
Chapter .33.

Is there no way out of the mind?

-Slyvia Plath


I close my eyes in silent defeat as the front door slams open.

Revealing Jay and Atlas. It takes them a second, within their haze of anger, to register that I am tied up, with Daisy sitting across from me. There is a stunned silence between us before Jay turns to Daisy, "What did you do?"

Daisy shakes her head, holding her hands up in defense, "She was running away. I stopped her."

Jay's eyes glare down at me. "Why Lexie. I thought you were better." Daisy flinches at that but she remains composed. I say nothing. Nothing as I continue to stare at them. I'm not really there. Not really. I've escaped. I'm picturing what my next painting will be. Maybe the night sky. But I've already painted it so many times. Or the sun. I've always admired the sun. Wolfs live by the moon and it's goddess. But I love the sun. "Lexie."