
Chapter .34.

Never have I dealt with any

more difficult,

than my own soul.


I'm jerked awake as I meet the hard stare of dark blue eyes. "Morning Lexie."

I remain mute as he leans closer. "Eat. Please."

He's holding out a breakfast bar for me- ready to bite. I turn my head away. "What did I do Lexie?" I close my eyes at the pain in his voice. It's not you. It's not you. It's not you.

"Please just tell me," I shake my head before he's even finished the sentence. He bows his head. "Fine. I'll let you go."

I don't raise my face as he moves to untie the ropes from me. I feel his hands shaking. It's better this way, I think. Better that he doesn't find out.

Better that he hates me for this. Rather than the truth.

He's stopped though by a sound. A sound of a car pulling into the drive. "Who...."

His unfinished question though is answered as the pounding of feet hit the steps.