
Alone The Strongest One Ryomen Sukuna

In a world where the boundary between the natural and supernatural is thin, where curses lurk in the shadows and sorcerers wield mystic powers, lies the stage for a tale of ambition, power, and the darkness that resides within. "Alone the strongest Ryomen Sukuna: follows the journey of Kaito, a young man reborn into a world of chaos and magic as the vessel for Ryomen Sukuna, the infamous King of Curses. Trapped within Sukuna's cursed finger for what felt like an eternity, Kaito emerges with newfound power and a thirst for dominance that threatens to shake the very foundations of the Jujutsu world. As Kaito embraces his role as Sukuna's vessel, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and conquest, wielding his newfound abilities with ruthless efficiency and cunning. With each curse he destroys and each sorcerer he vanquishes, he grows stronger, his ambitions soaring ever higher as he seeks to carve out his own path in a world teetering on the brink of chaos. Can he truly be the strongest? Possible Crossover. Demon slayers? Dragon ball?

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16 Chs

Chapter :13 New master

Part One: The Conversation

At Jujutsu High, Gojo, Geto, and Shoko gathered in the faculty lounge for an informal discussion about the upcoming arrival of a new student.

"Hey, have you heard the news? There's going to be a new student joining us soon," Geto remarked, his tone tinged with curiosity.

Shoko, sitting cross-legged on a nearby cushion, perked up at the mention of a new student. "Oh? Do we know anything about them?"

Geto leaned back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest. "Not much, but I've heard some rumors. Apparently, this student is supposed to be quite talented."

Shoko's eyes sparkled with interest. "Talented in what way?"

"Well, from what I've gathered, they're rumored to possess powers similar to Gojo's infinity," Geto explained, nodding in Gojo's direction.

Gojo, lounging on a nearby sofa with his feet propped up on a coffee table, grinned at the mention of his powers. "Ah, so they think they can match my level of greatness, huh?"

Shoko chuckled at Gojo's characteristic arrogance. "Well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see."

Geto nodded in agreement. "Indeed. But regardless, it seems like this new student will certainly make things interesting around here."


After they let him go with them, Mato found himself seated in a sleek black car alongside members of the Jujustsu organization

The sleek black car glided through the streets of Tokyo, the vibrant lights of the city flickering past the tinted windows. Kaito, seated amidst members of the Jujustsu organization, couldn't help but marvel at the bustling metropolis outside. The neon signs illuminated the night sky, casting a mesmerizing glow over the cityscapes

"Where are we going?" Kaito's curiosity finally got the better of him as he turned to Enko, the Jujustsu member assigned to take him home.

Enko, a confident and authoritative figure, flashed him a reassuring smile. "To your new home, of course," she replied with a hint of excitement in her voice. She went on to explain that due to Kaito's memory loss and his involvement in the destruction of a large part of the forest, he would be under house arrest for the time being.

Kaito nodded in understanding, though a sense of unease gnawed at him. As they continued their journey, he couldn't shake the feeling of being adrift in a sea of uncertainty. "Mato... my name," he mused silently, gazing out at the passing scenery. "It doesn't feel right. I don't feel like I own it. It feels weird."

Suddenly, a thought struck him like a bolt of lightning, and he blurted out, "hey, I want to change my name!"

Enko looked taken aback by Kaito's sudden request, her brow furrowing in surprise. "What? Why?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity and intrigue.

I will call him kaito from now on

Kaito took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding, his gaze fixed on the twinkling lights of the cityscape outside. "I want a new name to symbolize a fresh start," he explained, his voice tinged with determination and resolve.

Without further protest, Enko agreed to Kaito's request, her expression softening as she regarded him with newfound confusion."Okay, we'll do that for you. What name do you want?" she inquired, her tone gentle and accommodating.

Kaito pondered for a moment, the weight of his decision settling upon him like a heavy cloak. "Kaito," he declared, his voice steady and unwavering.

Enko nodded in approval, making a quick call to inform others of the change. As the car journey continued, Kaito's mind buzzed with anticipation and excitement for the new chapter that lay ahead.

Finally, the car came to a stop in front of a grand mansion nestled amidst the tranquil beauty of the Japanese countryside. The imposing gates swung open, revealing a sprawling estate shrouded in the darkness of the night.

Stepping out of the car, Kaito was greeted by the soft whisper of the evening breeze and the gentle rustle of leaves in the surrounding gardens. The scent of cherry blossoms hung in the air, mingling with the faint aroma of freshly fallen rain.

As he followed Enko up the winding path to the entrance of the mansion, Kaito couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the grandeur of his new surroundings. The elegant architecture, with its traditional Japanese design and intricate wooden carvings, spoke of a rich history and heritage.

