
Alone in the multiverse


thehybrid · TV
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4 Chs


*ugh..!?* sitting up on the bed with a grunt and putting my hands on my head because of the slight feeling of discomfort as information fills my head. looking around the medium-sized bedroom a door right in front of the bed a window to the right with a desk under it, and what looks like a closet on the left with a mirror. Not feeling the slight pain in my brain anymore I get up hurriedly and stand in front of the mirror and stare slack-jawed at what I see, *guess it's real...fuck* realizing that I got R.O.B'ed to another universe because last time I checked I wasn't this 6ft black haired blue eyed pretty boy with a body that puts sun Jing wu's to shame, slim with defined muscle and not a shred of fat, a dream come true for a previously overweight 4/10 like me, *well anyway I at least I got some very nice and very op powers and the world I was dropped in is relatively safe. too bad it's one that isn't very interesting to me but am pretty sure I can find a way to leave after a while but still... twilight really and right in the eye of the storm last year of high school in forks. Well, let's checks these powers and see if everything checks out.

'system' I think.

*And lo and behold the legendary system screen right in front of me let's see here. *

[ System






Options ]

*Ok, well first of as every Bonafide pc gamer knows you always start with the options* By clicking on it I see color options, and font options, I keep the font as is but change the color of the interface to dark mode *nice always use dark mode. * Next, I see an auto loot option that I turn on. Lower the volume of notifications I also notice a skill activation mode I change it to 'intent' that way I won't have to shout my skills like some dumbass and the last option I see is a music player that I immediately turn on it kind of looks like Spotify but instead of green it's white and it seems like it has every song I ever listened to and it automatically collects all the songs available in the world am in, that's very nice. happy with the changes I go back to the menu and finally check my status.

[ Status

Name: Aiden Black

Gender: male

Race: Human

Rank: E+ (peak human)

Body: E+

Energy: E+ ]

*Not bad for a start to be honest, from the information I got, rank is decided by the highest stat. also, I prefer these simple stats a lot more to some other systems I've seen in some fanfiction, they're both simple and will make me much more powerful. after all, having an E+ rank in body means that everything is E+ from strength to speed to durability and every other stat related to my body but that excludes luck unless I get some powers or items, I won't be able to change my luck stat hell I can't even see it it's unrelated to both the body and energy stats and honestly am okay with that I don't like relying on luck, I don't have a Gasha system after all, as for the energy stat it's any type I unlock along the way mana, chakra, aura and everything else I just need to buy the corresponding skills. But anyway, let's see the skills now. *

[ Skills:

[observe](active) level max:

Allows you to observe anything and everything nothing escapes this skill.

Note: skill can be used to see the rank of others.

[mind protection] (passive):

Protects your mind from everything, even itself if necessary.

-immunity to all forms of mental attacks and intrusions.

-immunity to all illusions.

-immunity to insanity.

-immunity to mind decay (mind is immortal)

-make your mind completely invisible to those who can see or sense it. (Can be turned on and off)

Note: with this skill, you can even look at eldritch gods and horrors and remain completely sane, you can look into the abyss and IT will look away.

[soul protection] (passive):

Protects your soul from everything, not even the most powerful of beings can see it without your permission let alone affect it.

-immunity to all soul damage

-immunity to instant death

-immunity to soul decay (your soul is immortal)

-make your soul completely invisible to those who can see or sense it. (Can be turned on and off)

Note: in case of complete obliteration of your physical body, will live on as an astral body until you acquire a new one or simply choose to live on in the astral plane

[perfect control] (passive)

You have perfect control of any type of energy that you have access to

-perfect control of all types of energies unlocked.

Note: must unlock the energy type first before being able to control it. ]

*Yep, those are some pretty op skills the only way to harm me is physically and even then, I won't die I'll simply become some kind of ghost until I figure out how to get a new body or get at least Deadpool level regeneration. Next is the inventory it's pretty standard but still very op infinite storage no living beings and time stops inside Noice, next lets finally check the main feature of this system the SHOP. *

Selecting the shop, I see I can sort the items just by thinking I also see that I have 10k S.P(shop points) as a starter gift *ok so again from the information I got this shop got everything in the multiple multiverses out there but there is so much it's simply showing me the stuff I know and if I want something I don't I can specify what am looking for then, scrolling past the stuff that I already know I can see the stuff I don't but I think for now I'll stick to the stuff am 100% sure about, can't be taking risks with my life now can we. * Noticing a help icon on the top right corner I select it and it shows me the information I already knew but what interests me is how to get points. * Basically, there are two ways of getting points the first is by killing, and every rank gives a certain amount of points. *


F (normal human level): 10SP

E: 100sp

D: 1000sp

C: 10,000sp

B: 25,000sp

A: 50,000sp

S: 100,000sp

SS: 1,000,000sp

SSS: 10,000,000sp

EX: 100,000,000sp ]

*The other way to get points is by doing the optional missions, so let's see what we got there. *

[ MISSIONS: (current world: Twilight)

-mission 1: kill Isabella swan before she meets the Cullens.

-reward: 1000sp

-mission 2: kill Isabella swan after she meets the Cullens.

-reward: 5000sp

Mission 3: kill all the members of the Olympic coven.

-reward: 100,000sp

Mission 4: kill the entire Quileute tribe.

-reward: 150,000sp

Mission 5: kill the entire Volturi coven.

-reward: 200,000sp.


*There were a couple of missions like these but all of them involve either killing something or someone, and all of them rewarded SP, but hey, works for me it's simple and straight to the point. there is no penalty and no forced missions, so it's perfect plus if I were to do them, I'll also be getting extra points for the killing itself so yea that's a lot of points. * Closing the mission tab, I go back to the shop to spend my points. *The op thing about this shop is that any skills I buy will be max level and will feel like I had them my entire life so that's good. now school starts next week and the entire plot happens In like 2 years some events would benefit me a lot if I don't screw up and derail the plot so I plan on just staying away from everything and just watching from afar, cause like I said I really couldn't give more of a f*ck about this world, it's just a place where I can get used to my new reality and body, and hopefully, by the time the two years end, I'll be able the leave this world to one I care about plus its just two years. Now I already have an idea of what I want just need to check the prices.*

Looking for the things I want I find that I have exactly the number of points I need, so I add them all to the cart before selecting purchase and seeing my point go to 0 SP.

[ Skills:

[observation Haki] (passive/active):

grants the user a sixth sense that allows them to sense the presence, strength, and emotions of others and gain limited precognitive abilities.

Price: 1000 SP

[armament Haki] (active):

Allows its user to augment their body, greatly increasing their power and resilience.

Price: 1000 SP

[conqueror Haki] (active):

Allows the user to exert their willpower over others and dominate it.

Price: 2000 SP

[Mera Mera no mi] (active/passive):

Allows the user to create, control, and transform into fire at will.

-fire intangibility

-fire creation

-fire control

-fire immunity

Price: 4000sp

+sea weakness removal 1000 SP

+sea stone weakness removal 1000 SP

Total: 10,000sp. ]

I immediately feel a rush of power and energy coursing through my body as information on how to use these skills as if I had them for years is imprinted on my mind and thanks to my other skills, I feel no pain nor discomfort this time. As the feelings subside, I know exactly how to use all of my new powers along with feeling new fiery energy that I can control perfectly, to test it I create a small ball of fire over my palm and just stare at it in wonder realizing once again that yes this is my new reality, that this isn't just some dream, and that I truly died in my sleep leaving my previous life behind. And as I come to terms with this fact, I also realize that I am alone now and have an entire multiverse to explore and an infinite amount of time to do it.