
Alpha’s Fire

BOOK 1 of the ALPHA SERIES Rhys Dalton, Alpha oh the Blood Rose pack has been given a timeline to either search for his fated mate or take a chosen mate by his 29th birthday. He has an impossible task for two reasons. He never wanted a Luna to rule by his side and he’s already taken 2 chosen mates. Hidden from the world and the Alpha King because of the laws in place. Once the timeline comes and goes, Alpha Kano, the Alpha king has decided to see to it that Alpha Rhys takes a shewolf as his Luna in the next few days. Forced to mark, mate and announce her as his Luna, he now has the most impossible task of allowing her to rule his pack by his side. However only one day after the forced mating ceremony, he then meets his fated mate, a shewolf from a neighboring pack. Will he continue his hidden bond with his 2 chosen mates? Will he continue the bond he has with his forced Luna? Or will he choose his fated mate? Could it all work out? Or could it be Fire on Fire?

Daughsh · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 18 - Nomore You

Kaori POV

My first week here has been the slowest days of my life. The only thing I've eaten was one piece of bread that Beta Mateo or Gamma Jett brought me starting on day 4. So I've only eaten the last 3 days. If Rhys had his way, I wouldnt drink anything either. Luckily my room has a bathroom so I've been able to drink out of the faucet.

My body wasn't dehydrated but I was starting to feel the effects of having little to no food. Kora felt weaker, I hated that. She deserves so much better than this. Honestly, she's the best wolf anyone could hope for. Caring, loving, hilarious, a little bitchy sometimes but what girl isn't? She's the most devoted and loyal friend I've ever had, well besides Preston.

Oh my Preston.. how I miss you. I wish I could text or call him, but I was guessing that Rhys either took his phone or blocked my number. Something evil like that.

Other than the negative things that Rhys was doing to me, something positive happened the 3rd morning. When I woke up, I couldn't feel the bond with Rhys anymore. I thanked the Moon Goddess that it wasn't more than 3 days. I didn't want to suffer emotionally at his hand anymore and because of our bond being severed on my end, I could finally shut myself down emotionally and mentally.

Successfully closing myself out for him. As long as I remain in this mind state, he can't hurt me. No matter what he did, nothing would break me. Nothing could be worse than Academy training.

This morning, I walked into the bathroom, seeing my frazzled appearance, I quickly took a shower and put myself together. It was the first time I actually got dressed or took a shower in this week, all because of the bond with Rhys. I could feel AND hear him and Madison going at this last week. Kora hadn't spoke since the first night. I felt like he broke her spirit and that really hurt.

I was thankful that I had a small assortment of books to keep my mind from racing in my small hole of a room, well it's not really small, but I could bet that there are bigger rooms here. Rhys probably put me in a broom closet and had a bathroom built into it the day we arrived.

Aha! That's highly unlikely, but hey my jokes kept away the sadness.

Grabbing one of the books off the shelf, I went back to my bed, turned on my tv and dove into my book. As soon as I was about to turn the page, completely engulfed in my book, I heard my room door open.

Looking over, I seen Rhys and a shewolf walk in.

"Breeder, this is Emilee. She's one of my staff here. She will be your care taker."

"Thank you Alpha Rhys. It's very nice to meet you Emilee." I said as polite as I could, unable to show any emotion though. I was determined to keep myself shut down completely whenever in Rhys or Madison's presence.

"Emilee, see to it that my breeder is prepared for tonight."

"Yes Alpha." Emilee said bowing her head before turning to look at me. I kept my poker face until Rhys finally left my room. His staring was creepy and made me super uncomfortable.

As soon as he was gone, I jumped off the bed and ran over to Emilee, hugging her.

"Oh!" She squealed hugging me back.

"It is so nice to see you Emilee, you have no idea how lonely I've been." I smiled, wrapping her hands in mine.

"Wow! You're so nice.. Alpha Rhys said that you were an evil woman with the attitude of a snake. I was kind of scared when I was assigned to you." I frowned at his description of me.

"I'm anything but that Emilee, oh and by the way my name is Kaori. You can call me Kay though, all my friends do."

"We're friends?"

"Yes of course. If you're going to be my care taker, I would hope we could be friends."

"I'm sorry for my rudeness Kay, it's just that I'm an Omega and we don't exactly get treated with much kindness around here."

Ugh of course she's an omega and of course she's treated like crap! I expected no less from Rhys and now Madison.

I wrapped my arm through Emilee's and walked over to my bed. I began to tell her all about my birth pack, how kind we are and carefree, we're a lot poorer than this pack obviously but the atmosphere consisted of family and fun. Not whatever the hell is going on around here. I gave her insight of who I really am, how hard I've worked to get to my position, all about my family. I knew I could trust her because she's an Omega and clearly around here, she was the bottom of the barrel when it came to respect, which I completely disagreed with.

