
Alpha Luke

Will a human accept a Werewolf's love?

Roxanne_Ros3 · Fantasy
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84 Chs

Chapter 31: Getting Something Sexy

I was eating an ice cream as Sarah was talking about meeting she had with her cousin. They never met as her aunt and uncle had moved away to another state. They were having lots of fun together as the cousin wanted to move back but only for a year because of an internship the cousin has for the entirety of the year. Sarah got so excited that the cousin is staying in the pack house for the time being while she helps him find a house to stay in as they are not part of the pack anymore. But now that Luke returned before they found somewhere now her cousin has to reunite with Luke to give updates on his statues.

I felt the sudden vibration on my chest and I almost dropped my ice cream in shock as I squealed lowly in the process. It had vibrated a few times in a row. As if I am getting a call or bombarded with messages. I quickly placed my hand on top of my chest as my heart was beating strongly. I can't believe this. I pulled out my phone and noticed a message. From an unknown number. I felt confused so I unlocked my phone. I expected it to be someone from the Pack maybe sending me a message or Vincent. I gave him my number for whenever he wishes to talk about something he can send me a message.

I placed my ice cream down while the messages load. How many messages are loading? I felt confused until they finally loaded. All the life in my body started to drain. How does she keep getting a new number? How can she keep doing this? Why is she saying all this? Why does she treat me like this? I did nothing wrong. I always followed all her rules. I was having such an amazing day. How can this woman just appear out of the blue and just ruin this beautiful moment. I can't get Luke involved. I can't let the police involved. She will always find a way to walk free. She has abused me all her life and she never got sentenced. Never. I was blamed. I still feel blamed.

My heart was beating hard and fast. I just stared at the screen as I just couldn't stop looking at the insults. The order she is trying to give me. I swallowed the growing lump. My breathing felt heavy. Why does she do this? Do I not deserve happiness? I even found someone who will literally die for me. Here she is again trying to marry me off to some old guy with a lot of money. Does she really think so little of me? '... you will marry this man and you will not disobey me any longer' I read that more than once and I just felt disgusted at the picture of an old man with a lot of expensive outfits and jewelry.

Another message popped up and my heart felt even heavier. I felt disgusted as she didn't call me her child or daughter. All she keeps caring about is the money. Is this world getting really money hungry?

Mom- If you stay with that man any longer than he better pay me double the amount this fine gentleman offered me offspring of mine if he doesn't pay up I will have to contact the police as you are my offspring and legally I am your guardian as you are mentally unstable and incapable of decisions

This woman. She will do anything to destroy my life. I remember her blaming me for losing two of her boyfriends and all because they wanted to have sex with me while I was barely ten years old. Pedophiles and she didn't even care. She only cared about money and sex. Both together not apart. Someone grabbed my phone and I looked up in panic. Sarah. My eyes wide open in fear. I was too in shock but she had already seen the messages. Her eyes started to darken and I knew that was a bad sign.

"Is this your mother?" Sarah asked in anger

Scarlet starts to cough "Did she get a new number!?"

I looked at Scarlet as I tried with my eyes for her not to keep talking "New number?! Is this woman for real?"

I swallowed the growing lump and just stood to grab my phone. But she gives her back to me. People were looking at us now and I just didn't care. I don't want the public to find out I am a bad daughter and my mom is a witch. My eyes landed on Sarah's fingers on the digital keyboard. I felt shocked as Sarah sent her as a response a F**k You. Then blocked her number.

"Don't delete any of this... We will help you..." Sarah says with a big grin

'Help me?' That is such a foreign phrase. I looked at Scarlet who looked really happy for Sarah's response. I felt my heart start to lift. What is this feeling? I just didn't know how to react with everything. She just told my mom to fuck off. How many times did I run away? How many times did I change my phone number? How many times did I say no? She still find a way to find me and then act like it is something normal to do. Whenever someone told her to leave me alone magically those people did a three sixty. I was insulted. Left out. Pushed. Bullied. What did my mom tell them? I never knew but seeing me so submissive and sad made her so happy.

I just didn't understand so much. Scarlet still by my side so I knew some people were nice but they never lasted too long as friend because of my mom and her antics. She ruins everything and anything that comes to my life. Right now she wants to ruin my happiness with this pack. In which she knows nothing about but if she knew they weren't human. Oh man how would she react. I saw Sarah stare at me and place her hand on my shoulder.

"Now let's go girl... We have a few things to do before we drop you off at your date" Sarah says while making her eyebrows move

I felt my cheeks heat up and I say nervous "W-Wh-What... Sarah... Y-Yo... I-... Don't think like that! It-It's not like that!"

It made them both giggle "Grab your ice cream girl... Let's go get you something sexy"

This time it was Scarlet. I felt so nervous. I felt like I was about to faint when Luke and I kissed in the restaurants private room. I can't imagine if we actually did have sex. Oh my god that would be the most awkward situation in my life. Sarah placed my phone in her purse and she just smiled at me. Her hand falls from my shoulder as she grabbed her half eaten ice cream. Scarlet is almost finished with hers. Mine melted a bit but I don't eat mine quickly. Sensitive teeth. Plus I added gummy bears and brownie into my chocolate vanilla swirl. I grabbed it and followed them. I have never been to this type of mall. This place looks quite big to be honest. Food court is first floor with some simple stores.

