
Alpha’s Fire

BOOK 1 of the ALPHA SERIES Rhys Dalton, Alpha oh the Blood Rose pack has been given a timeline to either search for his fated mate or take a chosen mate by his 29th birthday. He has an impossible task for two reasons. He never wanted a Luna to rule by his side and he’s already taken 2 chosen mates. Hidden from the world and the Alpha King because of the laws in place. Once the timeline comes and goes, Alpha Kano, the Alpha king has decided to see to it that Alpha Rhys takes a shewolf as his Luna in the next few days. Forced to mark, mate and announce her as his Luna, he now has the most impossible task of allowing her to rule his pack by his side. However only one day after the forced mating ceremony, he then meets his fated mate, a shewolf from a neighboring pack. Will he continue his hidden bond with his 2 chosen mates? Will he continue the bond he has with his forced Luna? Or will he choose his fated mate? Could it all work out? Or could it be Fire on Fire?

Daughsh · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Chapter 6 - Mate

Kaori POV

Come on Kay, get out of bed. Like right now girl. We have a lot of shit to do today.

My damn self motivational speech wasn't working this morning at all. Today would be the day my pack had to entertain the ruthless jackasses that the Blood Rose pack had leading them.

Preston was just as nervous as I was. He stayed over last night, completely stealing all the damn space on my bed and he's a blanket hog!

"Pres.." I whispered trying to get his attention. He groaned then rolled over onto his stomach.

"Preston!" I yelled kicking him off the bed. He hit the floor with the loudest most obnoxious thud

"What? What? What happened? What?" He asked frantically, getting to his feet and looking around my room. I laughed at him, shaking my head then went into the bathroom.

Once I was done, I walked back out to my room to see him laying back down and my alarm clock, which did not go off by the way, read 9:15am. Seriously?!

We're going to be late! That damn pack would be here at 10am!

I'm throwing that alarm clock in the trash! Freaking traitor!

"Preston get up! We have that stupid meeting today! We're already late!" I yelled rushing into my closet and trying to find something nice to wear. Ugh! Why do I only own gym clothes?

Somehow I don't think, spandex shorts, various pairs of leggings, tank tops and sports bra would cut it today!

I looked over my shoulder when I heard movement. Preston was rushing into the bathroom with his duffel bag in hand.

Every single thing I touched was nothing but gym clothes! What is wrong with me?

Oh my gosh! Wait!

I seen my old ceremony dress from when Bryson was announced Alpha my brother Ethan was announce as Beta, but once I actually looked at it, it seemed way too "ball" for todays meeting. So I just settled on an all dark grey, skin tight sundress. It had short sleeves, so it wouldn't be too unprofessional. I paired it with my all black open toed heels. Then grab my diamond necklace and studs.

Thank the Goddess that my pedicure was still intact. Beautiful white toes and nails. Shellac is a lifesaver ladies! Never use regular polish!

Once I was done getting dressed, I knocked on the bathroom door. Preston opened it quickly as I got ready beside him. This was a totally normal thing for us. He's been my bestfriend for years and he's almost as fabulous as I am. Yup! You heard that right, he's bisexual. He's never shown any interest in me and I haven't with him, which made our friendship so much easier.

He was running his fingers through his hair, trying to spread the hair gel as perfect as he could. Meanwhile I was busy brushing my teeth, then washed my face as quick as I could before curling my hair and applying my makeup. I wasn't going to go crazy today, it's just a damn morning meeting with people I didn't even care about.

Preston always said he loved when I wore my hair down, so I styled it into loose curls that stopped a little below my shoulders then applied my makeup. Some fountain, mascara, a cute sublet smoke eye and dark brown lip stick. Ok, I guess I got carried away, but what can I say? A girl loves makeup and I look good!

'Yeah you do!' Kora purred, wagging her tail happily. I shook my head at her, not really able to hide my smile though. That's my girl.

I never actually found my gray eyes that appealing though, I haven't seen a lot of wolves with the same color, but they definitely were unique and growing up, the talk of the pack. All the boys in high school went nuts about them, like the color was some hot commodity.

Once we were done, Preston and I turned towards each other and checked each other out. He gave a mischievous grin towards me, while I returned his grin with my own mischievous wink.

We both shared a good laugh after that then headed towards the packhouse. Pretty much speed walking there because it was now 10:37am and we're hella late. I just hoped the Blood Rose jerks weren't there yet.

Once we got close enough to the packhouse, I seen 2 black SUVS parked outside and I internally groaned, knowing Preston and I were in some deep shit. I wouldn't hear the end of this from mother or father. Good thing, my brother and friend were the Beta and Alpha. They probably wouldn't come down on our heads about this, unless they were trying to impress the Blood Rose twerps.

