
ALPHA’S SLAVE: His property

"Strip." His voice was icy as he gave an instruction. This was not the Bella she was expecting. She was instantly overcome with terror since she had never imagined that such a day would arrive. Pretending not to hear what he said, she responded, "Sir?" "Do you not hear?" The floor shook in response to his irate response as his wolf emerged. She paused as she turned to face the guy who had stripped her before shakily reaching for her dress's rope. Strip or I’d have the guards do it for you, and then shakingly, she reached for the rope of her dress but hesitated as she turned to look at the man who had just given her a command. He had no remorse in his eyes. Only hatred was so raw, and it chilled her. She untied the rope that held her garment, and it fell on the floor, exposing her petite body. Her hands trembled as she tried covering her body in shame, but she knew she just had to be brave for herself to avoid his wrath. But then she had him say “She’d serve you all today, but make sure she is not marked because she is mine. " What!!! Bella Jacob, a 25-year-old she-wolf and princess of Kastel. She was taken as a slave after her Father’s wicked kingdom was destroyed by Alpha Cullen. Cullen White, a 35 years old ruthless and no-mercy Alpha and ruler of his pack. He was taken to captivity by Bella’s father but he later escaped and took his captor’s daughter as a slave. What will be the fate of Bella in her captor’s kingdom? Will she survive the punishments given to her? Will she melt the heart of the alpha king who became ruthless due to her father’s cruelty? What will happen to Cullen after his encounters with his archenemy’s daughter? Who will tame the Beast in him? Find out all the answers to your questions in this amazing story.

Chisimdiri_Dickson · History
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Krypto and Kastel's pack used to be peaceful. Everyone loved the relationship between the Alphas, who always bathed beneath the full moon to brag to each other about how huge their wolves had grown up until the day the Alpha king of Kastel died away and his son Prince Jacob took over. He was infamous for having an insatiable hunger for power, to the point where, the night after his coronation, he launched an attack on the Kingdom of Krypto.

Krypto was completely unprepared for the attack; thus, they were taken off guard. The Alpha King and his Luna were killed, and the prince and some of the people who survived the attack were taken hostage, their ladies were sold into prostitution.

Cullen's attempt to flee that evening resulted in a silver piercing around his waist, rendering him incapable of becoming a parent.

Racked with wrath, Prince Cullen of Krypto vowed to exact retribution.

Thirty-year-old Cullen and the survivors of his slave raid successfully brought down the Kingdom of Kastel fourteen years later. They fled into hiding until they healed. Their brave and aloof prince, who was determined to return to his homeland and capture Kastel as well, oversaw their training day and night.

They had to prepare and train for another five years before they launched another attack on Kastel, during which Prince Jacob was slain and all that belonging to them was taken.

Cullen discovered and pinned Princess Bella, the arrogant princess of Kastel and the daughter of Prince Jacob, as he was going around liberating some of the prisoners who were still in captivity. He had the slave collar he had worn throughout his captivity, and his eyes became a different colour as he regarded her icily.

As he approached her and collared her neck, she bowed her head and his wolf proclaimed, "MINE." Then he lifted her chin and looked into the most gorgeous face he had ever seen, with the greenest eyes he had ever seen, but he never made a facial reaction.

You are both my property and my slave. For all your father has done to me and my people, I will repay you a thousand times over. He spoke it cold, emotionless. All that was seen on his face was utter hate.