Emilee told me some things about her as well. He older brother became the Alpha of the Red river pack when he found out his mate was the previous Alpha's daughter. She also has a younger sister and younger brother, younger by two years. She works here in the pack high school as a janitor. Her younger brother goes to the pack high school as well. Although he gets picked on a lot because of their family status within the pack. I couldn't imagine being subjected to the abuse that omegas go through at the hands of some of these packs. It pissed me off really.

When Emilee asked why Alpha Rhys and Luna Madison bought me from my pack, with me being Beta blood and commander of my pack guard, she didn't fully understand why I was sold so easily. So I decided to tell her the truth. Who I was to Rhys, what happened between us the first 2 days and how I rejected him because of his attitude towards lower ranking wolves. Then how he planned to keep me here until he got tired of me I suppose. I told her how it was his plan to call me his breeder and that I would be fulfilling my "service" if Madison didn't get pregnant after her first few heat cycles. Seeing how she was in heat the first night I was here, I seriously hoped that she was pregnant now.

I also told Emilee how I've been kept the last week. Tormented by hearing and feeling Rhys and Madison together, then feeling the bond sever on my part and once that was over, that's when Beta Mateo and Gamma Jett have been bringing me only one piece of bread in the morning and nothing else throughout the day.

"Oh my gosh Kay, Alpha Rhys didn't tell us anything like that. He's such an evil man." I couldn't disagree with her statement, so I simply nod in agreement.

"And as far as your meals go, Alpha Rhys told me that I was assigned to you about 4 days ago. I was to prepare all of your meals. I can assure you that I didn't just put one piece of bread on your tray. It was full. Eggs, bacon, potatoes and orange juice every morning and I made you lunch and dinner everyday as well. Alpha Rhys said I was to bring your tray but then he changed his mind and asked Beta Mateo or Gamma Jett to bring your tray. I never knew if the food made it to you or not, but I guess this makes why Luna Madison always praised my cooking even after she left the table. Your trays must have been brought to her and then they sent you something else."

Well I guess Rhys thought that was too much kindness for a breeder. It's clear that he doesn't care about me, which is fine. Whatever.

"Emilee, Alpha Rhys mentioned that you needed to prepare me for tonight. What did he mean by that?"

She hung her head at my question, then nervously bit her bottom lip.

"Alpha Rhys plans on mating with you tonight Kay. He said even though Luna Madison was in heat about a week ago, he wants to make sure he at least makes an effort to cover his bases with you.. I overheard him on the phone with Alpha Kano telling him how he was taking you as a breeder and how Luna Madison agreed so there shouldn't be a problem."

My mouth fell open, Rhys plans on mating with me tonight? No way in hell was that happening, but damn it! What choice do I have? I don't want to lose my virginity to that bastard and Alpha Kano knows about the misery I'm going through?! To make it worse, he's ok with it?

I literally feel sick..

"Kay, try not to be so nervous. Alpha Rhys will be able to smell your fear. All I'm to do now is keep you company and then tonight, I will prepare your bath along with another member of staff here. Her name is Heather. We will get you cleaned up, Alpha says he wants your hair to be curled like the first day he met you so we might need your help with that and he's selected the lingerie he would like you to wear tonight as well. All you have to do is be present and pray it ends quickly. I've heard an Alpha's knot can be quite painful."

"His knot?" I asked trying not to think about anything else Emilee just told me. There was no way around this, Rhys would be mating with me tonight. I can't exactly escape this house. The window in my room won't even open.

I listened as Emilee explained what knots were to me. Apparently it's something that the Moon Goddess created and blessed all Alphas with. Someone that was apart of their manhood, it would engorge at the moment of climax. Connecting the Alpha with the shewolf he choose to mate with. It was a way to ensure that the bloodline of the Alpha would continue. His knot engraved inside the shewolf and get this, it hurts like a bitch! Emilee's sister used to be mated to an Alpha before he rejected her and took her son from her all because she was omega. He used her to get an heir, took the pup and then kicked her to the crib. It's all messed up honestly!

Emilee thinks the reason that Rhys wants to mate with me so quick is because he knows the Moon Goddess paired us together. He knows I'll physically be able to take his knot without issue and the chances of him getting an heir from me is way more likely than with Madison.

Even with that, it's still messed up. I'm not his breeder! He's not my mate anymore, maybe on his part of the bond, but I feel nothing but anger towards him now. I just want to get the hell away from him, not mate with him, not carry his pup and he most certainly wouldn't be taking my pup from me then accepting my rejection.

Hell no! Not happening!

This is a freaking nightmare!