
Alpha’s Fire

BOOK 1 of the ALPHA SERIES Rhys Dalton, Alpha oh the Blood Rose pack has been given a timeline to either search for his fated mate or take a chosen mate by his 29th birthday. He has an impossible task for two reasons. He never wanted a Luna to rule by his side and he’s already taken 2 chosen mates. Hidden from the world and the Alpha King because of the laws in place. Once the timeline comes and goes, Alpha Kano, the Alpha king has decided to see to it that Alpha Rhys takes a shewolf as his Luna in the next few days. Forced to mark, mate and announce her as his Luna, he now has the most impossible task of allowing her to rule his pack by his side. However only one day after the forced mating ceremony, he then meets his fated mate, a shewolf from a neighboring pack. Will he continue his hidden bond with his 2 chosen mates? Will he continue the bond he has with his forced Luna? Or will he choose his fated mate? Could it all work out? Or could it be Fire on Fire?

Daughsh · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 15 - Brutal Plan

Alpha Rhys POV

I watched my little mate walk away, her ass and tiny waist still looking as good as ever. The fact that she thought she could reject me and get away with it, was hilarious!

She hadn't met the asshole that I could really be yet. Oh boy.. was she in for a treat when we get back to my pack. Yeah that's right.. even though she rejected me, I didn't accept it. She's still mine and she would still be coming with me. Living her life miserably instead of how she could have lived it. She could have been happy, but she chosen darkness.

I was so infatuated with her yesterday, the new bond was exhilarating, but as I got to know a little more about her through the day, I was sure she wasn't the shewolf for me.

Yeah I used the bond against her, but that didn't give her the right to use it against me. Then disrespect me by using my wolf to get her way and serve her petty purposes with Madison. She must have known that Magnus was head over heels for her already and she used that to her advantage in such an evil way. My using the bond was only to get a little arousal out of her, I knew she couldn't turn me down. Boy was I wrong, the little shewolf had her own agenda with our bond.

I really didn't like that she used Magnus like that. What if I ever fell in love with her, she would use that to her advantage too! I didn't like Madison either, but damn I didn't stoop that fucking low.

Then she thought challenging me in front of her entire pack was a good idea, trying to educate me on her silly little packs way of living. Her definition of the statement so many packs live by was hilarious to say the least and listening to her actually trying to convince me otherwise was laughable.

It was clear she didn't like what Madison said about how omegas should be treated, the fact that I agreed with her must have stung real bad to that beautiful chest of hers.

My little mate was going to get a rude awakening. She won't be pulling any of her dirty little tricks once we get home and I have the perfect punishment.

I'm handing her to Madison. Since my Luna loves to point out the fact that she's in charge of the women and children, she's actually just in charge of their well-being, but she can be in charge of "taking care" of Kaori from now on. Well at least for a little while, maybe a week or two. A month might be better for my little mate, then Kaori would be fulfilling her promise to me. Challenging Madison for the Luna position and convincing her to accept my rejection. I don't care how she had to do it, she just needed to get it done.

I watched my little mate socialize back within her pack, acting as if nothing was wrong. She's emotionally strong that's a definite.

Preston ended up playing music on his laptop before announcing to their pack that whoever wanted to come up and sing or dance was able to. I wasn't in the least bit surprised when Kaori went up and grabbed the microphone.

She started looking for a song on Preston's laptop before she stepped forward and started singing along. Her voice was just as beautiful as she was.

"Wow, she sounds amazing." Mateo whispered, I nod at him, keeping my focus on her.

"Alpha Rhys, I must say it looks like you have an all around perfect match." Alpha Kano said raising his cup before taking a drink. Madison scoffed then rolled her eyes, but I noticed her eyes never left Kaori.

My sneaky mate sang a slow song at first, it seemed like she really felt the lyrics. Her gaze meeting mine multiple times during her performance. I didn't let her little show get in the way of me wanting to punish her though.

The next song she sang was way more upbeat. She ended up jumping and dancing around the clearing. Her pack joined her, dancing around. Their joy filled the air. She danced her happy ass all the way to where we were sitting before grabbing Jett's hand, pulling him to his feet. He looked at me for permission, I nod for him to go. I watched him run off with Kaori and dance with her.

At least Jett could enjoy himself. I sat here fuming, Mateo never left my side. I knew he wouldn't, he knew I needed him to calm me down. More so Magnus, who hadn't spoken to me since last night. Now with Kaori's rejection, he was dangerously quiet. I'm sure he would snap soon.

I smiled at Mateo before looking back at Jett and Kaori. She thought it was a good idea to roll her body around him, like he was some kind of pole and she was his personal dancer. I don't care if she was just enjoying the music, she was slowly adding shit to her punishment.

