
Alodii: lost legends

Evil shall rise again and even greater, the world is torn apart, legends have fallen and heroes are no longer born. The world rely on three heroes of separate parts to help fight evil or evil will dominate once again. They will fight evil created for good, after the heroes and legends are now lost. the mages which have abandoned the people on earth, the elementalist dead and no one to protect the elemental lands. Three warriors from each of the clans.A mage, an elemental and a titan. from the zogans, elementals and the titan clan, the fate of the world depends on the three heroes from each of the clans. It is the beginning of the end, fight from the beginning to the end. An adventure and a fight

Mone_Styles · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Myth of the three dragons

The city was beautiful and flourished with huge buildings, flying animals and magical floating waters, Selina was still on the Fengi, soon Selina was having problem in landing the fengi.

she tried pushing and directing the fengi. The fengi headed down like it was about to crash, she screamed as the fengi went straight down to the floor, the flomen ran to where she was to crash and controlled the fengi to stopped, the fengi stopped suddenly and Selina flew out of the fengi falling to the floor.

Flomen ran and caught her before she landed on the ground, "are you okay" flomen said holding Selina, selina got up quickly from flomen's hands, flomen was expecting to hear a thank you from her.

"you should have allow me landed on my own, I like to learn things" selina said, as she walked out of flomen, flomen was surprised she was a different type of person. "you are welcome my princess" flomen said to himself.

Selina went to the city's council center, she know there would be waiting for her. While she went she was carried away by the beauty she wanted to see the city to the end, she went into the field still admiring the beauty of the city.

"it is not the princess of delemal? and the hypnosis realm," said Meekay the lord of the storm element. He was an old man but still had strength of young age. He had white hair and long white beard, he wore a blue robe.

One who didn't know him would know he was the storm lord "are you? Wait who are you?" selina asked for she was confused. She wasn't sure who it was. She walked closer to him and gave a bow when she noticed he was a very old man.

"there is no need to do that, you are more important than I am. In case you are confused of who I am. It's meekay the storm lord. I was the one who sent them to rescue you from the red city, I know what will happen if they get to the spirit in you."

"I should be tell you thank you, so can I get back to delemal." Said meekay. "no the gatekeepers of the hypnosis realm are still refusing to open the gates to the realm and the gates won't be open any time now.

You will be save here, there is a lot to know about this city, it has so many stories and histories." Said meekay. "My people have totally abandoned me, they might have created the reverse spirits, so if they get me, it won't affect the realm." Said selina.

"Oh we must go the council elders will be waiting, they will be delighted to see you and also you will have to change first, you need new clothes. We will find the one that suits you" said meekay.

Meekay directed selina as they walked heading to the council building. Far away from Vedeania, into the red city of the fire element. The prince and the his convoy arrived in the city with a fly creature named the hag, the prince was not ready to tell him the bad news. He know how his father would react to his failure.

The prince walked into the palace and was heading towards the king, this was the point where he would eliminate his fear. His father is a very powerful fire lord. "Where is the hypnosis princess, you said you capture and was a gift to me, I do not see it anywhere." Fire lord zukan said.

The prince knelt down before fire zukan on one knee while he spoke. "father we were attacked by a lightularis and other strange armies, we tried to stop him but it looked like he a sand hauler in their mist, we could see anything through the black dust, before it got cleared, they had already escaped, we tried our best in trying to stop them but they were too strong." Said the prince.

" I am not surprised, this not the first time that you are disappointing me. No need to worry I know were they went, and I have a spy there. He would bring me the information I need and we will attack the place,Vedeania.

"But father Vedeania is very secured how can we intrude." Said the prince. "Looks like you didn't here me when I said we have a spy there. I fear no zogan, no zogan calls the name red city without fear in their heart, they know what we are capable of."

Flomen, meekay's apprentice. He was tall handsome man he was about twenty two of age, he learns very fast and a very experience fighter. He started going on missions since he was fourteen after his sword choose him a year before, is story of his family is what he never told anyone.

He still keeps it secret and wishes to tell no one. Flomen sat on a rock looking at a waterfall, xextovia walked to him he was still around his age too, he was the dinner server and also a friend of flomen.

"so you guys survived, I told you that place would be heavily guarded, but I am happy that you came back alive." Said xextovia. "I could have been dead by now, if selina didn't save my life." Said flomen. "so now you are having feelings for her, I saw you when you were racing to where she was going to crash, you were so desperate.

It was like you didn't wanted her to get hurt." Said xextovia. "wait, i..i.." flomen stammered. "don't worry, I can help you and by the way kenny has already left for zanatar, he said he wanted to go home quick." Said xextovia.

"and he left without say good bye, that weird of him he always says good bye, I will meet the flight legion to be sure." Said kenny. "that's why he wanted me to tell you good bye instead, for him he was so in a hurry" said xextovia.

"when he gets back I will kick him hard, so what about the helping thing. Selina you know." Said flomen.

"okay good, here is the first thing you need to do." Said xextovia.

In the council house, there are many people who were gathered to see selina, thet were the city's specialist in structure and sages.

They all gathered around a table looking at the full outline of the structure of Vedeania drawn on the huge paper. "the red city won't stop till they get the princess, her presence hear will put Vedeania in danger. What must we do." Said one of the council elders.

"what we have to do now is to tighten the core and also put watch guard in the brick lands which is here." Said a man who seemed to be the head of the defence of Vedeania.

We will have to be ready, the red city will do anything to get the princess and it is our right to protect the princess like she's our own" said Meekay looking at selina and giving her a nod.

Selina went outside the council house after the meeting ended, she walked towards another building carved in many creatures, a woman stood at the entrance. Selina wanted to know what was inside the building while she approached the lady at the entrance.

"you must be the hypnosis princess, I am so delighted to see you. This is the dragon temple, where you can find the true story of the dragons and my name is sturii." Said sturii. "oh i will want to know about the dragons" said selina.

They both went into the building, it was covered with statues of dragons, there were also inscription on the walls. They were dragon stories. "There three dragons which the loy use to make this world, the earth dragon the smallest among the three of them but still bigger than any other beast and has the earth magic, its name was escon. While the second is the great dragon of the sea, the second largest dragon and beast on earth. It has powers of the water magic and the sea. While the very last is the great red dragon of fire. The largest beast in the world and the most feared.The dragon are the beast said to have the infinite source of chi."

Sturii narrated as she was pointing at the inscription which illustrated the story. "And only the elementalist and fire lord zukan was able to ride on two of the dragons. The elementalist on the water dragon and zukan on the red dragon, but the earth dragon was said to have gone missing and was never seen again, where it went?"selina asked.

"It was never seen in history. History never wrote about it, it was like it went lost. It only showed up once and that was during the mage war." Said sturii. "a mage I think I know a mage" selina said.