We walked into the packhouse and the scents of multiple wolves hit me like a ton of bricks. Their scents were strong as hell. Like too damn strong. I could tell there were 2 Alphas here just from their auras alone. The others felt like Betas or Gammas maybe.

"Kaori Norwood and Preston Garland!" I heard my mothers voice screeching through the house.

"Yes mother, it's us." I called back and followed their scents into the kitchen.

"You are in big trouble young lady! And Preston I'm sure your parents will have some choice words for you!"

"Mom I'm 25 years old.. I'm way too old to be in trouble with you." I laughed turning the corner into the kitchen, with Preston right on my heels.

That's when the most amazing scent hit my nose. Honey and vanilla. What the hell is that? Kora stood up suddenly in the back of my mind, then rushed to the front. Her ears perked up, she was in full alert mode.

"Mate! Mate! Mate!" She shouted jumping up and down.

"What?!" I yelled back at her, not enjoying her enthusiasm! I don't want a damn mate! I was so caught up in arguing with her that I didn't notice what was going on around me.

That's when I looked around and seen his eyes looked on me. There was this intense glare he had, the way his eyes kept flickering to his wolf. I knew he was my damn mate! For fucks sake!

He started walking towards me and I watched him with amusement in my eyes. I know he doesn't think just because we're mates that I'm all of a sudden going to jump into his arms.

'Oh yes we are chicka! He's our mate!' Kora purred watching him with as much amusement as me.

'Shut up Kora. No were not. We don't know this fuzzy brute!'

Our mate stopped in front of me and stared into my eyes for a few seconds before smirking. I raised my eyebrow at him, not really finding anything funny. I didn't want him although he smelt like heaven and had my panties all in a knot.

"What's your name?" He asked holding that stupid cocky ass smirk.

"Kaori. Yours?"

Please don't who I think you are dude..

"Rhys. Alpha Rhys Dalton."

"Oh lovely." I rolled my eyes at that. If it wasn't any worse than finding a mate I didn't want, now I know that he's the same Alpha that Preston told me about. He runs his pack like a damn barbarian.

"You're mine." He growled again then grabbed my chin forcing my eyes to his.

"Like hell I am." I growled back shoving his hand from my face.

"Excuse me?" Rhys asked, his irritation arouse clear as day.

"I said.. like hell I am." I rolled my neck this time repeating my words with just as much stank they held the first time.

"Mind your attitude little one." He growled taking a step closer to me. His fists were clenched by his sides and I could definitely feel his aura wash over me, not much but it was enough to get my attention.

Like oh really? That's what we're doing?

"Or what?" I shot back putting my hands on my hips, trying to ignore his stupid aura. We had a little stare off, until he smirked again and broke his gaze from mine. Then he walked back to his pack members, never once taking his eyes off mine this time.

I was just about to walk out the room when I heard someone else growl.

"Mine." That broke my stare from his. I looked up at Preston to see him staring into the group of Blood Rose jerks too. I looked back at them and seen Alpha Rhys and another man watching the one that was staring at Preston.

"Oh this is just fabulous." I rolled my eyes again, throwing my hands up in the air.

"Kaori Norwood. Mind your manners." My father spit at me. I hung my head and sighed before looking back at him.

"Sorry daddy." That was all I could muster before the most irritatingly nasal voice in the world.

"Love?" The voice belonged to a shewolf. She came around the corner from the kitchen, then looked at me. She was tall like 5'9 maybe. A full of Neanderthal. Her hair was blonde, with blue eyes and absolutely no shape at all. She had nice boobs though.

I watched her walk right over to Alpha Rhys and plant a kiss on his cheek. His eyes left mine, enough to growl at her then turn his head away from her.

Well it's clear their dynamic is dysfunctional, but this heifer called him love and kissed his cheek? Who the hell was she to him?

"Claw that bitches eyes out Kay!" Kora growled, her possessive nature coming out for our mate.

I stayed completely silent though as I watched the exchanges between the room. Apparently who came from the Blood Rose pack was Beta Mateo, Gamma Jett, who happened to be Preston's mate! Then there was the previous Alpha and Luna, Landon and Leila, their other sons, Maverick and Liam, then there was Alpha Rhys and get this.. his Luna Madison!

Oh yeah and they brought the notoriously evil, most famous wolf in the country, the Alpha of Alphas, Kano.

So not only did the whole band of idiots show up, but the Moon Goddess thought it was a great idea to mate me with someone who already has a mate, has named her Luna and from what I can tell because the girl wouldn't stop swishing her hair, she bares his mark.

So where the hell did that leave me? I didn't even want to be in this predicament, but now I'm in a fully dysfunctional one. What kind of shit is this?