Keep them coming little mate.

What seemed like 3 days had passed by before this damn barbecue was over. As soon as Alpha Bryson announced that we all could leave, I grabbed Madison, Mateo and Jett and beelined it to our cars. I'm sure Alpha Kano was right behind us. We needed to get back to the Red Stone packhouse to grab our bags, then drive over to Preston's house and Kaori's parents house to grab them and their shit. Only the Moon Goddess knows how much she's bringing. I was glad we brought the SUVS.

Once Alpha Bryson's staff were done loading our bags into the cars, we headed over to Kaori's parents house. She was standing outside with 4 suitcases, a purse on her shoulder and her phone in her hand. Mateo and Jett got out to help her load her things inside our SUV, then I told her to get in the backseat next to me.

Going to pick Preston up, he had an equal amount of crap. I told Mateo and Jett I to put his shit in the other SUV.

Mateo was driving, Jett in the passenger seat, Madison and Preston rode in the other SUV with Alpha Kano, I didn't want Madison to know that she would be in charge of Kaori during her punishment yet and I didn't want Preston to know that he wouldn't be seeing his bestie anytime soon.

My little mate slid in the backseat next to me, she was still wearing the same clothes from the barbecue, which I did not approve of! No mate of mine would be parading themselves around with their damn stomach showing! She's lucky she has a shape that I can't hide, because if I could, it would be hidden too.

"Kaori." I said, her eyes met mine as she turned her head.

"You may have rejected me, but I don't accept your rejection. You are still mine and you will behave once we get to my pack, are we clear?"

"Yes Fuzzy." I laughed just then, there wouldn't be anymore of that.

"Yeah Kaori, there will be nomore of that. You will not call me Fuzzy anymore, you will address me as Alpha Rhys. Do you understand me?" She nodded then looked out the window.

"Yes Alpha Rhys, I understand."

"Good. Also when we arrive, you will be introduced to my staff as my breeder, nothing more, nothing less." I announced, Kaori's eyes shot back to mine.

"Breeder?!" She yelled a little too loud for my liking.

"Lower your voice when you speak to me Kaori or you won't like the outcome." I warned her, she nods her head and stays quiet.

"Good, now like I was saying, you will be introduced as my breeder. This reason behind this is that I don't want anyone knowing who you are to me. Your only job will be to sit down and look good. Madison is my Luna, not you so I expect you to be on your best behavior. I will assign someone to your care, you will be shown to your room. I really haven't appreciated the way you've used the bond against me Kaori, you used my wolf to get your way, you told Magnus that you loved him, then you felt it was acceptable to reject me in such a public setting, proving that you don't love him. I don't appreciate anyone using me to their advantage, so there will be punishment for your mistakes. You won't be allowed any visitors for 2 weeks, the only people allowed to enter your room will be myself, Mateo, Jett or your care taker. After your 2 week isolation, Madison will then be in charge of you until the time comes for you to fulfill your promise to me and challenge her for the Luna position."

"How long will that be Alpha Rhys?"

"I will announce the challenge when I'm good and ready Kaori and not a moment before."

Again all she did was nod and stay quiet. Good girl.

"Do you understand your punishment Kaori?"


"Yes what?!" I roared, making her flinch but she quickly regained her composure.

"Yes Alpha Rhys, I understand my punishment."


All I could feel from her was anger and confusion through the bond. I knew why she was angry, I tired her away from her family and her pack. She got caught in her lies, she got called out for her behavior. As far as the confusion, I wasn't sure what that was about. I'm sure I would find out soon though.

I would have some fun punishing her. That little attitude would be gone by the time I was done, well hopefully not completely gone. I just wanted to piss her off and get under her skin enough to make her aware that I'm the Alpha here and she will never try to use anything against me again.

I needed to get my point across in a drastic way with a shewolf like her. She was too much like me and while I loved it, I hated it at the same time. I knew this time could easily be brushed off by her, so I had to make sure this went according to plan. I wanted to break her ass, make her apologize and then I'll rebuild her back up to who she was before she made those mistakes and only then would she be able to challenge Madison for the Luna position. I still needed her whether I liked it or not.

I may have been exaggerating a lot before by saying I didn't want her. I still craved the little sex beast, but she had to be punished for what she's done. This was the only way she would learn.

Seven hours later, we arrived back onto my territory. It was now 8pm. That damn barbecue at the Red Stone pack ran a lot later than I wanted it to.

Pulling into the driveway of my packhouse, I saw Kaori's expression change. This clearly wasn't what she was expecting. Nothing like the packhouse back in Red Stone. Once we got inside, I'm sure she would piss herself.

My pack was triple the size of her pack, I made more land, more money therefore everything I owned was lavishly done. I preferred the finer things in life and what I wanted, I got.

