
Chapter .19.

Scared of living,

afraid of dying,

terrified of being.

- L.A.S


"Are you sure that's all you need?"

I eye the small pack Orion carried. He looked down at it, confusion on his face for what else he might require. I sigh and grab the object from him, a sound of exasperation leaving me when I see a t-shirt and apple.

"Orion, what the hell is this?"

"You told me to pack..."

"I told you to pack your stuff, as in, all your stuff."

Confusion is still mixed within those grey eyes as if he is saying, what else would I need?

"By the Moon," I grumbled my curses, entering the bathroom, and pulling out the objects he needed to function daily.

"Toothbrush," I say the word slowly, holding it up for emphasis.

He almost looks insulted by the action.

Even with the addition of the other items though, the pack is still light.