
Alpha Leon (Destined Luna)

"I don't need a weak mate, Ashley. It's time to reject you" Ashley felt her wolf protest bitterly at the word, rejection. "I, Alpha Leon Stone rejects you Omega Ashley Cambrian as my mate and Luna". Leon said coldly to the naked woman on his bed. Ashley suddenly felt a sharp striking pain in her chest and she cried in pain holding her chest as she watched Leon leave the room angrily. Ashley Cambrian, a weak Omega of the blue park finds her life in a mess when she realizes she is the destined mate of the strongest and most cruel Alpha, Leon. Her romantic world of being loved by her mate comes crashing down as Leon rejects her because of her rank. Leaving the marriage wasn't an option as she was used as a collateral of peace between her pack and the Dark pack fortress. What happens to Ashley when she isn't accepted in her new home? Would she be able to get Leon into accepting her? Or would she end up being caught in a web of conspiracies?

Olayide_Mercy · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter Ten

Leon's POV

I was pissed and I thought of ways to punish this little lady on my shoulders as we kept walking under the rain, how could she spend the night under another man's roof?

I couldn't understand my anger but I felt disrespected that my woman ran away from me and ended up in the arms of a priest.

I wrapped my hands tightly around her knees. Ashley had stopped struggling. She probably had accepted her fate.

I could see the excitement on Mom's face when we arrived at the palace but I was in no mood to smile as I wanted to inflict the most pain on Ashley.

I went straight to my room and roughly threw Ashley on my bed and then she woke up from her sleep.

"What do you want and why am I in your room?" She asked as she tried using the duvet to cover her wet dress.

"I'm going to punish you for running away and make sure you never have the guts to try that again"

"What are you going to do to me?" She asked me like a frightened rabbit.

"Something no one imagined I'd do to you "

"No, please don't do it. I won't try to escape again" Ashley kept begging me but it was too late.

I pulled the duvet from her body but she tried running away, I dragged her back by the leg and she kept screaming.

"No one is going to save you, Ashley"

"No!! Please"

I got on her and started planting kisses all over her body as she kept screaming. The louder she screamed,the harder I harassed her 

I tore the top of her dress and went down to her neck region and finally I went to my goal as I dug my teeth to her collarbone and sucked her blood.

"No!! You bastard, get off me. Don't you dare mark me" Ashley kept screaming and hitting me everywhere but I wasn't done with my mission.

I took her left arm and dug my nails into it and wrote the initial of my name on it and then I moved to her lips for a kiss, while I kept roaming my hands all over her body.

"It's time to take you as my wife" I whispered to Ashley's ears.

"Don't! Please! I'm begging" 

I took off my shirt and raised her gown up to her waist level before tearing it and she increased her screams.

"Should I go on?" I asked her meanly as he stared at her half naked body 

"No, please don't" she replied sobbing and crying. Her face soaked with tears, her hair scattered all over the place.

"The next time you run away ,I won't think twice about taking you and making you pay like this" I said as my hands squeezed her breast. "I will do everything to you in public, reducing your dignity to zero"

"Am I clear?" 

"Yes" she nodded in fear.

I wrapped her in the duvet and carried her to her room, surprisingly Zolan, Bianca and Mom were waiting at the end of the corridor.

I ignored their questioning faces and as I took Ashley to her room and then locked her up.

"No one is to give her food until I say so. She is to remain locked up till she learns her lesson" 

"You should at least feed her now, not after your rigorous bedroom exercise together. She was screaming from start to finish " Zolan suggested

"Yeah, I agree. I think you were to hard on her, Leon " Xander said

"You don't treat a woman like that Leon, I raised you better " Mom walked away angrily, she was pissed at my behavior.

"Seems like you enjoyed yourself in there with her" Bianca whined and also left

I couldn't even tell them that I didn't touch Ashley, at least not the way they thought I did. Though my intentions was to make her suffer by forcing myself on her but something about the way she begged made me feel it wasn't right so I just had to make do with the marking.

I went to cool the fire Ashley's body ignited and then I noticed a red mark on my chest. 

"This wasn't there earlier" I said as I tried washing it away but it wasn't going. "Or could it be…..?"

I remembered sucking on Ashley's blood while marking her but why would her blood settle on my chest instead?

"Or maybe it isn't. It could be from the moment she was hitting me on the chest to push me away" I said to myself.

The next morning, I stopped in front of Ashley's room, it was quiet on the inside, she kept banging the door and sobbing all night. I reminded the maids of my instruction and went on with my daily work but I found it hard to concentrate as Ashley was on my mind.

I left work angrily,it was a slow and boring day, I washed myself and was about laying in bed when I heard a knock on the door. It was Martha,one of the oldest maid in the palace.

"Alpha, please I know Ashley had wronged you but please let her eat. Even if she's still locked up. She isn't as strong as we are, we wouldn't want something bad happening to her"

I thought for a while and reasoned with her,"Fine, Martha. Release her"

I stayed in the room till it was dinner time, Ashley sat at the far end of the table, she had dark under eyes and a very stressed face.

"Martha, please place Ashley on good skincare products and nice meals. She's looking sick" I said as everyone stopped eating as they heard me. Ashley briefly looked at me before going back to her meal 

The table was awkwardly silent till Andrea decided to break an interesting news.

"Aunt Alice and Francine would be coming here tomorrow"