Don't get me wrong, I worked hard for everything I have. These last 7 years since I've taken over my pack, I've opened my own trading company which has flourished, allowing me to be able to live the way I want and I take care of my pack the way they should be. The schools in my territory are the best, staffed perfectly and guarded even better. My warriors are the fiercest in the country, my pack was the largest in the country. Wolves from all over we're always looking to transfer here and if that meant more warriors for me, I would accept them.

As soon as Mateo parked in the driveway, we all piled out the SUVS. We said our goodbyes to Alpha Kano as he hoped into his car and sped off.

Good riddance ya prick.

I walked up to Madison and planted the biggest, most obnoxious kiss on her lips just to annoy Kaori. I opened my eyes to see her watching me with her lip turned up, I smirked at her little reaction then broke my kiss with Madison. I reached down and grabbed her hand making my way to the packhouse.

"Come on Kaori, you need to keep up." I yelled out over my shoulder. Mateo and Jett ran ahead to ask the staff to bring our bags inside, then came back out to walk beside Kaori as they should.

Before actually walking in the house, I whispered my plan to Madison about wanting to punish Kaori and putting Madison in charge of her punishment after her 2 weeks of isolation was over. I also told her that I would introduce her as my breeder just to fuck with her. Madison was beyond excited to help me with my little plan. Although, I left out more important details because she didn't need to know everything.

Opening the door, to my surprise my parents and little brothers were here. They both came over and gave myself and Madison a hug. Mateo and Jett greeted them appropriately, then their eyes landed on Kaori and Preston.

"And who is this?" My father asked.

Kaori stepped forward and went to open her mouth, but I held my finger up to stop her. One look from me and she backed up, staying silent. Preston watching us closely.

"This is Kaori Norwood, daughter of the previous Beta of the Red Stone pack. She hasn't found her mate yet, so I bought her from her father and her sole purpose here will be to fulfill the breeder role. If Madison should fail to become pregnant after her first heat few cycles, Kaori will then become our surrogate."

Preston's reaction was to be expected. He wasn't aware of my little plan for Kaori, but Jett quickly made him be quiet and he chose the right path. He didn't want to be on my bad side right now.

My parents had the reaction I suspected as well. My mother was thrilled with the idea, she always wanted grand pups and didn't care who they came from. My father said it was a smart decision to invest in a breeder, especially one as, in his words, "lovely as Kaori"

Jett eventually introduced Preston as his mate after my parents joy died down, which I didn't mind. I hated it, but I didn't mind. Technically that's exactly who he is to Jett. I didn't mind them sharing a room either because now I had to sleep with Madison to keep my little plan going.

Everything I planned to punish Kaori with were to be emotionally breaking. She's a warrior, survived Academy training, then became the commander of her pack guard. So I knew she would easily brush off anything physical I could do. The Academy training was meant to break wolves in all forms, so physical punishment wouldn't phase her. Everything had to be emotional.

The two week isolation would cut her and her wolf off from socialization. Wolves are social creatures, we need our packs, we can grow weaker without them. Our mentality wasn't built to be alone.

I would refuse her food and water for the next 3 days, I know that sounds harsh but warriors in the Academy had to show they could survive without food for 14 days and without water for 7 days in one part of training, so this would be a piece of cake for my little mate. However the emotional aspect of it was to make her feel hopeless, like she had to rely on me and my staff for what she needed to nourish herself and her wolf. Her wolf would surely grow weaker without nourishment, anyone who loses their wolf or has a fear of losing them, would break quick.

The next thing would be making sure to show Madison all the affection I could show her. I would treat Madison the same way I would treat my rightful Luna. She would get all of my love and affection, I would dote on her, kiss her, be at her beck and call whenever she needed me and I would do it all in front of Kaori. I would make sure she could see everything, she wouldn't miss anything. This would definitely drive her and her wolf crazy. Even with the rejection, she would know that we still had a bond and all of my affection could have been for her. This part would break her for sure and if it didn't, then that's where the next part came in.

The last step would be putting Madison in charge of her. Whatever Madison said, she would have to do. I don't care if it was something stupid like spit shining her heels or kissing her feet in front of the entire pack. Kaori would do it, physically she would be pissed no doubt, but emotionally she would be pushed over the edge. Madison already has it out for the girl, so allowing her to take full reigns on this one better break the damn shewolf.

Then as soon as she breaks, I mean truly breaks, crying, begging for forgiveness, pleading at my feet on her knees, I would forgive her then build her back up into the shewolf I fell for that first day I laid my eyes on her. She would then fulfill her promise and challenged Madison for the Luna position and if she's lucky, I might allow her to stay in my pack.