
allure to his darkness

He brought her nothing but his darkness. But then she brought him light. Brilliant light that blinded him into falling for her. Larissa had grown into a beautiful young woman who was admired by many men. Her aunt always pushing her into the ones of the highest ladder but she was never interested until she met him. Good looking he was, but then all his other qualities had a sharp contrast with what she had always dreamt of. A cold blooded murderer whose heart had been frozen upto the point where it could never melt but then she was the fire that slowly melted him. In a society where class mattered and with different races of humans, vampires and witches, she did not reach the expectations when it came to him but in the long process of having to see him every morning, she made a mistake that she should have never committed. She fell for him even though she knew it was a mistake. Was it worth to fall for a person who seemingly carried no emotions within him or was it wise for her to just step away....

Rityshah · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Money speaks louder than words

In the eerieness of silence that gave nothing but uncertainty, Larissa's eyes turned to her right. Through the small window of the carriage, she could barely see anything.

At first, she was in a dilemma on whether to take the job or not but upon seeing what vampires could do, she had made a decision never to go back. The thought of having a killer next to her was not comforting at all which was why she kept on looking at him.

With his eyes closed, Raphael looked harmless like a dove and under the moonlight, she had a proper look at him. With no doubt, he was handsome, actually, the most handsome man she had ever seen. Everything about him screamed of elegance and wealth, and she lacked both.

"Staring is good when the other person is aware of it, but when you do it with the thought that no one is noticing, it gets creepy." Hearing his words that had caught her off guard, she straightened her back and looked away.

"I was not staring at you." She quickly muttered and Raphael who had felt her gaze on her for the longest time smiled.


He asked to have her say,

"I was just wondering about how peaceful you look yet you have taken someone's life."

Raphael who had been leaning against the Carriage seat sat upright to which his movements caused him to reduce their distance. As a result, Larissa moved again and created another distance.

"If I told you that that witch had been killing children would you still consider him good?"

Raphael's question was casual and weighing his question for a moment, she asked back.

"What if he did not do that?"

"Girl, I do not go around killing people because if that would be so, I could have already killed you."

At his statement, Larissa's heartbeat spiked. She was sitting next to a killer vampire and now that she thought about it, what if he killed her.

"Relax, I am not going to kill you.._" he trailed and seeing how relieved she became, he added,

"Unless you decide to run away from the work that you yourself applied for."

"I thought that you were humans. I was not looking forward to work for the night creatures."

She quickly said defensively. If only she knew that she would be meeting the creatures of the night, she could have not gone in the first place.

During the rest of the journey, none of them spoke and knowing the danger that she was in, she just internally prayed to get home safe and lucky for her, after an hour had passed, she started to notice that she was near her home.

"Stop the carriage."

She loudly said to the coachman who did not say as told.

Raphael who had been enjoying his peace got annoyed by the young servant of his grandfather and without facing her, he said to the coachman.

"Stop the carriage."

At his order, the coachman did as told. As seconds passed by, she noticed that Raphael was not reaching out to open the door for her to which she said,

"I am already here. Could you open the door for me?"

"And you thought that I was doing that for free?" Raphael questioned back. Meeting his eyes, she noticed the mirth that was behind it and for a fleeting moment, the color of his eyes flickered from black to red.

Seeing that, her eyes widened her her heartbeat accelerated. So she was going to die?!

She internally questioned herself.

Seeing how frightened she looked, Raphael wanted to scare her more and he did.

Smiling, he revealed his two elongated canines that were ready to pierce someone's skin.

"You said you wouldn't kill me."

She said. The rush of adrenaline had caused her body to start shaking.

"That one I did. But did you think that I wasted my own time to bring you home for free?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Seeing that her plight was only accelerating, he added,

"Pay up."

Saying that, he outstretched his palm towards her and it took a moment before his words were registered in her frightened mind.

Rummaging through her small bag, she removed a silver coin. That was the only money that she had but if it would save her life, she would definitely give it to him.

When she placed the coin on his hand, he finally opened the door to which he stepped out to give her space.

Once she was out, she did not remember to offer her courtesy. Turning on her heel, she ran out of his presence.

"Humans can be interesting." Raphael said to himself and putting his arm in the pocket of his coat, he pulled out a cigarette and a lighter and upon lighting it, he took a puff. Slowly letting the smoke out of his mouth that mingled with the clear air, he continued to watch the girl who disappeared through the buildings and people.

Larissa did not look back until she had walked on a safe distance. Trying to catch air, she paused and when she turned around, she did not see any trace of the vampire.

When she got to her house, her aunt, uncle and cousin were at the table eating dinner. None of them looked worried about her which made her happy.

"Larissa, you should have told us that you would be visiting Madame minerva." Her uncle said to her and giving a nervous smile, she replied,

"I had no plans of going there uncle. My visit was a sudden one."

Receiving a nod from her uncle, she excused herself to go to the bedroom.