Enko ushered Kaito inside, and he found himself standing in the foyer of the mansion, the soft glow of lanterns casting a warm and inviting light. The interior was adorned with exquisite works of art and antique furnishings, each piece reflecting a sense of timeless elegance and refinement.

"This is your new home, Kaito," Enko said, her voice filled with pride as she gestured around the opulent surroundings. "I hope you find it to your liking."

Kaito nodded, his eyes wide with wonder as he took in the beauty of his new abode. "It's... it's amazing," he murmured, his voice filled with genuine awe and appreciation.

Enko smiled warmly, her eyes sparkling with satisfaction. "I'm glad you think so," she replied, her tone gentle and reassuring. "There is much to explore and discover here. I'm sure you'll feel right at home in no time."

Opening the doors

: The Master's Arrival

The two girls stood before Kaito, their heads bowed in deference as they greeted him in unison. "Welcome, Master," they intoned, their voices soft and respectful. "We are your servants, and we hope we can serve you well."

Kaito regarded them with a cool detachment, his gaze piercing as he assessed them both. The older woman, Aya, exuded an air of quiet authority, her features marked by years of experience and wisdom. By her side stood Suzu, her daughter, her youthful innocence juxtaposed against the solemnity of their surroundings.

"Please call me Ayasu," the older woman spoke, her voice steady and composed. "And this is my daughter, Suzu."

Kaito's expression remained impassive, betraying no hint of emotion as he absorbed their introductions. His silence hung heavy in the air, casting a palpable sense of unease over the room.

Suzu shifted nervously under Kaito's gaze, her eyes darting furtively to her mother for guidance. Ayasu, sensing her daughter's discomfort, stepped forward with a gentle smile, attempting to ease the tension that lingered between them.

"We are here to serve you, Master," Ayasu continued, her voice soft but unwavering. "Whatever you require, we will do our utmost to fulfill your wishes."

Despite their attempts to appease him, Kaito remained aloof, his demeanor betraying no hint of gratitude or appreciation. His silence spoke volumes, a silent reminder of the power he wielded over them.

As Ayasu and Suzu exchanged uneasy glances, a chill swept through the room, casting a shadow over their hopes of winning Kaito's favor. Little did they know, their new master harbored a darkness within him, a darkness that threatened to consume everything in its path.

"Please follow us; we will show you around the house," Suzu said, her voice soft and respectful, while Ayaho nodded in agreement beside her.

As the maids led him to the dining area, Suzu's voice quivered slightly as she made the announcement, "This is the dinner place, Master," her words laced with deference and respect. Suzu, with her ebony locks framing her youthful face, stood at a modest height of 5 feet 6 inches, emanating an aura of gentle hospitality and eager anticipation.

Kaito's interest was piqued, and he responded with a nonchalant grin, "Gotcha," his tone carrying a subtle hint of amusement. Suzu, eager to please, pressed on, "We'll get your dinner ready soon. For now, let me show you to your room. Please follow me." Meanwhile, Ayasu remained behind, diligently preparing the evening meal.

Leading the way with a mixture of excitement and nervousness, Suzu guided Kaito to his room, her footsteps echoing softly in the opulent hallway. As they approached the door, Suzu turned the handle and pushed it open, revealing a spacious and elegantly furnished room fit for a noble.

"This is your room," Suzu announced, her voice tinged with nervousness as she gestured towards the plush bed and lavish furnishings.

Stepping into the room, Kaito felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him as he surveyed his surroundings. The room exuded luxury and comfort, with its richly upholstered furniture and soft, inviting bed. The large window offered a view of the manicured gardens below, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, adding to the room's serene ambiance.

With a contented smile, Kaito nodded in approval. "This will do nicely," he remarked, his voice devoid of the usual edge of arrogance. For once, he allowed himself to relax and appreciate the finer things in life, acknowledging the efforts of his servants to make his stay comfortable.

Suzu and Ayaho breathed a collective sigh of relief, their anxiety melting away as they saw the satisfaction on Kaito's face. They had succeeded in their task of providing their master with a welcoming and comfortable environment, and for now, all was well in their world.

Suzu gestured towards a door set into one wall. "And here is your private bath, Master Kaito," she said, her tone respectful as she opened the door to reveal a luxurious bathing chamber beyond.

Kaito's eyes widened in amazement as he stepped into the room, taking in the sight of a marble-lined pool bathed in the soft glow of candlelight. The air was heavy with the scent of fragrant oils and perfumes, lending an air of decadence to the surroundings.

As Kaito stepped in the bathroom, feeling refreshed and invigorated, he caught sight of Suzu waiting outside. "I'll stay outside if you need anything, Master," she said, her voice tinged with deference.

