
Alpha Luke

Will a human accept a Werewolf's love?

Roxanne_Ros3 · Fantasy
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84 Chs

Chapter 33: Beginning of Date

I sat there waiting on Luke as I was completely ready and so I had a book in hands. It was really cute. I was already half way through the chapter. This book is called Loving a Mermaid. It was really cute. This one it seems to be written down it has a cute writing on it. So it was someone writing calmly. If it was fast writing their writing would be a little bit sloppy. It's kind of cute this one. It explains the romance between a vampire and a purebred mermaid. The mermaid had lost her family and was raised by normal humans.

The mermaid knew she was something else but never knew completely about her past so she stayed with the human parents. She had met the boy and assumes he is human. But for now he lets her think it as he himself doesn't know he is a vampire with abilities. He thought he was born mortal but later in the story he'll find out he is not a mortal.


I swam around under water I felt so relieved so calm. My house floating. We live in the deepest river in the world and at the same time is the largest. I need to do a perimeter check go to the salt water. If I swim for two hours and a half you can make it to the port. Like where the ships come and bring merchandise and all that.

Something hit my head and I groaned I looked down and I saw a small bag going down. I swam to it and I let it drop in my hands. It felt like rocks until I released the rope. It was full of diamonds. After a while of biting and looking it is real. I swam to the torn down house it was a bit rotten but I kept what I find in there.

Lucky me my adoptive parents don't know about my secret. I swam around the house and smiled as I saw everything safe. I hid the diamonds in a small box where I have my necklaces. There were real pearls in here as well. I heard a splash and I looked out the window a man dove down he is covered in tattoos and piercings.

I stared at him I tilted my head as he looks at the floor. Maybe searching for the diamonds. I scrunched my nose and stuck my tongue out. He looks so ugly. He looks like any other thug. I saw his gun and knife. I swam to the back and swam to the surface. I saw two guards and I thought for a bit.

I made my feet appear so I swam to them and panting.

"Officer! Officer!" I almost yelled

"What are you doing down there miss?" one asked

Black hair shinning with the sun, clear grey eyes, he must be 6"2 maybe or taller I don't know, almost tan skin but he is a bit paler, plump lips, a day old shadow, perfectly lined jaw line. I just want to trace my fingers across it and kiss those plump lips. Damn it stop thinking like that. But he does look familiar. Nah if he is working with the police he isn't a student or a neighbor.

A woman spoke through the radio and I knew what the numbers meant "There are men... Over there I saw them with a bag with diamonds I don't know if the diamonds are real but they are right over there"

The partner went to check and saw the men maybe they had more than one bag full of diamonds. While the other tried to get close to me.

"Why are you in the water?" he asked me

"Oh I always come here for daily swims... Its relaxing" I admitted

"But why have we never saw you?" he asked me

"Because I always thought that you guys would yell at me for swimming near boats..." I told him as I smiled a little

He is cute "Well it is dangerous"

"Backup is on his way... It's the gang again... They have like bags of cash and small bags maybe the diamonds are inside" the partner responded

"Well sounds like a plan..." he looks at me with those grey eyes "Thank you miss"

I melted a little "Your welcome..."

I swam to the nearby stairs I knew if I walked out my clothes will be tight around my body. I sighed and climbed. It was a bit hard but he was in front of me he carried me. He got his uniform all wet. Oh my! I stared at his clear grey eyes again and I had an idea.

"Thanks... Why don't I give you my number so you can... call me when you can and when your free you can come swim with me?" I asked him as I blushed

He smirks a little "That would be amazing..."

He places me down and I heard the cop cars and the men yelling but he takes his phone out "787-***-**** call me when your free or text me"

"Alright what's your name?" he asked me

"You can call me Blue" I told him

"But that's a color?" he looks confused

I giggled I pulled my ID from my pocket and he chuckles "My real name is Scarlet Blue"

He takes a picture of me and saves the contact he went to speak but his partner yelled at him. When he ran of I quickly jumped down and entered the water with no noise. I dove down and looked around as I swam of as fast as I could. My feet turned into a tail and I swam deeper.

I heard gun firing. I groaned out I thought that they would be peaceful but I have always wanted to see a shoot out. I swam fast to a corner. I saw him and his partner in a corner waiting for instructions. I saw a man sneak up at them and I didn't want to see dead people. The guy who was sneaking up on them had a type of pinkish eyes meaning he is a bender.

I quickly splashed water on him and he looks mad. He glanced at me and he acted like he never saw me. We both knew we couldn't reveal our secrets. But by the looks of it he is a wind bender. If he was a waterbender or fire his eyes would have been a clear greenish blue and if fire orange red eyes.

His eyes turned brown and he tackled the man. I quickly went underwater.

~Back to Reality~

The book is lowered from my vision and I noticed Luke. He had a cheeky smile on his face. He is so adorable. I can't believe we are bonded. Together. Mates. Lovers. I stand up and Luke places the book away and holds my free hand. I just looked at the book. 'Oh well... I reread it later I don't mind...' I looked at him with big eyes as I was so curious about our date. He leads the way and I just followed excitedly. I was in the third floor where he has a second library. I need to get use to all of this. They have so many things. So many beautiful things. Does he have an art room?

The doors opened and I noticed the car parked by the door. We're going for a ride. I smiled gently. I felt completely hyper now. Where will we go? Will it be beautiful? Oh I am so excited.

"Well my love... Are you excited?" he asked a bit nervous

I smiled widely and say "Of course... It's our first date after all... You must have prepared for all of this"

"Prepared no... Been thinking and rearranging my thoughts to make this perfect" he tells me with a awkward smile

"Nothing will be perfect love... But as long as we both enjoy the moment everything will be alright" I tell him with a big smile

"That's true..." he tells me

I laughed a little and asked "Did Ashton give you an envelop?"

He looks at me confused "Envelop?"

"Yeah... It had a condom and pills inside" I say a little jokingly

He chuckles "That man... I could never do something without your permission"

He opens the door like a gentleman and I thanked him obviously. He is such a cutie pie. So nice and gentle. Would sex be really good with him? I smiled gently and he was really quick. The door is opened of the car as well. I tilt my head a little with a side eye. I am so curious where we will go. I placed my seat belt on and I made sure my phone and ID is in my purse. My wallet magically vanished from the bedroom. I looked up and noticed Sarah and another female thumbs up. Behind them Ashton waving my wallet and with his other hand thumbs up.

Oh god this people.

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