They started walking and I followed them this place is really cool. Sarah really knows the big malls. Each mall she has gone too must have been really large. I felt something wrap around my arm and I looked at the culprit and it was Scarlet. She looks really excited. Sarah comes to our side and points quickly in excitement. I looked towards the location and my heart got stuck in my throat. It was a Victoria Secret store. Oh no. Sarah starts to push me from behind and Scarlet helped with literally dragging my arm. The store employee's notice us and for a moment I thought they would just let us in and mock us for our ways of dressing.

"Sorry you can't enter..." one of the employee's got in our way

I sighed in relief though I get to literally escape but Sarah got offended though "I come to this store a lot in the past two months... So what is the problem..."

He scoffs as he looks us up and down then speaks "I doubt you have any money to come here... You must have been stealing from us if you have entered... Looking like that"

Sarah looks annoyed now "Get me Michelle... I know her schedule and she is here today!"

"Who?" he asked acting innocent

"You guys should leave your gonna scare off the customers..." the second employee pipes in

"Wanna know something... I am going to turn into a Karen... I will get both of you fired! Get me the manager!" Scarlet was the one who pipes in

I was in shock. Did Scarlet really want to enter this store? It's just an underwear store. Nothing more. If they had something more to show I'd be excited to enter but it's all about lingerie and a few expensive perfumes. Is all I am seeing.

They looked at each other ready to laugh until a woman walks up to us already yelling "What is the meaning of this!"

"Oh don't worry boss... We're just trying to get this thieves out of the store..." the employee responded

"Thieves?" she looks confused until she noticed Sarah she looks even more pissed of "Are you two crazy! You'll get this whole company destroyed by your idiocy and racial profiling!"

They looked at Sarah as one spoke "They aren't anything special boss..."

"That woman right there is part of the company... She is from the Lycan Industry!" the woman says as she power walks towards us

The two employees are now looking pale as all the life in their body had left "Lycan Industry?"

"Yes! I do apologize Sarah... Michelle usually greets you when your here but she was sick so she took the day off I am here to be her replacement until she feels better" the woman says as she shakes Sarah's hand

"Seems like it..." she says as she slowly calmed down

Lycan Industry I have not heard of it "So what are you doing here today though? We usually expect you here on Sunday's whenever we get new seasonal products?"

"Oh I am shopping here with my new friends... We were given the black card today to buy as much as we want!" Sarah says excited as she flashes a black card with a gold line

That's Luke's card "Oh my... Come in! Come in! I will attend to you three for the time being! These two will go to the back and get the Christmas decorations!"

The two employee's I think they wanted to protest but seeing how they already look dead enough they literally ran off to the back. The woman looks annoyed but still had her fake smile on. I tilt my head. I wanted to leave. But I feel someone's energy right now. 'Ha Ha... I'm in danger...' The Simpson's phrase pops in my mind as Scarlet starts to drag me inside. The woman was leading us to the Christmas themed Lingerie. I swallowed the accumulating saliva as I noticed so much red green and white. It was slightly blinding as they had little bells dangling from specific areas. Everything looks expensive beautiful but at the same time too revealing.

I could never have the amount of money to be able to buy an underwear here. Nevertheless a whole matching set. I looked forward and I saw a cute red one. It was a snowflake pattern embroidered into the bra part of the matching set. The underwear part has a mistletoe on the right side. Literally hugging around the waist. In some way I really liked that one. It looked really good. Scarlet leaves our side as she was staring a deep blue matching set with what seems like small cotton wrapped around the border. It looks really good. I looked to Sarah as the woman was showing Sarah something that looked beautiful but must be really expensive. It was a type of sexy Santa Claus dress like lingerie theme.

Well seems like it's time for me to look around. I can't leave their side as she has my phone. So I'll just look around while they shop. Maybe pick out things I like. I looked around. Glancing each time first. Is there simple colors? Nothing see through? There was an underwear section. I slowly walked to that area and noticed so many designs on underwear. They weren't as expensive as I thought though. I looked at the row of underwear and that's when I noticed the ones with words. They were bikini style. I grabbed one that said Sexy on the behind. The material is really soft and stretchy. I looked at the tag and noticed it said Cotton and Polyester I think.

Maybe I should get this type of undergarments in this material. Its soft to the touch so it won't irritate me or hurt me at all. Seems like it is huggable. I should get my size either way because if this stretches I don't want to accidentally buy the wrong size. I looked back at Scarlet and Sarah as they already had a matching set of their choosing in their hands and they were both looking at something. I couldn't see it thanks to the mannequins and the row's of undergarments. I shrugged it off as they know what they are doing.

I looked back to the underwear with names so I decided to get one of each word in my size. Though I made sure they were stretchy and very soft. I should get a matching set as well. Black matching set sounds good though. I smiled a bit as I saw one that only showed a kiss design on it. Oh looks cool in a way. But the one with the heart design was the one that caught my attention. It was on the right cheek of the underwear where the heart is located. There were different colors. I already had ten underwear with different words on them each. Do I need another ten with just different color hearts? Yes. I made sure the material and stretchiness is the correct that I am looking for and I grabbed one of each.

"Seems like you have underwear to last you half a month" Sarah's voice appears on my right side

I jump around in panic a panicked squeal coming from my mouth "Fuck... You almost made me scream!"

It made her chuckle a bit but she speaks gently "Go get matching sets girl... Scarlet and I will get some perfume..."

"If you find one that smells like candy or strawberries I would like one" I say gently

I love sweet smells "So your into sweet scents... Alright!"

I looked at her with big eyes. Oh no.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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