in here sitting on the bed as I didn't know what to do. I looked side to side as I just felt like someone is watching me. But nobody is in here. I sighed out and decided to stand up in the end as I needed to get everything done. I hear the door knock and so I looked towards it. Sarah or Scarlet wouldn't knock as they basically can enter as they wish. They are females. Oliver would literally present himself when knocking. So who in the right mind is knocking on the door. Ashton couldn't be because he is like Sarah and Scarlet. Barges in and then apologizing. Habits will stay and it will take a while for habits to leave someone.

I walked to the door as maybe it is another pack member. Aria maybe. The knocking is heard once again and so I held the door handle as it felt really cold. Why is the door handle really cold? I opened the door and there stood a female. She looks up to me and we just stared at each other confused. Who is she? Did Luke send her to get me? But that wouldn't be correct. Luke would be the one who usually gets me. Who is she? What is she doing here? What is she? Is she human? Is she something else?

Why is she here? Who is she looking for? Is she looking for Sarah? I know it can't be Scarlet as she and I have been basically running together. It can't be Luke as he is outside. Maybe visible with everyone. Greeting everyone. I looked her from head to toe as I noticed the bikini she had on. It had flares and I knew well it was to cover her flat chest. She looks pretty thin.

"Yes?" I finally spoke

"Who are you?" she asked a bit confused

"My name is Kira... And you?" I asked in return as I felt confused now

She looked behind me and spoke again "I am looking for Luke... Is he here?"

"He is greeting everyone in the party... My friends went to get sunscreen so I was told to come here so the sun doesn't burn me" I tell her gently needed to be short and not explain a lot

In this life you can't explain too much as people don't like that "Ok... Thank you"

She had a big smile and she just runs of I felt completely confused and so I looked to the side and noticed Sarah walking this way while laughing. Aria was beside her. I still see no Scarlet. But for some reason when I leaned a bit into the sun it ached. So I looked up. That's so weird. I have never felt this way before. Is it midday or something? I walked back into the hut to get my phone. I needed to check the time. I know the sun burns more when in the beach as the salt and clear sky do a combo. But still doesn't explain it. Well maybe it can explain as I haven't been out in the sun in such a long time.

Sarah walks in at the same time that I found my phone. It said it was three pm. I think we left around seven am right? So the drive home is pretty long and I slept almost the whole way as well. I just hope things go smoothly. I turn to Sarah as she had the sunscreen in her hands. But the moment she looked to the side she had an angry expression in her face. I felt confused for a moment. Why is she angry? What happened?

I can slowly hear her growl start to rise. I stared at her with wide eye as I felt completely terrified this time. I do not like seeing her mad so I just took a few steps back to avoid her rage. But I think she noticed my steps back so she looks down. That's when I noticed the poor bottle. The sunscreen bottle ruptured. Sarah's claws had pierced through. It made me cringe a bit. Please tell me that Sarah is bipolar. I can handle the bipolar side. I know when to duck.

"W-Was there a female just now?" she asked between clenched teeth

I tilt my head slightly as I answered "Yeah... But she left"

"Was she looking for Luke?" she asked once again

I looked at her with wide eyes while saying "Yeah!"

"I should have known!" Sarah says

I looked at her confused and so I asked confusedly "A-Am I missing something?"

"Let's get this sunscreen on you and head to the party!" Sarah quickly says as she starts rubbing the poor crème on her hands

I nod a bit as I gave her my back. My hair is already tied in a bun as I don't like it when it is lose. But I feel like I missed something. Is that woman someone bad? Is she bad influence? Is she mean? Is she another being? My head with all this questions in one day is going to drive me insane. I need to get myself together. I felt the cold crème on my back and I just tensed up a bit. I just wanted everything to just be normal but whoever that woman is means bad news. If Sarah got mad with just the scent of the woman I can't imagine with her presence.

It took like five minutes maybe for Sarah to add the sunscreen around the parts of my body I know very well I cannot reach. I rubbed the rest myself. Made sure to add under certain areas of the bikini just incase. I know I added on my ass and breast as I know pretty well that when swimming some sand will get in there. But once Sarah turns out the door I'll quickly add it on my breasts and ass. I already added a bit in my pelvic area and in-between my thighs. Like any other product not in the private area as it will burn and can cause infections and other bad things. Plus that area will not be revealed at all to the sun. I am not that crazy.

Sarah walked to the bathroom I am assuming to clean her hands from the product I quickly too my chance and started adding sunscreen under my breasts then at the top. Then I added it around my butt. I am not risking any area of my body to be burned by the sun. I want to stay comfortable. Once done I went to the bathroom as well to clean my hands form the sunscreen. I wanted to eat a bit of the snacks everyone has brought or bought. Delicious food. I am already getting hungry.

The base of the music still pumping and I could slowly feel it in my body. As if my heart followed the rhythm of the song. It's a good song to dance with. I looked at Sarah as she was drying her hands. She looks completely happy. But I can see the anger in her eyes. She must be angry at the female who arrived here earlier. Maybe they are enemies. Maybe someone she hates. Once our hands were dried we walked out of the hut ready to have fun and party. Sarah made sure that the door of the hut is closed and locked.

She handed me the key and I looked at her with a raised eye brow. Where in gods name am I placing this? I sighed out and just placed it in the bra. The bikini top. It is easier there. Once I arrive to Luke's side I'll give it to him being that he has pockets. Speaking of Luke. We are at the beach. Doesn't he need to change so he can swim and have fun as well. He arrived well dressed. He would be the only one sticking out like a sore thumb.

Once we took a turn from the hut I noticed the playfulness from everyone. It made me smile gently. I noticed Luke. He didn't look happy as a he was surrounded. I think his pack members talking to him. But I don't think that was what was making him unhappy. I noticed the female again. She was clinging to him as if her life depended on it. He tried crossing his arms but she held them in place.

Sarah and I basically powerwalked towards Luke. But once Luke's eyes landed on me I had given him a big smile. I don't want him thinking I am possessive or jealous. I know my body is not perfect but I do not fear showing how I look. That is why I accepted this two piece. I look beautiful. Right? Luke escapes her grasp as he jogs to me. I finally noticed the sleeveless shirt he has on. Does he not want anyone seeing his tattoo? His tattoo is so amazing. I still want to have a couple's tattoo with him. Everyone started talking with each other but the female looked mad.

"How are you love? You took your time..." he tells me as he places his hand on my waist

"I am ok babe... Sarah took her beautiful time to get the sunscreen..." I say as I stared at Sarah

"Hey... To my defense the person took the sunscreen without permission" Sarah tries to defend herself

It made us laugh gently but the woman spoke "Luke... Who is she?"

"This is my fiancé... Kira" Luke quickly responded as he looks at me in the eyes

"Since when?" she asked annoyed

"Six months now..." Luke is gently getting annoyed

She huffs a bit but what do you expect.

He loves me. I love him.

He is mine.

I am his.

Nobody can change that. Not some jealous woman who I never seen before. Who I am assuming has a crush on Luke but is acting as if they are dating. Must have been ignoring Luke whenever he told her he is not interested. Some girls are so mean and disrespectful. I sighed out as I laid my head on Luke's chest. I feel completely comfortable here and I hear Sarah ushering the woman away and it made me even happier. I feel Luke's arm wrap around my body. Hugging me against him.

Well seems like fun time begins now. Beach party here we go.

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