
allure to his darkness

He brought her nothing but his darkness. But then she brought him light. Brilliant light that blinded him into falling for her. Larissa had grown into a beautiful young woman who was admired by many men. Her aunt always pushing her into the ones of the highest ladder but she was never interested until she met him. Good looking he was, but then all his other qualities had a sharp contrast with what she had always dreamt of. A cold blooded murderer whose heart had been frozen upto the point where it could never melt but then she was the fire that slowly melted him. In a society where class mattered and with different races of humans, vampires and witches, she did not reach the expectations when it came to him but in the long process of having to see him every morning, she made a mistake that she should have never committed. She fell for him even though she knew it was a mistake. Was it worth to fall for a person who seemingly carried no emotions within him or was it wise for her to just step away....

Rityshah · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

it's all business

When she got into her room, her feet directed her towards the window and before she could draw the curtains, her eyes lingered there for a moment.

Today, the night felt different than others and even with her chaotic mind, she did not fail to notice how peaceful it looked.

In contrast to other days, the night had that special kind of blackness. The kind that only wanted to hold stars in it and help them shine all brighter. It was the kind that hugged her no matter what and with it's safety, she could feel her soul more clearly.

That innocent born spark from inside her started to glow and she started to question herself about a lot of things.

During her time with senior Hamilton, she felt as if he was family. At times, they had had a heart to heart conversation up to the point where the old man had talked to her about his dead wife and daughter and although she had heard that the night creatures carried no emotions, she noticed the pain and loneliness that was in his eyes. A void that no one would ever replace.

For a while, she started to comprehend whether all vampires were as vile as humans said to be.

Her thoughts were distracted when she heard soft footsteps and upon turning around, she saw her young cousin, Ella who held a paper, sticks and some strings.

"Riss, you promised that you would help me in making a kite. Can we do it now?

Not having a heart to refuse her cousins request, she offered a nod and that was all that was needed to have the girl smile.

Once she had drawn the curtains, she headed towards the bed and following her, Ella did the same.

"Riss, can you go with me the next time that you would be visiting aunt Minerva. I really miss her."

The girl asked and looking at Larissa for a moment, her focus moved back to the kite that was almost done.

"I will."

When they are done, Ella spent time with her cousin and it did not take her long before she fell asleep.

Under the candle light, the little girl's skin looked golden while her blonde hair looked much brighter.

That innocence carefree life was something that she herself missed, but that was gone now.

Tucking her under the blankets, Larissa moved to the other side of the bed and blowing off the candle, she also closed her eyes and embraced the darkness.


On the far side, in the town of lensat, the Hamilton family sat on the dining table. While senior Hamilton had taken the head seat, Raphael occupied the seat to his right and on the opposite side, lady Amanda was the one sitting on the left side of the old man.

His two cousins had taken their seats next to their mother making the rest of the seats empty.

"Where did you get that servant from?" Raphael asked while taking a sip from a glass that was filled with glass and just then, his cousin, Melissa chipped in,

"Yes grandfather. I don't think that she qualifies to be a caregiver.".

Saying that, Melissa turned to look at her cousin who did not bother to react at his words.

"She knows how to read. I am sure that when you get to know her, you will also like her."

With that, silence fell in the room and when they were almost done with dinner, lady Amanda finally broke the silence.

"The princess wedding is in two days time. Raphael, will you be going. The third princess seems to be taken by you."

"If I was to marry any woman who was taken by me, this house would be filled with women." Came his nonchalant statement and not wanting to indulge himself with unnecessary conversations, he got up from his seat and left.

"The arrogance of that boy is something that I will never get used to."

The woman murmured .

"Leave him be. Once he finds the right woman, he will surely marry."

When the dinner ended, all the Hamilton's left to which the servants stepped in to take away the used dishes.

When Raphael got into his room, he removed his coat and getting to his bed without removing his shoes, he stayed there for a while.

Today, he did not have a woman to spend a night with. Not because there were not any women willing to offer themselves to him, but because he was not in the mood to sugarcoat his words.

Lazily pushing himself to sit upright, he got up.and left to go to his grandfather's room. On knocking the door and getting response, he got in.

"Did the merchants bring the gold?"

"Yes grandfather. I will be going there tomorrow in the evening and also, the king also wants jewelry to be delivered to him. Will you do it or shall I do it?" Raphael asked.

"Let me do it, after all, you need a proper rest before you go to the shore."

When he was done talking to his grandfather, Raphael did not head to his room and instead, he stepped out of the mansion.