Kaito cut her off abruptly, his tone harsh and dismissive. "No need," he stated curtly, before striding past her towards the mirror. Standing before his reflection, he scrutinized himself with a critical eye. His physique, honed through relentless training, towered at a formidable 6 feet. His jet-black hair framed a face that exuded confidence, with piercing crimson red eyes contrasting sharply with the darkness of his other eye. "Not enough," he muttered to himself, a hunger for power burning in his gaze.

Draping himself in the elegant kimono, Kaito emerged from his room to find Suzu waiting for him. "Welcome back, Master. How was it?" she inquired, her voice tinged with admiration.

Kaito's gaze swept over Suzu, taking in her flushed cheeks and furtive glances. He couldn't help but notice her reaction to his presence, a silent testament to his allure. With a barely concealed smirk, he replied, "Satisfactory." Suzu's blush deepened, her demeanor betraying her captivation as they descended together towards the awaiting dinner.

As Kaito stepped into his room, a surge of satisfaction washed over him. Stripping off his clothes, he stood before the mirror, his physique illuminated by the soft glow of the room's lighting. His muscles rippled beneath his skin, a testament to the countless hours of rigorous training he had endured. Black hair framed his chiseled features, and his eyes, one a piercing crimson red and the other a deep, enigmatic black, gleamed with a fierce intensity.

As he admired his reflection, he couldn't help but notice Suzu lingering in the doorway, her gaze lingering on his sculpted form. He could sense her desire, the subtle flush that colored her cheeks betraying her attraction to him. With a knowing smirk, he turned to face her, allowing her to drink in the sight of him.

Suzu's breath caught in her throat as she met Kaito's gaze, her heart fluttering with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. She found herself drawn to him, captivated by his commanding presence and magnetic allure. Unable to tear her eyes away, she lingered in the doorway, longing to be closer to him, to feel the heat of his body against hers.

"Suzu," Kaito's voice broke through her reverie, his tone laced with a hint of amusement. "Is there something you need?" he inquired, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

Flustered, Suzu quickly averted her gaze, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. "N-no, Master. I...I was just...um...waiting to escort you to dinner," she stammered, her words tumbling out in a rush.

Kaito chuckled softly, a smug grin playing at the corners of his lips. "Very well, then. Lead the way," he said, gesturing for her to precede him.

With a nod, Suzu turned and led the way down the hallway, her heart still racing from the unexpected encounter. She couldn't shake the image of Kaito's powerful form from her mind, his presence leaving an indelible impression on her senses. As they made their way to the dining area, she couldn't help but wonder what other surprises awaited her in the company of her enigmatic master.

Seated at the head of the table, Kaito surveyed the lavish spread of Japanese delicacies before him, each dish meticulously prepared to tantalize the senses. The aroma of simmering broths, sizzling meats, and freshly cooked rice filled the air, stirring his appetite and igniting a hunger that had lain dormant since his arrival.

"Why aren't you two eating?" Kaito's voice cut through the quietude of the room, his gaze fixing on Ayaho and Suzu with a mixture of curiosity and expectation.

Ayaho, her demeanor marked by deference and humility, met Kaito's gaze with a bow of her head. "We will eat after you, Master," she replied softly, her voice barely audible above the gentle hum of conversation.

Unsatisfied with her response, Kaito leaned forward, his eyes narrowing slightly as he regarded his servants. "Sit down and eat with me," he commanded, his tone brooking no argument.

With a shared glance of uncertainty, Ayaho and Suzu exchanged a silent communication before taking their seats at the table. As they began to partake of the food before them, Kaito observed the marked difference in the quality of their fare compared to his own. While his plate overflowed with delicacies fit for a king, theirs bore simpler, more modest offerings.

Unperturbed by the incongruity, Kaito made a mental note to address the matter later. With a sense of authority befitting his station, he declared, "From now on, we will eat together," his words ringing out with a commanding finality that brooked no dissent.

After finishing his meal, Kaito announced, "I'm going to my room," before bidding the maids farewell. Inside the sanctity of his room, he found solace in the grandeur of his surroundings, settling into the plush bed for a night of rest.

As the night unfolded, the presence of their new master, Kaito, loomed large over the household, his formidable aura leaving an indelible mark on Suzu and Ayaso. They understood that their lives were now inexorably intertwined with the whims and desires of their enigmatic master, and they braced themselves for the challenges that lay ahead.

Sukuna's laughter echoed within the confines of his domain, a sinister sound that reverberated with dark amusement. "Seems like everything is going well," he remarked, his voice dripping with malice and satisfaction.

Gazing upon the vessel that housed his power, Sukuna felt a surge of pride and dominance. "I can take over the body anytime I want," he mused, his crimson eyes gleaming with an otherworldly intensity. "I've reshaped the memories of the last host, implanting my own mindset into this vessel. Even if I were to seize control, it matters not. The essence of our being remains intertwined, our spirits fused as one."

With a wicked grin playing upon his lips.

U can say they are the same person but one having no power of sukuna

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